New servant and insane physical strength

In the middle of nowhere were life seems extremely limited the beautiful full moon shines brightly in the night sky as it shine it brilliance rays upon a cold, silent and vast desert but everything must come to an end even silence. As we can see high up in the sky the clouds start spiraling at an insanely fast speed creating vortex with eventually turns into a giant portal. It didn't stay open for long but it did leave a gift for this world as a tall man was falling from the sky with an extremely fast speed towards the ground till eventually we hear a loud.


The sound of the impact was so loud that it sound like a huge explosion was release in the desert. Due to the tremendous force of the impact the desert sand shoot off from the ground into the sky creating a giant mushroom cloud. Luckily no one was around when the explosion went off because they would surely be dead or burry beneath the sand.

It didn't take long for the huge mushroom cloud to disperse and after it did we can see a tall man with bandage like armor surrounding a majority of his body while he was wearing what seem to be the remains of a tattered black cloak covering his lower half. He had flame like black mark wrapping itself around his entire left arm and completely swallowed his entire left hand with the flame like black marks. Amazingly doe his outfit wasn't the most eye catching it was the huge pair of black raven wings on his back and a pair of black devil horns on his head and the long and pointy devil tail he had.

The man then began to open his eyes which had a dead look in them it was as if the person was dead inside and was just waiting for someone to end his suffering and free him from his sorrow but this of course was just his normal appearance. His eyes were rainbow colored, and anyone regardless of status would feel like their lives were in peril when they look into it them. Strangely doe even with the dead look in his eyes it was one of the most beautifulest thing one will ever come across in their entire lives, of course this person was no other than the 4th prince of hell and the incarnation of the sin of sorrow himself Noir Morningstar.

Noir just continue to look up into the starry sky but he couldn't enjoy it for its beauty since the entire world is covered in lines stained in red, of course this was the effect of his mystic eyes of death perception which he gain after awakening his sorrow factor. Noir then began to think back on the last words that his new father Yama Morningstar told him.

"By the way if you win the royal selection I will grant you any one wish no madder how impossible it is".

With these words he wondered to himself.

"If I win maybe I can wish my sister back to life then and again winning the royal selection wont be easy after all the main reason father send me here was to train the law of sorrow and get used to it before my other sibling find out about my exitance now that I think abut it were exactly am I".

Noir then began to hear the voice of the system inside his head.


"Oooooh system its good to hear from you again and do mean the Monogatari series were a certain suicidal vampire lives".


"Hmmmm and why so you must have a really good reason to do so don't you".


"Ahhhh I see so that the job of the sin of sorrow I wonder if the other sins are task with same job as well".


"I see so each sin holds a major importance within the multiverse".


"Haaaaaa so im basically the troll of the 9 sins and what do you mean by true immortality".


"I see so the only way to truly kill me is by destroying all sadness and sorrow in the multiverse".


"Counter part what ever do you mean by that system".


"Hmmm I see that does make some sense but for now I want to test my powers by chance system do you Know anyway I can turn off the Mystic eyes of death perception".


"I see so that how it works it very strange condition I supposed".

Noir then began to closed his eyes and just like the system said, he can still see the world as normal only this time without the death lines.

"This is much bettter than always having to see death lines every way I go".


"Ahhhhhhh that interesting if I remember father words the servant would be someone or something with a similar personality to me and every word I say is law to them if im not wrong and also, tell me more about this fusion thing system aren't you just an AI".


"Awwww That is convenient-but you do know if I summon a gorgeous beauty im taking her as mines you know since I am demon I can give zero fucks about your opinion if I spin a good card you know if its one thing I don't like is other people taking what's mine so if you become a sexy girl just a warning ahead of time so make your descion wisley".


"Your loyalty is as beautiful as my sorrow very well then I shall grant you your wish so please tell me how do fuse with a body".


Noir then complied as he look at the full red talisman but before he smear his blood on it he took the crown in his other hand and place the black crystal like crown on his upper right arm like Sora from No game no life only cause it on his right he did this because his horn were in his way to put it on his head and as he did that a huge amount of information was sent to his brains like how to fly using your wings how to fight using your tail the history of hell and his other siblings although it didn't reveal the power of their law.

"I see so I have a total of 8 siblings 3 brothers and 5 sisters including my self as the 4th son and the 6th oldest".

Lucifera: Pride

Beezlzera: Gluttony

Santhanus and Galia {Twins}: Wrath

Liviana: Envy

Mammon: Greed

Belphegor: Sloth

Asmodeus: Lust

Ayasya: Vainglory

"I'm older than wrath, vainglory and envy I guess father made it so I can see the competition and the importance and history of Hell".

Noir then slit his left hand and to his surprise his blood was black he didn't pay it too much mine and smear a drop of blood on the talisman it then change from full red to abyss black. He then smash it like he was told to and when he did it started to glow a black ominous aura till the talisman burn to nothing and a green light surround the desert-and what appear before him shocked him he then said.

"Awww I don't know if this is a blessing or a Curse I wont lie I figured it was going to be an anime character but why did it had to be the one of my guilty pleasures from that one anime I watch back in the day".

"Ehh to think that after master abducted me when I was in a middle of smoke brake as my mind and soul fuse with that thing call system I was so glad to meet master but it look like your not please with my appearance".

A beautiful girl with pale green hair said to Noir.

"It's actually the opposite I find your new appearance really tempting especially those dead eyes of yours".

"I don't know if I should be happy about the fact that master is a pervert or worried that your lusting over my eyes and depressive aura".

"See it as you may but like I said to you earlier well the system I guess you too since the both of you fuse in a way it save a lot time since I don't have to explain the situation".

"Yes yes I am masters belongings but we can do all the perverted things later and before you ask how, I got my ways, for now try testing out your power".

Noir then look at the small fairy and view her from up and down Although she is a very stacked fairy, and has a worn-out appearance. Along with her thick eyebrows and bags under her eyes, carrying a pipe and smoking in front of me like it her second nature. She also have wing although all 4 of her wings are torn by the bottom, but she can still fly fine. She has five red tattoos, located on her: collarbone, right arm, right leg, back and womb area she also has a black raven tattoo on her back im guessing that mark represent her master sin. Both her ears are pierced with 3 very small rings. She has green well-managed looking hair and dark purple eyes with dark bags underneath. She wears a black pair of knee-high and high-heeled boots. She also wears a black top that is extremely low-cut and a red thong - she doesn't seem to bother wearing pants.

Yes my servant is Aloe from interspecies reviewer and even if she is drug addict Noir doesn't mind he respect the term live how you fee like.

"Aloe I will try my power out right now but before that I have question that I have always wanted to ask".

"and what might that be master".

Aloe said this in a rather depressive voice but had a smiled as deadly as Corona.

"What exactly are you smoking and doesn't that give you serious lung problem".

Aloe had a smile of ecstasy on her face as she hug her pipe like it was the best thing in the world.

"For your first question master I'm smoking fairy dust mix with manajuana and the second question still remain a mystery even to me all I know my baby does wonder for my skin".

"Manajuana It sounds like a zenki boost version of marijuana".

"Does master wants to try I don't normally share but if its you please have as much as you want".

"Nah im good maybe later".

"Your lost then more for me".

"Yeah yeah now if you can please show me my stats along with yours"

"Sure coming right up".

Aloe snapped her fingers and 2 black transparent screen with red blood words came before him when he saw Aloe stats he was shocked and please with it.

Name: Noir Morningstar (Chis Jenkins)

LVL: 1

EXP: 0/100

Age: 10,019

Race: Demon Lord

Sub race: Demonic Raven

Occupation: {Prince}

Titles: {Demon prince of Sorrow}




DEF: C++





ELM: {Space, Gravity, Fire, Ice}

EMT: {Sorrowful, depress, shock}

LAW: Sorrow

The Law of sorrow

1 ability: The ability to control gravity.

2 ability: Mystic eyes of death perception there is nothing you cant kill.

3 ability: Thermal manipulation the ability to control temperature.

4 ability: Emotion reading you can read the emotion of others

5 ability: Sorrow system every 5 levels you gain a random ability relating to sorrow there is no level cap.

Racial ability

Super flight: The ability to fly at Mach 20.

Black feathers: A skill that can corrode anything your features touch.

Demonic transformation: Your true form which is a giant Raven the size of mount Everest.

Demon portal: The ability to open up a portal to hell the location is decide by rank.


Name: Aloe

LVL: 000

Age: 134

Race: System Fairy

Sub race: Sorrow Fairy

Occupation: {System, Servant, Slave}

Titles: {The System, Season slut, Blowjob fairy, The addict, The depress one}









ELM: {Darkness, Light, Wind}

EMT: {Sorrowful, depress, High as fuck}


Dark crucifix: A magic attack of 100s of dark Dimond reverse crosses that can tear its enemy to shreds due to the high speed it can shoot at.

Piercing light: A magic attack that charge up a huge amount of light energy and fire it like a laser.

Healing grace: Can heal life threating injuries

Tornado: A magic attack that is capable of forming a giant tornado that can destroy everything in it path.

Racial ability

The System: In charge of managing operating the system for the Master Noir.

Sorrow rain: A black rain that curses anyone it touches curses are random.

Shape shift: Cable of transforming the body size and shape into anything within logic.

True immortality: as Long as Noir lives you live and only Noir is capable killing you.

Noir then look toward Aloe with a depress look but inside he was shock he then said.

"Your more useful than I gave you credit for and why is your LVL 000".

"Awwwww master your so mean and the reason my LVL like that is because I cant grow any stronger than I am now".

"Ohhh I see very well then I want to try out my Physical strength since it my greatest advantage in close combat"

Noir then grab Aloe and put her on his shoulder to sit as he said.

"If you don't want to fall off hang on tight".

"Yea yea I heard yo".

Noir then got into a jumping position and Jump toward a series of mountain that were about 50Km from were he originally was as a loud boom was could be heard through out the entire desert.


Noir could have flew but he wanted to text his insane physical strength he posses and about a minute later he made crash landing in front of the giant mountain.

"BOOOOM"! as the sound of something crashes down from the sky to the ground.

When Noir look before him he saw a massive mountain the size of mount Fuji he the curl his fist into a ball to punch the mountain before him but before he did he heard Aloe talking.

"Now now master I would advise you to punch lightly".

Noir just nod in approval as he used a total of 10% of his physical power and punch toward the mountain and the result wasn't as he expected no it was far beyond that it was too fucking terrifying.






Upon impact the mountain the tress the animals heck the entire environment within a 100Km seize to exists entirely as he heard tornadoes, earthquakes and huge storm form within the once beautiful forest that is now a black desert that no life can survive in as the Impact was so great that the storm and tornadoes within in it wont calm down till 1000 years from now of course Noir didn't know that this level of devastation would later go down in history as the desert of Null since nothing can survive inside it probably only a selected few.

"Master I said hold back for this very reason".


"You destroyed an entire forest with a punch".

"I can see that, truly I supposed I should refrain from using too much strength since its bad for the environment".

"If it makes you feel any better their 3 other people capable of doing such destruction in this world".

"Under blade is definatley one of them am I right".

"Yap you are right, not even I know what that monster is capable of when she use 100% of her strength".

"Sight if I am capable of doing this much damage with only 10% I don't even want to know what she could do at a 100% that and it too fucking loud Ahhhhhhh sigh".

"I should also test my gravity abilities and thermal manipulation as well".

But before Noir had the chance to even text it he heard Aloe saying.

"Wait master I think you should try it on a oddity, and un-like your monstrous physical strength the Law of Sorrow is far way easier to control".

"Hmmmm I seee very well then but were can we find some".

"Leave that too me Cough Cough".

Said Aloe as she cough from the smoke in her pipe but she then regain her composure and snapped her fingers.

Noir then saw the same black and red transparent scream before him once more as it said.

Quest: Save Shinto village from the evil Ogre-God Oddity as it brings great suffering and despair causing immense sorrow among the villagers since it ask for a sacrifice every 2 weeks.

Reward: 5 Level gain.

"Although the first quest is a God slaying quest it should be easy since the God are just sh...


"Ha Ha".



Aloe couldn't finish what she wanted to say because her master interrupted her by the most beautiful and sinister Laugh she had ever heard in her entire life even when she was a Succa-girl she met a lot of physcopaths even the demon king of their world couldn't compare to this physcopath laughter but when she look at Noir the mask torso on his face shattered due to the immense vibration and the loudness of his voice and what she saw shocked her.

The sin of sorrow was smiling the sin that is said to not remember the concept of joy due to immense suffering they went through before awakening.

The sin that is said to be the most ugliest of sins.

The sin that is said to be hated the most by the Supreme Gods of the high heaven.

The sin that is said to only fine joy in his own pain but couldn't smile because he forgot to smile.

And yet here is the Sin of Sorrow laughing as he was the most happiest person in all of creation.

Aloe didn't notice yet but Noir was laughing in gleeful sorrow.


Noir wanted to bring hell to the Gods since they were too ignorant to go to hell them selves.


He wanted to give them chaos.


He wanted to give them despair as he take everything they hold dare and crush it before them as they drown in beautiful sorrow.


He wanted to grant them suffering as they down unto others as they did on to him.



Noir laughs got louder and more sinister as the earth around him started to shake and the remaining tree around the forest started to be crush under an invisible force while rock and hill that were remaining started to burn under immense heat then a phenomenon not possible to be seen by the human eyes started to occur as the hill where been devoured by an invisible force.

Yes this was Noir unconsciously using the Law of sorrow in the heat of his endless joy to give the gods a taste of his sorrow as 1000s of miniature black holes were been created due to the gravity and intense heat as it ate everything in its path then everything came to halt and everything around him seized to exist as they all became apart of the singularity by now he then began to calm down and take deep breaths as he said while still retaining his smile.

"Oh selfish and un-just Gods as long as I the sin of sorrow exist I will bring an end to your cruel and un-just treatment you give to those lesser than you. I will treat all your life as a sick joke and game just like you do to everyone else".

Noir then look at Aloe saying.

"Awwww Aloe I love you to think you know me so well and to bless me with a quest were I can kill these Gods who just abuse their position Thank you".

Aloe then blush slightly to that confession he made then Aloe finally notice could it be.

"He find sadistic joy in tormenting Gods hmmm interesting".

Even thou I Just made quest on the closest oddity on my radar.

"Well, we should get going so were is this so called Shinto village".

"Just go North and when were close I will tell you which direction to take from their".

Without wasting no time Noir jump high in the sky with great force and a loud sonic boom was heard as a figure went flying at the speed of mach-5 heading toward Shinto village in the North little did he know thou a certain Irion blooded, hot blooded and cold blooded vampire was watching this whole spectacle in amazement as she was using a majority of her power in concealing her present high up in the night sky as she said.

"What the hell is he"?

"There no way a human can cause this much mayhem Even if he was an exorcist, hell even when he laughs the surrounding seized to exists and he definitely not an Oddity that im familiar with".

"Could it be a new type of race and what does he mean by the sin of sorrow ahhh sight there too much questions I need answers for".

"From the moment I sense a tremendous and oppressive energy coming from this direction I hurry to rush here to see what it is even leaving my meal in the process and what do I find a potentially new race and a God killing physcopath how can I not find this interesting, I wonder can he bring some kind of joy to my life sigh I better hurry catch up to him".

And like that the blond hair vampire also sonic boom towards Shinto village.