▫Twenty Two Years Later ▫

Planet Arkedss, Eakra Clans Territory

Twenty two years later

The sun was settling at the earth. And the Wintarmanoths (Winter Months) air in Arkedss planet was getting chilly. The wind blew gently and the smell of the dry, dead leaves scattered out. The substitute lights were slowly being turned on as the street lamps slowly came on. A glossy, high-class whale flipper wheel car was coming from the entrance gate direction of the Eakra Clans territory.

As the car move further the street were starting to become less and less clear, only the car lights were able to light up the way. Her eyes were closed but she was awake, the whole travel made her feel tired, she did not dare look at the view from outside the window of the car. Stillness filled in the road.

"We have arrived at the destination of your tasks." The handler that was assigned for her notified her.

She slowly opened her eyes, lazily. She glanced at the handler before she looked down at the automobiles floor, waiting.

The handler (driver) knew what he had to do next, He clicked one of the buttons that was already there on the door panel. Then approximately five seconds , the door on his left side slowly folds it self, starting from the top-left corner of the sunroof, ending it with a final fold at the sills of the car. After the car door reached its last fold, it beeps four times. The four beeps implies that the living being inside is safe to step out from their car.

As the handler stepped out from the car, he walked, heading towards the woman who was waiting for him to open the door for her. However, before he could open the door, he must press a secret button that was located in the middle of the car window, it only reads the assigned handlers' fingerprints.

The handlers door was different, it has no window, which was easily folded down. Meanwhile, the backseat doors must go through a process of Window-separation-flipper. With additional information, it only beeps one time since the cars' system will prolong the sound for ten seconds. After the sound disappears, then the being is safe to go out from their car.

The handler prepared itself to bow down at the woman as he reach out his left hand with a free palm to assist her as she stepped out from the car.

She looked at the handlers' palm. Instead of placing one of her hand on its palm, she ignored the polite gesture. "You may go now." She said using a plain, low tone.

The handler close its free palm, then he stood straight. He looked at her, as she looked at him. "I have no questions related to this place." She said, and the handler nodded once.

He then turned his back around, then he walk towards the car door of where she was sitting.

First, the handler closed the nearest door that was open. Second, he head towards his open door. Before he get inside, he looked at the woman one last time.

As she took her first step from the entrance of the Eakras clan building that has a well-maintained stair ground, it made a double clicking sound. Not sharp nor intense. Its sound was hollow, as her stiletto hits the floor.

However, when she was about to take the second step from the stairs, she then realized after she studied the car before that it was paid by one of the elders. And adjusted by whom?

At the same moment , the sound of the prior car just left the area. She looked back at it, as it fades away in the dark shadows.

The different effects from those two types of door panels, was it just exclusively built for her? She left a chuckle, as if she would want to recall the details of that car, in addition there was so much going on with the process of that car.

Plus why would they give her a personal treatment? She was clever enough to act like she was dozing off on the whole trip. 

"State your business." A man wearing an adequate suit inquired. She could tell that it was an entrance greeter.

"I am Miss Ciana Aolina, a representative from the Warzone Headquarters." She passed down a black-gold card with her signature on it together with her name and started staring at the greeter that was assigned to be at the door. She tried to come off imposing but being given a chance to let the greeter be terrorized was risky. It had taken her a whole month of the calendar to learn when to apply her act, and now that she could finally apply it, she hesitated over what she would cause in motion.

She had been travelling alone just to get to this party, in a hurry. She had worn a red dress that has been specially tailored by a famous Arkedss designer. It allows her to quickly convert the dress into a combat suit in case of an emergency since her purpose of coming in the Eakras Territory was to get an important item for their Clan. That was her task.

"Welcome. We apologize for the delay in reading your details Miss Aolina. Please , enjoy the event."

She gestured a hand at the greeter as a sign of 'Thank you' before heading a distance away from the entrance.

As she place her palm on the wooden spiral staircase railings , a four sentries followed her.

Sentries are part of a clans bulky , armored soldiers. They are used for cold wars coming from different or rival clans. They can also be assigned in guiding a valuable being just like what Ciana Aolina was experiencing right at of this moment as she goes up stairs to where the occasion was.

While she keeps on walking , the sentries were keeping an eye of her movements as if she will do something rude or plan things that would affect them too.

And then a male being approached them from another entrance on the upper hall and gazed at the sentries before it looks at her. She could not see the male subsisting clearly. He was tall like a vast, slim-long tree.

"You may enter," He said while Ciana was about to make a try on peeking upwards, however, the sentries pushed her inside the room.

"Stay here with us for a while. They will call your name." One of the sentries told her then the door of the room gradually closes. The male being from before smiled sheepishly at her as his face vanished from outside while the door was finally close.