After that Sim Kuring returns to the gate exit. Singgih is still there standing dumbfounded Finally.
"I admit that Jang Ujang is good!" While patting the stomach of the Kuring Sim.
Furthermore, Sim Kuring felt the urge to conquer the black stallion, the seclusion girl, from then on. Before the weekly night apple, Sim Kuring always took the time to visit the Black Stallion. Until Saturday night. Then something unexpected happened.
That week night, after Sim Kuring stopped by the Black Stallion, Sim Kuring was drinking a cup of clear water, from outside there was the voice of Assalamu'alaikum, Sim Kuring came out, Sim Kuring was shocked, it turned out that Dedi, the young man who Sim Kuring knew, was even more surprising again the Black Stallion with him. Apparently he is Dedi's younger brother, it is fitting that his skin is both black.
Dedi asked for Yeti, Sim Kuring answered that Yeti was inside. I don't know because there is a Kuring Sim or something, Dedi immediately said goodbye. The incident took Sim Kuring's courage to visit the Black Stallion. Maybe this is what is called not connected has been broken.
You monkey failed to get one, clingak-clinguk, so finally got it, a solo daughter from Sampuran B named Atit wibawati. Putri Solo is tall and small, close to skinny, has smooth white skin, and curly hair, what attracts Sim Kuring is her tall, small stature that is close to skinny, similar to the world's top model of Twiggy.
I just want to start action constrained by culture. He is really Javanese while Sim Kuring Asgar. Finally Ka idean, Sim Kuring approached a cute black girl three houses from his house, named Iyam. After the time came, Sim Kuring visited Iyam's house. But he did not want to see me. Half surprised and half disbelieving, Sim Kuring called him ""Iyam to here I have no need He approached" Sim Kuring, but before Sim Kuring spoke he had preceded, "principal and iyam did not want to Kang Ujang, Kang Ujang Play boy first to Nyai, to two to Ikah now to Iyam."Sim Kuring was really shocked, so he thought Sim Kuring was cheating on him. Then where is the Play boy formula from, what is surprising is that he knows the three friends of Kuring Sim Koran.
"How did Iyam light eta, Ikah, Nyai jeung Yeti?" "Main aya we!" Sim Kuring remembers maybe this is from Aji hideung. She has a crush on Iyam. Maybe that, So he's jealous Sim Kuring visited Iyam. Most of that.
About Ikah, indeed every time he meets Sim Kuring, he always stares at the full Sim Kuring with a shy smile, his face always beams. That's because Dadang, anah's sister's boyfriend, once said greetings to Ikah, "Ikah tea, aya ti Kang Ujang." I don't understands what Dadang means. But that can't be said as dating. About Si Nyi I was canceled it. As for the yeti, that is correct. Finally Sim Kuring did not push any further.
Now how to do PDKT to Puteri Solo. The problem is that Sim Kuring is not ready to step back. In addition, the verse of Revolution enters Sim Kuring's soul, namely: "Never Retreat, ever on ward, Forward, never back down. There it is!
That night the writer wrote a poem which was shown for Putri Solo. Starting from the first sentence to the last, only the first letter, from top to bottom, will read ATIT WIBAWATI.
I only remembers one sentence, namely: "Tell me a little but immortal (Tj is C) Sim Kuring handed the poem to his younger brother, Tita.
The moment he had been waiting for arrived Sim Kuring wanted to know the reaction he had received the poem. Sim Kuring visited his house, he happened to be there. He accepts the Curing Sim and starts chatting. This makes SIm Kuring's heart relieved.
Only one writer amazes, the romance is so-so. There was no sign that he had accepted Sim Kuring's poetry, no reaction. In the middle of the chat, Tita appeared, and said "Kang Ujang's poetry was shredded by Mba Atit" "Tita!" Atit snapped.
That's enough. Already, my heart feels torn. It didn't take long for the Kuring Sim to leave.
Long time no see until approximately 6 months later, at the official event Tarka Rw 04 meeting as usual Sim Kuring came on time. As time went by, one by one came. Finally he came with Iyam. She looked so beautiful she glanced at Sim Kuing. The heart of Sm Curing is degrading.
She whispers to Iyam, but the voice is clear. "There are school children, there are school children" I was confused, what it meant, and to whom. All of them are school children. Reducing confusion, I asked the next door "Eta Atit said school children what do you main, when who?"
"Kang Ujang invites you to be one and wear school clothesuniform, he replied."
Suddenly when he could see his own face, his face felt red, then pale. Wearing a school uniform at a formal ceremony is not uncommon with others.
Not without reason, because school uniforms are the only good clothes. The other trousers that Sim Kuring had were my father's old trousers that were shrunken and his knees were pricked because they were torn.
In addition, I is grateful for the event, because it is not impossible that the invitation will use a school uniform.
That was the last meeting with the Princess solo.