The king of Hell Yama Morningstar

"Broken child of man your sorrow is beautiful allow me to give you a new purpose".

With those words, the world before me became dark as lady death embrace me with her all.

"GULP HA were am I wasn't I supposed to be dead". I look around to find nothing but darkness but I wasn't floating or anything no I was sinking in this never-ending black water. Which I call the black sea I don't know how much time had passed but the longer I sink the more I feel a power deep within me surfacing, inside this sea I hear the voice of many people.

I hear their regrets.

I heard and seen their dreams and how it was shattered.

I hear the screams and agony they suffered.

I heard all their sadness.

I felt all their sorrow.

I felt their pain and suffering.

I felt their agonizing despair.

Every single one of their sorrow I felt I heard I seen I live and I taste their sorrow every one of them.

More time past and I'm still sinking I have heard and felt the sorrow of millions and trillions of different races I heard the voices of a dragon who died lonely, An elf who lost his wife, a slime who long for friendship, a squirrel who got run over the voices in my heads were vivid it felt like I have lived through all of them it felt as if I have lived through all their sorrow.

I couldn't really tell what was happening before me all I know that this sea posses the sorrow of countless people the more voices I hear the more I feel like I am been crushed. Then it happens a power like no other started to form within me I don't know why but I taught I had long given up on life but all this sorrow I am feeling all the regrets I harbor all these feeling I am seeing, feeling, and living all these feeling I want to turn it into power.

I want great power that overthrown all.

I want power that crushes all other power.

I want power that burns a path for me.

I want power that freezes and stop all my enemy.

I want power that will never stop growing.

I want the power to make them regret it.

I want the power to make them suffer.

I want the power to make them despair

I want the power to make them feel sorrow.

But overall I want power that grants me the greatest form of freedom.

And as if the universe heard my cries and plead for the first time I was bombarded by a series of black energy the first wave came in the form of a black flame as It burns my body to nothing as it turns it into ashes I was surprised that I was able to burn underneath the water. Even though my body was burnt to nothing my soul remains then the second wave came this time the black energy came in the form of hundreds of ravens as they all came crashing into my soul which was like a black hole as I ate them but the crows didn't stop more just came when we reach the fifth waves of crow I had long lost count all I know these crows were my power the power I long for the power of my regrets the power that crushes all other enemies within it grasp then it stops.

After the assault of Ravens went flying into my soul the world seems to come to a stop as all the voice that I was hearing also came to a stop but then I heard it a voice so powerful it had enough power to destroy the world with its voice alone as it said: "it looks like he succeeds". When I look up I saw a giant hand so big calling it a planet would be a valid statement as it reaches toward me and grabs my soul from the black sea and pulls me to the surface. When I look I saw red clouds and a giant sea so black that night back on Earth look like a bad joke and then that's when I saw it.

The giant titan opens its hand that had mountain size red nails it looks at me as if observing something in my soul with its crimson eyes and then that when I saw him. It was a giant fricking red dragon with a humanoid form it looks at me even deeper I don't know why but I wasn't scared in the slightest in a madder of fact I found this amusing and entertaining first I am given all this power and even I don't know what it is then a giant fucking lizard came out of nowhere how can I not find this amusing so I tried to talk to the giant as I said.

"And who might you be judging from your size I can only guess that your a God if so please just put me back I would rather seize to exists than to be in the hands of you worthless Gods". I said all this in a rather depressing tone I don't know why but talking like this just feels natural to me as if it the most comfortable way of talking. The figure then looks at me with a huge amount of bloodlust but I didn't falter I just stare back with my non-existing eyes since I was soul after all the figure then stop and smile as he then laughs.

"Hahahaha this is just too good the result is far better than I expected it to be heheheh yes this is a joyous day indeed. The red giant said this in a loud voice as I replied in the most depressing tone possible.

"Awwww your loud and so noisy".

"Please shut the fuck up you're an annoyance".

"Destroy me or put me back you're wasting my time".

The figure looks at me as if he finds this entire situation as amusing and rewarding as he said.

"In all my long life never has anyone talk to me like that are you sure your sorrow you behave like pride but with an extremely depressive aura surrounding you then and again that girl has a sharp tongue".

"First of all I have no idea what you're talking about second of all please explain to me what are you if your God then fuck off your wasting my time all that beautiful sorrow that is down there is waiting for me throw me back in if you're just here to make small talk".

"Yap you're without a doubt sorrow all right when I save your soul 10,000 years ago you had the qualification along with 5000 others to become the sin of sorrow since your the only one alive out all of them your official sorrow without a doubt since your soul survive the madness of the sea of sorrow and for your information don't lump me with those weak ass Gods".

Chris was a little surprised he knew he was in that sea for a very long time but didn't know how long it was he is also confused about everything around him and then and as if the figure before him knew what he was thinking he then said.

"Greeting sorrow my name is Yama Morningstar the king of hell and the strongest demon in all existence".

Chris was surprised by the fact that this giant lizard before him was king Yama of hell back on earth he was a popular character in most manga and manhwa but he could care less about the fact that he was king Yama and at this moment he wanted nothing but answers so he asks.

"First of all, I greet King Yama of Hell, and secondly I still want an answer what do mean my soul was the only one that survives the sea of sorrow and why do you refer to me as sorrow".

King Yama look at the black soul that reminded him of a never-ending abyss spiraling around like a black hole he then laughs again as he said.

"That simple my youngest son I refer to you as Sorrow because you became the sin of Sorrow since in your previous life your sorrow was so great you call out to me even though the seat of sorrow was vacant you still need to be proven worthy of becoming sorrow as you along with 5000 other individuals all had a sorrow that impresses me but yours was the most beautiful so I had high expectation of you so to awaken the law of sorrow within you I place you along with the other candidates within the sea of sorrow and who lasted the longest before the sea devours the souls of those who are not worthy along with the trillions of souls it consumed over the years was all turn into power to awaken your law, after all, you did hear the voices did you".

Chris was shocked by the news he heard but he didn't understand something and he wanted to point it out.

"Although all of this is shocking why the hell is it that you're calling me your youngest son last time I remember I came out of a human vagina and not a lizard one".

"Hahahaha you remind me too much of my oldest daughter pride your mouth is as deadly as hers Ahhhh as expected of one of my sons no fucks given to no one that how a demon is supposed to be hahaha".

"Again how the hell am I your son and what do mean by me been a demon I'm a fucking soul".

"Well, are you aware of the 9 deadly sins"?

"I am aware of seven of them been Pride, Greed, Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Wrath and Sloth". I said this with a voice full of depression and un-interest but in reality, I was kind of excited. Then Yama nods his head as to say I am correct but he also said.

"That right but there is also Vainglory and sorrow as these 9 sins make up the entire royal family since I King Yama is the progenitor of the first sin which is Pride although my first daughter Lucifera has inherited that title from me now I'm just an overpowered demon that still has the power of pride but not the title since I am now the king of hell and all demon that represents a sin will instantly become my child since my bloodline is needed to truly activate the sorrow factor within you".

Chris stopped been surprise long ago and can only nod his head in approval but when he says his bloodline he instantly taught of power if he became this man child he will have enough power to gain the freedom he has long for so he then said.

"So I guess you're here to give me your bloodline right well let's make it quick the more power I have the closer I will get to my dream".

King Yama was shocked normally one does not accept the reality so quickly but seeing his youngest son longing for power so much he could only laugh as he reminds him of his younger self during the 1st Holy war where both demons and angels slaughter one another. Since killing makes a demon stronger regardless as Yama kills countless angels and Gods alike to gain power like no other he then said.

"Haha yes that how the devil should be now before I give you a new body with my blood flowing through you why do desire power so much I could expect this from Wrath and pride but why you sorrow".

"Its simple when I was young I always look up to the star and envied their freedom I want that freedom and in my sorrow, I ended my life to have freedom but now I have a way to make myself truly free and that is power I want power because I want freedom".

"He wants freedom man what insane power did he get after all the law of sins manifest a power base on their user most inner and deepest dreams and desires and he wishes for freedom overall many might think it might be a simple dream but the dream of freedom is like saying I don't want anyone to trample all over me". King Yama said all this in his head and he knew a wish like that will give birth to one of the most powerful demons in all existence he then smiled and said.

"If it power you want then fine although I can't give you power since that is something you have to learn yourself when you learn to control your law over sorrow but I can give you a foundation to earn and control it". After king Yama said that his blood and flesh started to tear from his hand covering the soul as it forms a new body for Chris this process took about a minute and what we see now is a figure with white Jade skin and long straight and beautiful Platinum hair that reach his ankle along with a long pointy black devil tale. On his head was a thick pair of black horns that curved to the back of his head slightly then bends upwards. If you look at his back you could see a pair of huge black raven-like wings that can cover his entire body but the most beautiful things on him were his rainbow color eyes if one were to look in them they would think they were staring at death themselves but just like his eyes, his clothes were anything from ordinary looking.

As he has a bluish-gray, bandage-like carapace that forms around his torso, right arm, neck, and over the nose and mouth in mask fashion. Black, flame-like markings spread across his chest and wrap around his left arm, and the remains of a tattered black cloak cover his lower body.

King Yama then looked at the man which was 6'3 in height although he didn't create that outfit which he could only think its part of his law anyone could tell he was extremely handsome even with the bandage mask over his face. He then looks into the eyes of the man and his instinct was telling him to run but he wouldn't why would he run from his own child why should he show weakness he then asks Chris.

"So how do you feel with your new body".

Chris opened his eyes and saw lines everywhere.

"Heeeh isn't this the mystic eyes of death perception".

Chris then looks at his body and to his surprise, he had on the same outfit as Ichigo in his final Getsuga Tenshou form but he didn't look like Ichigo no he looks way handsome and taller but what he paid attention to the most was the huge-ass pair of raven wings on his back along with the horn and long pointy devil tale.

King Yama then looks at Chris and asks with a confusing voice.

"Mystic eyes of what and what and also what the hell is a final Getsuga Tenshou". Hmmm, is your power related to what you humans call the car of the toons. Then I guess your case is similar to envy and wrath as they both have powers similar to a fairy tale of old I use to tell them when they were little.

Chris was shocked he taught this big Lizard gave him his powers and appearance he was also shocked that they were others with similar situations as him. Yama then looks at Chris as if he knows what he is thinking he then said.

"Like I said before your sorrow is beautiful, I only gave you an opportunity to become the sin of sorrow which you succeeded in doing. So I give you my bloodline so you can control it Although I did give you that appearance I didn't give you those eyes or that outfit I guess this is just the appearance of the one who rules over sorrow has".

"It similar to gluttony when she develops more teeth than usual while also been chain down inside an Irion maiden that she can control with her mind or how sloth seems to be in a pajama when he first awakens".

Chris then nods his head in approval while he asks "how do I use the law of sorrow".

"It really easy actually although I don't know what your law does but you should be able to know what it does just by thinking about it".

Chris then began to sit down on Yama's hand and started to think about his power then he heard a voice.




Name: Chis Jenkins

LVL: 1

EXP: 0/100

Age: 10,019

Race: Demon Lord

Sub race: Demonic Raven

Occupation: {Prince}

Titles: {Demon prince of Sorrow}




DEF: C++





ELM: {Space, Gravity, Fire, Ice}

EMT: {Sorrowful, depress, shock}

LAW: Sorrow

The Law of sorrow

1 ability: The ability to control gravity.

2 ability: Mystic eyes of death perception there is nothing you cant kill.

3 ability: Thermal manipulation the ability to control temperature.

4 ability: Emotion reading you can read the emotion of others

5 ability: Sorrow system every 5 levels you gain a random ability relating to sorrow there is no level cap.

Racial ability

Super flight: The ability to fly at Mach 20

Black feathers: A skill that can corrode anything your features touch.

Demonic Transformation: Your true form is a giant Raven the size of mount Everest.

Demon portal: The ability to open up a portal to hell the location is decided by rank

Chris was shocked but he didn't show it the law of sorrow is just too fucking op he then looks at Yama as he said.

"I'm done I got to say this power is overpowered as hell".

"I see so what does it do".

"With all due respect, I'm not telling you that like giving away my weakness".

Yama then looks at Chris and smiles.

"Hahaha I see your smart one it's not good telling others your power right away so I respect your choice now that officially taken care of you officially became my son and with that, you have to train your powers in order to catch up to your siblings after all since you are the 4th prince of hell and the incarnation of Sorrow you will have to fight your other siblings for the throne and since you are way behind I will be sending you to another world.

"Wait what a fight for the throne Nah I'm good, not interested".

Yama then saw this and frown a little he didn't want to force his children to do something they didn't want to so he had an idea and said.

"Think about it if you win and become first in line to the throne you will have true freedom".

Chris then taught about it and it did make sense if he is the most powerful demon in existence that holds the title of demon king doesn't that mean when I get the throne I'm free to do whatever I want since I will be the strongest Chris then nod at Yama statement and ask.

"Ok, I will participate in the royal selection but where would you be sending me".

Yama smiles at his acceptance and then says.

"Honestly and truly I don't know as the multiverse is huge and infinite".

Chris then nods at his answer and could only hope he isn't sent somewhere too dangerous Yama then declared.

"I Yama Morningstar hereby grant you the title of Demon prince and as my 4th son you will herby be known as Noir Morningstar he who represents the sin of sorrow".

From there a black crown forms in the right hand of Noir and in his left hand a talisman.

"Noir I like this name but there one problem, I can understand the crown but what's the talisman for"

Yama smiled sinisterly as he said.

"That talisman is a summon talisman every sin has a servant that represents your sin you just have to crush it and whatever is summon will be your eternal slave and if it a woman you manage to summon then she will have to do every and anything you ask. I don't care what you do to the servant Rape them or murder them".

"Hmmm I see very useful anyways I'm ready for you to send me off".

"Ok just remember that I don't know how long I can keep your siblings at bay but if you submit to any one of them you lost your right to the throne although you can do the same now good luck Noir".

"Well I don't know you long but thanks for this opportunity and bye father"

Yama laugh and send him through a portal he created he doesn't know where he will end up but as he watches the portal closing he heard Yama.

"By the way, if you win the royal selection I will grant anyone wishes no madder how impossible it is".

When Noir heard this he flips and wanted to say something but he was already gone.