Keep it alive

The minute Blade parked his hover, Ciana jumped off to the ground. "Ciana!" Blade yelled out her name, worriedly. But she can not just wait for another second to be on the ground, besides she have powers. So it would not do any big damage on her.

"I have to go!" She instantly left. There was something about Ciana that change. A change that Blade can not seem to figure out what is.

"Ciana!" Blade yelled out her name again from afar.

She head towards the east side where the room of Ibra is located.

There are Ibra from the first floor until the fifth floor, Ciana can pick on which floor she likes. 'Holder, are you sure you can find what you are looking for?'

Ciana is facing a great door, that is broad. Many people can enter at once. While the creature keeps saying words and asking questions.

"Shouldn't you be a positive companion? Not the repelled one?" Ciana told her avifauna and just making sure she knows her place.