
The empty audience auditorium was vast, cold, and silent. An echo from spacious hollowed-out ancient remains of the ancestors' instruments has been played. It was a courting moment as Alexander Aolina walked across the translucent floor that has a view of the living beings in Planet Stighelt. He was not alone though, he was meeting his lovely, caring wife --Tatianella Aolina. Some moments then as they step on the floor, the walls shifted with their self-experimented flower that was forbidden to all the planetary rules. A flower that only the cycle knows why it should exist. 

There was no roof, the sky has been exposed. Showing the sea of constellations of stars with eighty-eight divisions of the celestial sphere.

But both sides of the Alexander and Tatianella's family did not agree with their marriage. They hugged each other while their face slithered with the overheard abyss. Though both knew that Planet Earth is the only hope to live a new life.

No one could bother them. Not this time. They were inside in transportation, heading towards Earth. None of their family knew what they have done. They both ran away from everything.

Tatianella thought with a smile as she is holding an unbloomed flower, sliding through her smooth cheeks from left to right.

Alexander did watch his wife, enjoying. They were young, in love and no one can stop the love that was growing stronger and stronger.

It might be small happiness for some beings but for both of them, it was a priceless memory.

However, the happiness they wanted to accomplish and the flower they built as a gift for their child ended when Tatianellas father searched for her by all means. Her father knew more about her than any of those male beings he sent out.

Unable to protect his beloved, Alexander put forward his greed, a sacrifice to take back Tatianella. A greed that was not supposed to begin. Greed is not allowed to be born in a peaceful way of how the beings from other planets are united.


It got ruined. The peace that has been kept for a thousand years was now replaced by greed. The beings believed that what Alexander did for his beloved was heroic. Nonetheless, a lot protested.

This was why the planetary councils have been created.

Alexander Aolina has been summoned out before the other planetary councils agreed to banish him and his entire Aolina family tree has been punished with death. It was an unfair decision. A shiver mingled down into Tatianellas spine and even her anticipation of seeing Alexander again fled down. There was no safe way to escape again.

Yet, it did change.

Tatianella found out that she was pregnant with Alexanders' child. She pleaded with her father to just let Alexander come to their mansion so he can touch his child when she gave birth to it.

Tatianellas' father agreed not because he accepted Alexander but because it was his daughter's request. And since Tatianella followed his order to marry her off with another man, he let it be.

Alexander was busy mentally solving, figuring a way to disappear the greed inside of him. It was making him crazy until a letter arrives at his old, wrecked spaceship that was located near the black hole.

The contents of the letter;

Dear Mr. Alexander,

You have been formally invited to the birth of Tatianellas daughter. Your presence is needed. While visiting the mansion please be aware of your action. After Tatianella will give birth you will be assisted back for your departure.

Thank you.

Yours truly,

Higher up, Mr. Ansel Rydlrion.

Alexander gradually crumpled the letter and throw it away. After nine long months without Tatianella on his side, his father decides to invite him to see the birth of someone else's child!

A long drive with his wrecked spaceship managed to land back on the Arkedss ground. Alexander was supposed to be the ruler of Planet Stighelt but he threw it away by falling in love with Tatianella, daughter of the higher-up protector of the Arkedss Planet.

And with this love, with those months that Alexander missed. The two peaceful planets became rivals, planning to dominate the other planets. It was caused by greed.

Alexander who knew nothing about the chaos between the two Planets, confidently hid his shame as he hand over the invitation to the front door staff in Tatianellas mansion.

He was not being welcomed by anyone. He stayed at the abandoned area for two nights, until it was time for Tatianella to give birth.

He was there, outside the room standing. He heard Tatianellas painful screams. Until the door opened and an old female being asked him to go inside. He was not prepared as to why Tatianella wanted him to see another man's child.

Did she want to take revenge for leaving her?

He glanced at the bed and nodded at the female being before he proceeded.

The child has been covered with the cloth that they originally made with their own flower stitched, he got a stream of tears flooding in his eyes. It is not too late for him to ask Tatianella a question, "Is that child mine?"

With no hesitation, Tatianella happily nodded and smiled at him, "Yes..yes it is our daughter," she cried in happiness. A happiness that she longed for.

Alexander rushed to hug his beloved wife, the hug that never change from the time they missed each other. The bread of their love was now their daughter's hope. In the future, she will be the one to suffer. The one to save the beings that has greed. The cycle will possibly give her the consequence that she would not expect.

And it was all because of this greed.

Alexander and Tatianellas love.

"What should we name her?" Tatianella asked and Alexander replied quickly.

"Let's name her Ciana Aolina. Let her bring my name. I will protect her."

Just when they were about to kiss each other's lips, a frightening scream got their attention.

"The lower floor is on fire!"

"Fire! Fire!"

Then a loud bang opened the room's door wide, greeting Tatianellas husband that her father wanted her to marry.

"Two planetary Traitors should die in my hands! Disgusting beings like you both should be executed!"

Tatianella in pain with frustration stood up while Alexander covered her, "You must run, now!" Then he pushed himself towards Tatianellas husband. Tatianella hesitated to run but for her daughter, she sacrificed her pained body.

With her energy being used up after giving birth and the smoke getting into her lungs, it was difficult for her to breathe properly. Fortunately, one of her legal adoptive daughters came to her aid and grab their baby sister.

"Protect your sister! Do not let her die!"

"Yes, mother!"

They were two of her daughters trying so hard to bring Ciana Aolina out of the mansion but they failed.

The fire was spreading quickly in the mansion, the newborn child was crying. Left behind in a cart filled with earthly potatoes and roots.

Then a young grown-up that was the cause of wiping out both the Aolina and Rydlrion felt guilty, the being was the one who made them fall in love, of course, it was due to greed. They both know the planet's rules but they ignored them. And the one who picked Ciana was a half Night. A Night was born because of the obsessive effects of greed.

"Ciana Aolina, I will take care of you."