A very important moment arrives, namely the birthday of Tarka RW 04. At that time the summit will be conducted by a band coordinated by the musician's family, parera family, Christian family.
At that time Sim Kuring already knew a girl named Ike, champion Pop Singer West Java, kiara condong guava stall people, who introduced my friend named Kang Ibom, his full name is Bambie Terawan Suhendi Situmorang (Batak-Sunda), street people Gumuruh Gatot Subroto.
At that time Sim Kuring served as Chairman II, Chairman I Kang Djodjoh and chairman was generally Pak Rachman, who became the Teacher of our organization both. He was called by Mr. Guru because he was an elementary school teacher.
Sim Kuring contacted Ike, to perform at the summit, but there are obstacles Sim Kuring will invite Yeti to attend the event. Ike agreed.
The afternoon before the event there was information, a female singer in the control of a man, hammered by members of Elzus, (Elembas Sukarisi, regional name), a large gang under Perlon.
The singer refused and then was struck by a rickshaw chain until he collapsed. Ba'da magrib, Sim Kuring takes Klewang's legacy of the era of gangs.
Called one, because there is another one, which is exchanged as souvenirs with Dedi Ileung, gang Perlon 2 (forget again, what Ciroyom or (Satasiun bandung) in Jaya giri lembang.
I leaves alone but someone knows it, gives each other information, finally the former gang member Anker (Anak Karees) is complete, plus the next generation who like to follow along.
In the middle of the road We met with the head of sweeping road safety, Mr. Aan, a retired Kaavileri, who was feared for his fierceness. But when he met with us, complete with each other's rations, he didn't react.
From a distance a man alone, tall, large, black, turned out in Frans, the cross man, Chairman Elzus. Seeing us invading his domain he was silent not reacting, We ignored him, continued the search, but the atmosphere was quiet.
Finally we got the information they were gathering at a house was gambling. Sure enough, we beat them all out. They managed to escape, reportedly they fled to the Kosambi rickshaw alley.
After they escaped. I pictured them being conquered. There's no need to be urged anymore. Like a tiger that has been pushed, in the urge again will return to fight.
It occurred to me that I gathered the men to gather their weapons, and told them to go home.
The weaponry collected in the dekap by yakob who was still in elementary school, and brought home.
At the same time, I was arrested by a gunman and wearing a helmet. Apparently it was the riot squad that was on Mr. Aan's phone. So was Kang Djodjoh's arrest.
"Shut up you've caught my father," said One to Sim Kuring.
"Sorry sir, I'm a student, I want to ka Kosambi" "Where's the proof?"
I went out on a student card, and so did Kang Djodjoh. At the same time, other police reported, no one was found.
"Wonder! At least anu in attack aya. maybe this is the wrong mah that was attacked It's go to the hell been a case of ongoing." Said the police
One day the Perlon gang controlled their territory, the choice fell to the Balatax gang.
At that time Ujang had a business that could not be left behind. The Karees Gang, the leader of which was attacked by Perlon Gang leader Benny Burs.
After them, after the business is done. Ujang was worried, afraid something would go wrong.
Finally Ujang caught up with them right at the entrance of the Balarax Territory, Ujang heard the conversation of the Perlon gang's children.
An idea arose for a moment Ujang took a stone the size of an adult's fist. Parallel to the bamboo fence of a garden, Ujang threw the stone with all his might. There was a loud crash.
They all run away. It turns out that this is the only Perlon Gang that everyone is afraid of. Ujang felt very disappointed and stuck. Truly no learning for beginners goes to waste. They fled towards Gumuruh Street towards binong jati.
Ujang walked to Jalan Gatot subroto and walked slowly. Tailing members of the Perlon Gang. after approaching Ujang again threw the same stone at them. "Bang!"
The stone fell right in front of them. They looked and screamed for the person who threw the stone.
Ujang showed himself, "That! That!" said Beny Burs while pointing at Ujang. Besides strangers. Apparently he was escorted by Jeger Binong Jati.
Ujang stepped across Gatot Subroto's street. He stood before the members of the Perlon Gang.
Ujang crossed the road to meet them.
"Hey Kang Ujang!" said Beny brush shocked.
The writer was silent, turned around, went home. We went back to our respective homes without saying a word.
The Verse "We must not act in an emotional state"
The next day at 09.00 am Ujang collected the brands, lined up one elbow long with only Ujang's hand apart.
One by one they got hot hits. Tempelengan left and right, including wonder. Understandably still very disappointed and annoyed. But learning must go on.
After that, the Karees Gang went crazy, especially Lili Dhowah.
He hit someone who was on a date on a Sunday night with a knife. He was beaten to a pulp.
In the end, he was arrested by the security of the teak vinegar. Which incidentally is an active cavalry member. At that time everyone was very afraid, not the weakest.
Ujang was worried, Ujang knew that one character, cannot be caught. Cannot be defeated by others, no one is arrested for practicing the same verse as Ujang.
Sure enough, he was tensed with security because he was told to push up 10 times in front of the people who were watching him.
Ujang patted his back. Then Ujang put his hands on the side of the road and did 10 push-ups. He followed Ujang Push ups 10 times.
Problem solved
Come down another Verse
"Defeat for victory.