First Love

now how to do PDKT to Puteri Solo. The problem is that Sim Kuring is not ready to step back. In addition, the verse of Revolution enters Sim Kuring's soul, namely: "Never Retreat, ever on ward, Forward, never back down. There it is!

That night the writer wrote a poem which was shown for Putri Solo. Starting from the first sentence to the last, only the first letter, from top to bottom, will read ATIT WIBAWATI.

Sim Kuring only remembers one sentence, namely: "Tell me a little but immortal (Tj is C) Sim Kuring handed the poem to his younger brother, Tita.

The moment he had been waiting for arrived Sim Kuring wanted to know the reaction he had received the poem. Sim Kuring visited his house, he happened to be there. He accepts the Curing Sim and starts chatting. This makes SIm Kuring's heart relieved.

Only one writer amazes, the romance is so-so. There was no sign that he had accepted Sim Kuring's poetry, no reaction. In the middle of the chat, Tita appeared, and said "Kang Ujang's poetry was shredded by Mba Atit" "Tita!" Atit snapped.

That's enough. Already, my heart feels torn. It didn't take long for the Kuring Sim to leave.

It was a long time before we met until approximately 6 months later, at the official event of the Tarka Rw 04 meeting, as usual, Sim Kuring came on time. As time went by, one by one came. Finally he came with Iyam. She looked so beautiful she glanced at Sim Kuing. The heart of Sm Curing is degrading.

She whispers to Iyam, but the voice is clear. "There are school children, there are school children" Sim Kuring was confused, what it meant, and to whom. All of them are school children. Reducing confusion, Sim Kuring asked the next door "Eta Atit nyarios school children naon mean, jeung kasaha?" "Kang Ujang anu hiji-hiji na ngangge Sakola uniform, he replied."

Suddenly, when you can see your own face, your face will feel red, then turn pale. Wearing school uniforms in the official ceremony of teu ilahar jeung batur.

Not without reason, because school uniforms are the only good clothes. Another pair of trousers that Sim Kuring has is his father's old trousers that are turned down and his knees are pulled down because they are torn.

Besides, the authors are grateful for the incident, because it is not impossible that the invitees will wear school uniforms.

N Si, that was the last meeting with Puteri solo.

One day Anes is looking for Sim Kuring, whose full name is Cornelis. He was feared for his bravery, even though he was the same stature as Sim Kuring 12-12. There is something that makes them afraid, namely when other people hunt chickens he hunts RW (wild dogs), and lir cats for roasting. If RW is still divine, many Batak people like it. This is a cat. How delicious cat roasts taste sour, refreshing.

Meanwhile his skull was made into a necklace. So that was what scared everyone. Likewise Sim Kuring, even though he has been looking for the possibility of making mistakes. But, impossible.

After meeting, without shaking hands, he said: "Jang, Anes is wrong, Ujang. Anes ngaheureuyan a sakola slave, ari pek the ngakuna ka bogoh Ujang "

It must be SI Mata belo. "Oh, that's it Nes! It must be Eta's slave to the Yeti. I really did. Geus tilu years of relationship "" Enya Sakali deui Anes menta hampura. Moal Sakali- times deui. "

"In hampura Nes!" Kuring feels proud, two men are not just kksir, one from a rich family, and one Anes Jeger genk perlon (Most delicious is Nonok), where Karees' children join them. So the influence of alcohol and drugs is the influence of the Perlon gang. And Anes is the main supplier and distributor.

Three years have passed. Sim Kuring's weekly night Apple is accompanied by her father who is busy working, preparing the next day's stitches. We only met when serving a cup of clear water. Then talk to yourself. Meet again at nine in the evening goodbye time. So there is a desire to walk together.

At that time, Sim Kuring, class 2, Faculty of Economics, Unpad, Manehna, class 2 of SMP PGRI. One day Sim Kuring invited him to watch a movie for the coming Saturday night. Watching was Sim Curing's first hobby. Babah ngamuk (Silat / Kungfu) film fanatic. After being replaced by western films, hard films, war films less liked. The most popular are mafia films. At that time it was a western film.

He agreed. The time came, Sim Kuring came to his house, it turned out that he was sleeping. Sim Kuring was disappointed. Because one of the lectures is to wake a sleeping person. On the other hand, if someone else comes, wake it up, in case it has a significant degree of clarity.

So when this issue was raised in front of the family, the youngest Fauzan commented, "Wow, it's dangerous, sir. Kuhama seagrass Imah kahuruan, while my family is sleeping, "said the youngest. While his brother just grinned.

"Yes, I don't care, Zan, you must be ngahudangkeun sarere. "Etalah Sim Kuring's way of explaining the prayers of those who believe that come. "Very good, Aji miaga, sir. Aji ayeuna hoyong naon "" Don't do that jan, just pray "said his pious brother.

Finally I came home with a deep heart, Shadow Indah was a mess. A few days later there was information from his brother, that he was actually awake. But the information was too late, unable to get rid of the disappointment.

An important moment arrived, namely the birthday of Tarka RW 04.