Chapter 9

I decided to listen and I got up I left the room and went to look for Kono maybe we could eat breakfast together. As I was looking for him I ran into a maid "excuse me ma'am I'm looking for Kono have you seen him?" She looked at me as if she was scared to talk to me and lowered her head " yes ma'am he went to the kitchen that way" I followed and there he was pouring himself some coffee. "Hutaya what are you doing down here you should be in bed!" I looked up at him and walked closer trying to be cute "well I was thinking maybe I could spend the day with you ?" " really ?" He was completely shocked and was looking at me as if I would jump and say just kidding " I mean if it would be okay?" " of course it's okay I was going to spend the day getting ready for tomorrow so it will be even better if you come with" oh yeah tomorrow is the wedding. I felt a nervousness in my stomachs but walked over and grabbed the coffee from him to drink. He smirked at me as we went to sit at the island and eat.

Kono POV

I was blown away. She wanted to spend the day with me ? First she didn't fight me when I took a bath with her given we were in out under garments, then she agreed to marry me and now she wants to spend time with me. Feeling like things would definitely start to look better. Maybe this might work. We sat eating and talking about the wedding we decided to do something informal on the mountain an hour before sunset with beautiful peony's and roses inside of the tribes ceremonial teepee. I planned with Bo and the rest of my team for Afterwards once we were wedded we would go down to the Forrest were the opening is and I would set up a beautiful spot under the stars to make love to my new bride to be , the Luna to our pack and my mate! I would give her my mark and if done right I would embed my seed in her with hope of a new pup coming to out pack. I might have to give her a special herbal tea so she doesn't fight me and we both can enjoy it.

Hutaya POV

We did everything and got the wedding all planned. But I had nothing to wear? "What's wrong my love ?" " oh what Umm nothing " "well something is bothering you" he studied me for a second then left it alone. We spent the whole day talking to people planning it had become a lot. I began to get tired and as we ate dinner I decided to go to our room and sleep it off. He decided to sleep somewhere else for traditional reasons. It felt weird to sleep alone for the first time in a while. I still can't believe I was agreeing to marry this man but if I don't obey the consequences are much greater and the pain was even worse.