We will help each other

"It took me long enough to get to you." Blade apologizes as Ciana ride on his hover. 'Well, holder seems this is why you did not agree at first.' The avifauna said, not knowing how can she stop it from randomly talking inside her head. She just let it slip off for now since it's the first minutes she is with her avifauna.

"Hold on to me tight." Blade suggested, Ciana listened so she holds onto him as they go up. Finally, she got out of that lair.

Today they cleared a lot of nights and the next day they will go clear more. Making them think that they are one of the Night Hunters: another job but these people do not have any crews or headquarters to rely on. They earn for themselves.

Ciana also remembered that she told Eino that there's a next task but tomorrow. She just forgot about it and wanted him out of the way in the lair. The least she could do was save his arse from the nights.