Ch 10

I was unable to sleep all night tossing and turning. "Hey wolf are you there ?" "Yes I'm always here" she replied "I'm scared and nervous" " don't be the wedding will be simple and beautiful and afterward you will both mate and I will be released and it won't hurt anymore it will be better but also sweet girl you will bond with him and this bond will be even stronger than the blood your bonded with". " I'm scared to mate really" " do t worry just go with the flow and relax it might be uncomfortable at first but let him lead you" " do you think he's a virgin or no ?" "He's chief and alpha I'm pretty sure he isn't a virgin but if you are so curious why don't you ask?" "But how?" Then a knock on the door made me jump "Hutaya you awake?" It was Kono he probably couldn't sleep either. "Yes I can't sleep" "me either would you mind if I sat here we can talk through the door?" "It's your house I can't tell you what to do?" " well after tomorrow it will be ours unless you want something else ?" Else? He is crazy ! "No its perfect I have a silly question" "What is it?" "Will tomorrow be fill your first time you know ? Ummm. .. Mating?" He let out a laugh "No it won't be I'm sorry" " it's okay was worth a shot" " but it will be the first time I'm mating with someone I love" "how do you know you love me when you know nothing about me?" "Ive known since the moment our hands touched at the movies , and every time afterwards that I have touched you! I would show you but we can wait till tomorrow" his words made butterflies flutter in my stomach making me even more nervous for tomorrow night. " I know it's traditional to not be together but would you mind talking and cuddling with me till I fall asleep ?" " it's not traditional just what white people do and if you don't mind then I would love to the door opened so fast and he crawled into bed with me he wrapped his arms around my waist which made my stomach grow with eagerness. " what if I never get the same feelings?" "You will you already are" "Hmm are you sure we have to mate tomorrow ?" "Don't go getting cold feet on me it will be fine" "I'm just you know scared it's new for me!" " here then I'll make you less scared then" what was that supposed to mean and before I could say or do anything he was on top of me. My core started to burn and before I could protest he kissed me unsure of what to do I kissed him back ass our tongues began to explore each other's mouths he slowly pulled away. "Just relax my love" every-time he would call me that my heart would skip a beat. He pulled my shirt off and then my shirts leaving me in just my bra and underwear I started to feel embarrassed as he examined my body. He began to trail kissed down my jaw to my neck and farther down to my breast sending flares through my skin he continued to go farther and I got scared and wanted to tell him to stop but just as I was going to my wolf yelled at me "let him finish" he made it to my panty line and trailed the kisses down to my inner thigh just as he started to take my underwear off. I got a bit Squimish and my skin was boiling with lust. He went back to kissing the inner sides of my thighs. And it felt so good but then it hit me and his tongue began to go to work on the parts of my body that nobody ever went. My body began to heat up with pleasure and before I knew it I felt a thick warm puddle come out of me and I began to see stars unable to do anything or even form words he continued to lick up the sweet savory juices that came out of me. He then pulled away and gave me a kiss once again before standing up licking his lips " my sweet sweet love you taste better than honey itself but I want to save everything for tomorrow and I'm not sure I can control my wolf so I will see you toMorrow" he leaned in and kissed me once more before leaving me there alone pleasured and unable to move then best feeling that I've ever felt boiling over. All it did was make me more nervous for tomorrow but only because now I wanted to feel it again "See what happens when you listen to me" "oh shut it" I got up and went to take a shower as I looked in the mirror and all I wished for was to feel his hands and body all over mines again.