Legend of the bird of sorrow part 2

"Awww men that last guy smell disgusting".

"Well Master before you came and cure his Rumrot diseased he was left there for 4 day in his shit and piss because his family members were to lazy to help him of course he smell disgusting and don't forget he was rotting from the inside and outside as well".

"God I hope the ability I get was worth this fucked up hour of my life".

"Well we just have to see".

"Well Aloe I'm ready for my reward".

"Okay master I time for you to get a new ability".

Aloe both eyes then began to role insanely with different word in each after about 20 seconds the word printed black in her right eye print the word Black on her sclera then on her left the word Monarch was printed on her left sclera.

From there Noir felt an extremely terrifying power surging from his left hand and when he look at the black tattoo that cover his entire left hand; he saw it rippling like when you drop a stone in a body of water and it start to ripple at this moment his hand was behaving just like that.

And then a dark energy surrounded the entire surrounding the bird flew the air tremble and anyone within a hundred meter stop breathing because of the fair that his hand was emitting. The black smoke just grew wider and more denser and then it turn red and then to a terrifying crimson red smoke and finally a abyss black smoke a black so pure that it cant be seen by anyone beside the owner an invincible black so pure it cannot be comprehend or seen.

Noir himself was feeling extremely weak whatever the hell is happing to him was drinking on his blood without mercy or consideration for his well been at all and then a pushing sensation came over him.

And if by instinct or by chance Noir began to push the thing out of his hand and what came was a full black katana sword handle. He began to push further and what came was a straight katana handle that had a length of 15 inches.

Noir then grab the katana handle expecting a katana but to his surprised the blade it-self wasn't a katana blade but rapier blade that was full black an entire blade edge was crimson red an at the center of it the words light is the shadow of god was printed crimson red on the blade center. The black an red rapier blade had the length of 6'0 and extremely long blade.

But what made this weapon stand out to Noir was the fact that the blood red color radiate with his heart meaning every time his heart beat the red on the bladed grow bright then dull.

"What the hell is this Aloe".

"That is your ability black monarch and let me tell you master if you were a monster already then your freaking freak of nature at this moment that sword no that thing your holding is force of nature it-self, so master how do you feel".

"Honestly im surging with power but strangely I feel something dark and extremely twisted just enter my body it hard to explain.

"Why don't you appraised black monarch".

"A great idea Aloe please appraise black monarch for me".

"Right away master now appraising black monarch".

Black Monarch: or also known as the Arcane-nightmare a necromantic sword forge from the negativity of the null. This ancient sword feed off the blood of it enemy and and give one ability of the enemy to it owner upon the victim death but that not the only ability it has.

Forbidden light: the material was forge from such pure darkness that light itself bounce of it making the blade completely invisible to anyone but it user but be warn the share negativity coming off of it, make weaker entity freeze in fair and even stronger existent a little hesitant and will always keep their guard up.

infinite shivering: right after the sword draw blood from it enemy it will start to vibrate which make the blade sharper and every time it draws more blood the vibration will just increase this can happen infinitely the blade it self can become so sharp it can cut reality itself if devour enough blood.

Absorb and release: you can infuse mana or any type of energy or absorb any type of energy and when release can make powerful slash attack from blood, mana or energy

Ignition locked: The ancient spirit within the blade has not found your worthy to unlocked the bladed true form.

"Holy shit this fucking blade alone can give EA a run for it money this ability is extremely useful in more way than one even having an ancient spirt within it is a plus as well but why doesn't it find me worthy".

"I think it has to do with your level been too low to unlock the true power of the sword or you haven't met the required condition to use it at its full potential as yet".

"Aww I see sigh but never the less this blade in it base form alone is a complete night-mare all by it-self".

"Well master shall we test it".

"Of-course I believe Shinto will emerge very soon".

"Yes in 2 minutes actually".

"That quick well lets go then".

Change of POV

It soon 12 and I believe this is the hour Shinto feed on sacrifice by the looks of things its going be a big event today but im hardly interested in him but what has caught my interest is the fact that this monster keep pulling surprising shit all over.

And trust me he demonstrate some amazing feet in less than a night but what has me in extremely guarded mood is that sword he pull out of his hand and from experience it a demon sword no less, but the only difference is the fact that the weapon is way more menacing than Kokorowatari by leaps I don't know why but that thing give me a slight uncomforted feeling deep inside me; it feels as if it will take everything away from me once it touches me.

But gladly I didn't think about it for long as I see the bird man heading toward the now approaching Shinto with a terrifying killing intent.

"Please do keep this lady entertain kuku".

Change of POV

Noir was high in the sky when he saw what he could only recalled as Shiro Aput when he saw her state-it pisses him off these people are really cruel was what Noir was thinking then Noir saw it a black-soul.

"why is her soul black".

"That my lord is the source and also a great meal".

"The source what the hell is that".

"Well Shinto feed on the blood of young children or maiden-and after he finish with their body he then consume their soul right after and a soul this black will give him a massive power boost".

"And the source what is that"?

"Well since she is human her soul is a mortal soul and the curse of her imprisonment is tied deeply in her family bloodline which is keeping all of her relatives cage in here if you change both her body and soul and transform it into something far superior than a human then the curse will be lifted and her body will improve she cant talk so it advised to grant her wish in a better way by turning her into an apostle".

"What an apostle"?

"Each demon-lord has the right to choose any 10 unique individual and make them into a direct kin right under you these 10 individual must consume your blood to join your Familia and become an apostle and not only that right after becoming an apostle they each hold the royal title of Demon-Duke which is one of the highest titles in the rank of a demon hierarchy".

"I see this information wasn't in the crown Aloe I need you to explain it more to me when we have time well let go kill Shinto now I guess".

When Noir look down he heard huge stomps and when he look he saw the colossal giant going for Shiro Aput with a look of absolute hunger in his eyes so he wanted to test out Black-Monarch.

"Aloe you say this sword can absorb anything right".

"Yes that is right my master".

"Heheheh well then I think it time for a new attack let just see how monstrous thermal manipulation really is".

Noir then began to use thermal manipulation to manipulate the heat around him to extremely hot surface area covering his entire body but as Noir increase black monarch absorb faster than what he manipulating so he decide to increase the manipulation speed even faster till it achieve perfect balance with black monarch absorption speed.

After a couple second the flame around Noir became blood red and the black sword was now radiating a hot crimson aura around the entire blade it self it was as if the sword upgraded its flame no it corrupted it.

"As of this moment my journey begins prepare as you have the honor to perish before my bladed".

Noir then raised black monarch above his head and shouted the new name for his first original sword style.

"Kanashimi no ken no geijutsu no saisho no katachi: Shinku o kiru".(Sorrow sword art first form: cutting crimson).

Then when he slash down the sword with limited strength something amazing happen the sword didn't cut like a normal slash would-it was like the attack was an extension of the sword itself and blade flame was now a curving laser with temperature of the sun which was now 5,778K this laser didn't move like a normal laser but it was like a extremely large and long rope splitting everything it touches in two-one can even say the laser move with sword it-self.


On impact the laser cause mayhem that didn't touch the artic hemisphere in several eon the impact of the blade split a portion of Antarctica apart causing it to float in the sea luckily this place was more land than ice it-self it was the very cut that will later go done in ancient history for the reason the world first super Island was created this Island would later go down in history book as Black Wing Island were the bird of sorrow first spread his wings.

The laser split everything in its path in two; the trees, the animal, the ground, even the air wasn't spared everyone was shocked the villagers, Kiss-shot, hell even Noir.

"The hell wasn't that a little too destructive". Noir taught mentally

"D-d-d-d-did HE Just SPLIT A PEICE OF ANTARTICA IN TWO". Shouted Kiss-shot in surprised and excitement although it wasn't mention kiss-shot find pleasure and entertainment in fighting the strong but ever since she became a king class oddity there was barley any-body capable of defeating her plus she has grown tired of life in a whole and simply just live it because she is forced too.

"What part of restraint do you not understand master". Said Aloe with a bored tone like this was expected but still call it out, because it was still a little too destructive".

"Like I said im not use to this body yet remember I spend the last 10,000 years in the sea of sorrow and last time I had a body was when I was giving my sister freedom; I literally just became a demon lord like 5 hours ago".

"O-o-o-o-o-OH! my God what the hell is that thing said a random villager as he point his hand high in the air.

Everyone look up in awe and fair mostly fair if it was one thing human were afraid of it is the unknown human are afraid of thing that they cant understand and what they were seeing was the very definition of that.

A tall man standing at 6'3 covered in white-bluish bandage carcass with extremely long platinum hair. He wears the lower remains of a black Shihakusho, but what caught the attention of the majority of the villagers was his giant black, wings tail and horn.

"Is that an angel". Shouted a young adolescent boy.

But he was knock in the head by a beautiful Milf as she said. "Are you a moron that a bloody demon cant you see his tail an horn lets not forget there all black like his wings just great why cant our village get a break". The village women started to tremble in fair she couldn't take it anymore Shinto already made there life a living hell now something just as powerful or more merciless came and split the earth apart with relative ease.

But everyone rambling went silent when the heard the screams of agony coming from the one they serve who was in immense pain; everyone was exited to see this monster end but afraid a new one might arise.

"Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Who the fuck dare to damage this great me I KILL YOU I WILL KILL YOU"!

Everyone look at Shinto in disbelief 3 out of the 6 of his arm were completely cut off as it lay on the ground creating a huge puddle of blood while is sprayed everywhere.

"It hurt, it hurts, it hurts, it hurt, it hurts". Shinto cried in agony he look pathetic to be honest from ever since he was born he was born strong so he never face any real damage or danger before and to be honest this was probably the first time he was using his regenerative capabilities to heal such grave wound".

All the villager look at how the small humanoid damage such a huge colossal.

While Shinto was wailing in pain and the villager were trembling in fair and awe some even went as far to go on both knees and began praying to the black wing devil to cast vengeance upon Shinto for what he had done them and everyone else.

Kiss-shot was quite exited to fight this bird man before her she felt like he wasn't taking the fight serious but was very impress by his early attack with just that she taught Noir was a skill sword-man although it was the first time he was holding a sword after all he imitate Ichigo Getsuga Tenshou stance and created his own version of the attack.

Noir then decide to ignore the damage done to the environment and focus on Shinto and to his surprised he was shock that the wound on his 3 arms didn't went through cauterization since it was practically heat he use to slice him with.

Then he got his answer when he saw the sword start sucking up blood like a vacuumed cleaner.

"I see it like the sword has a mind of it own it deliberately cut the wound and somehow didn't make it went through cauterization".

When Shinto re-grew his loss limb he look up to the bright flaming figure with anger and malice and shouted in anger.




An extremely loud explosion was heard as the colossal was flung straight into the threes making a huge clearing he flew for 30 second straight and crash hard into a giant mountain creating a giant crater in it.

The villager's were left in awe and fill with fair to the brim as Noir simply sweep is left hand to the left as if he was commanding the world it-self removing something from his present the villagers were left confused at his action but soon realized what they were dealing with as they heard a large explosion and the result of his hand simply sweeping something away.

Everyone look up in absolute fair and horror of the black entity looking down at them even though his eyes were close everyone felt like he was looking at their very soul and not in a good way either.

Then he started to glow brighter bringing day to night and the villager were about to shit their self when he began to descend.

Everyone look at how he went to Shiro and surprisingly Noir head strangely was fill with ton of memories that wasn't his of all the previous maiden of the Aput bloodline including Shiro.

"I see such a tragedy". He said in a soft voice but to the two people that was standing beside Shiro turn pale and was frozen in fair.

So Noir then walk up to Aput and said.

"You cannot protect yourself from sadness without protecting yourself from happiness".

"This simply mean you try so hard to be happy despite your curse and your fate that you expect things to go your way if you keep positive, but let me tell you something even when you have happy-time you try to always keep that happiness which is impossible at least once in everyone life time one must face tragedy that will either make them or brake them and what has that happiness and positive attitude done to you it made you mute and vegetable in simple terms accept your sorrow and stop wanting to die because of a stupid promise you made with your grandma do you think she want to see you like this it because of that she died".

Noir was cold with his word but he had to make the girl see her mistake so he continued.

"Even you notice it too right how you kill your grandmother by been selfish".

Shiro was crying her eyes out she had knewed it all along about how she was the one that killed her grandmother but she didn't want to face it but now that she lost everything even the right to die as this handsome devil save her from the hands of death but despite that she had to face reality as is and if her soul was finally seeing some speck of light under her dark clouds of guilt and despair, she bowed her head down to the side in shame as she said in a melancholic tone in her head.

"I was afraid of death extremely afraid so afraid that I ask grandma would she die for me at first I only meant this as a joke of course that didn't mean my feeling weren't sincere in matter of fact I love grandma so much that when I was young I ask if she would marry me in the future of course she giggle and answer like any parent would I am not your beloved to be im sure he out their thinking of were or who you are even now".

"Of course I answer with a simple I wish to find love when im older my grandmother heart clench at these word knowing how impossible that wish sounds but she didn't want to say it out she didn't think a child dream should be shattered".

"So from that day on-ward grandma vowed she would protect me even if it cause her everything even her life so grandmother became one of the four villager elder that rule the village along with the village head. She worked harder than anyone had in order to be useful even killing children and young maiden as an offer to Shinto; she sacrifice the life of many to save the life of the one important to her but of course grandmother eventually die of overwork it was life her off-button just went click".

"You see they were working on a project of making all the males young or old all under the age of 10 since male sperm are often release earlier than expected and from there older men to breed with the Aput for a month straight to create more children to lessen the murderation of there own I know grandma for the pass month would sneak out a night and not showing back till morning extremely tired honestly I haven't saw her eat once since she started, and when she died".

"The villager just pretend like she never existed same goes for the promise of not touching me when she dead hence forth I still became the maiden an here I am now I was selfish deep down I want grandma to die so I can live but I keep saying things like grandma died for my sake but deep down I know I had no appreciation for her nor myself I truly am slothful".

Noir look at the broken girl before him and seeing the look of acceptance in her eyes he decide.

"Worry not young one I have way to at least save you though but the cost of such grace isn't free I shall give you a wish I can give you a new begging, immortality, power, a new life and overall I can give a way of redemption".

"A way of redemption". what do you mean was the look on her face and of course Noir pick up what she wanted to ask and said with a extra extremely depress tone to highlight the level of the situation.

"In return for a rebirth you shall live your days as the one who holds the first seat of Sentiment 10 these beings are my apostle that I shall release upon this world all the important roles shall be decided by your birth and when the times come live for the purpose of that role in this way you repent for sins for all eternity".

Shiro was fascinated and also wanted to repent of course Noir wasn't a demon lord for nothing even his manipulation skill was top tier mix that in with his trickery and playfulness as well, then we have the perfect devil. Noir became fascinated with her sorrow and her potential could show when she is turn as of now Noir has a new favorite toy that will serve him for eternity that if she wish for power and like professional con-artist Noir was Shiro fell hard.

Shiro slowly nod her head back and forth and look at Noir with pleading eyes Noir smiled at this and said.

"Open your mouth".

Shiro then began to open her mouth and Noir smiled at how his new little toy was so broken and deform she struggle to open her mouth but she fight through the pain and did it and when Noir saw what was left of her tongue; he smiled at her pain something deep inside him wanted for him to heal that pain but same time make them struggle with it for all eternity so sorrow can live on deep in them and their future kins.

Keep in mind Noir isn't good nor is he bad he neutral but in a twisted way as the devil of sorrow and embodiment of the word it-self he cant help him-self when people are so vulnerable like this, it his nature it his sin and his to bear and embrace alone. In simple term this just mean Noir is a major sadist but who knows if his open wound manage to get fix in the future he might see or feel some consideration to some significant others.

Noir cut his hand and black blood ooze out of it and start pouring down from his finger Shiro drank every-last drop of it and when she did her body start to bleed from every direction her skin melt organ burst bone cracking blood boiling same symptom as Elizabeth but the only different this time was that the shadow of anything near come around her and form a black and red egg.

"See you in the next life after your rebirth". Said Noir in pleased voice this scared the shit out of everyone even Kiss-shot was dumbfounded on the fact on how he has such talent for words even to point of making bullshit sound reasonable.

Aloe just smiled while the villager watch egg-cocoon in fair and horror.

"The child of the devil". One villager shouted out in fair and many follow after.

"Were all dead either way".

"I'm too young to die".

"A new conquer arise".

"God is truly cruel but a devil that just merciless".

"Praised the winged one".

"The monarch of the night came to claim his throne".

The villager became really noisy and this irritate Noir severely and he shouted in anger.

"SHUT THE HELL UP"! With these word everyone shut up either in fair or there already accept him as his new source of worship".

Noir then look to his right and saw the 3 person standing next to him which instantly identify as the village head the village doctor and Minori Yanagi ex-mother. They all bowed before me and the village head then tried to said.

"W-w-w-w-w We LIVE TO Se.....









Before he could say what he wanted to say Noir took his tail walk past by them a little and flung his tail a mach-speed slicing and tearing their body apart and making them merge with the surrounding area.

When he did that the cocoon start to devour their bloods like an offering but what surprise Noir was 3 grey souls flying inside the cocoon when Noir saw this he smiled he didn't know why but he think he created his most powerful apostle of course he didn't make Yanagi one as yet since she hasn't proven anything to him yet as of now she wasn't useful.

Everyone watch at the cruelty displayed some were shock out of there previous shock and start running while other just got shocked even more and was frozen like statue because of fair.

Kiss-shot was fascinated with his cruelty and taught it was praise worthy she had heard tales about the demon been extraordinary cruel, cunning, bothersome and manipulative.

How interesting she said as she continue to watch Noir display of despair, madness and the huge amount of the words of wise-ness he carry with him.

Kiss-shot look at the left and see a sleeping giant finally got up piss that he got squash and humiliated to such a degree, for him it felt like someone was playing volley-ball with a mountain and accidentally stone it his way he felt as his bones crush, his flesh tear and his organ burst he look Noir way doing something and said in piss tone.


And Shinto jump to him with all his might.

Noir look at the people he just mutilated and said in emotionless depressing tone.

"Disgusting he took off his face mask luckily a strong breeze came and blew his hair covering his face and he spat on the corpse and re-grew the face mask once-more but then he heard screaming and look to his left to be meet with a unavoidable giant fist.


Noir body got squash under the colossal fist; the hit was so powerful it send Noir flying through the ice forest leaving a trail of broken threes broken rock organ matter and whole lot of black blood.


"Ow ow ow ow ow".

"Fuck her right in the cunt".

"Son of bitch this fucking hurt".

"Mother fucking whore ass uncles Johnnies toes after Sunday morning church".

Noir eventually fly into a thin three snapping him in half which cause both sides of what was left of his body and twist in on-it-self an making her blood and flesh evaporate in the air.

Everyone watch as how Shinto pulverize the black wing devil and merge with the air and the surrounding.

Everyone taught it was over and Shinto rain rule again and when everyone was about to give up on hope a miracle happen the black wing devil just pop right back into existence as if his end didn't even happen everyone look at him in shock even kiss-shot said.

"What the fuck what kind of immortality is that"?

The villager said.


"The fuck".

"I think im going senile".

"Holy shit".



Shinto had a confused look on his face that look extremely ratardid

Aloe look at her master not moving and hurry place a barrier around the village she then look at Kiss-shot direction and had great idea to say hello, Kiss-shot of course she was dumfounded again on how the little human find her once again and watch how she came flying towards her saying.



"Hello is anyone in there".


"I know you can talk".





"How do you do it". Asked Kiss-shot who was in a aggravating mood of course Aloe replied with.

"Do what"?

Kiss-shot then shouted

"Seeing through my perfect stealth as if it was nothing".

"Oh that well you see I have very sensitive skin so sensitive im like literally one with the air and when im feeling something moving within the air I get this signal telling my something there in the form of slight tickle".

Kiss-shot was shocked on hearing such an ability even existing but quickly brush it off and look below her and ask Aloe in curious and concern tone.

"Is your friend fine he been like that for a minutes now".

"He ok he lives but I cant say the same for Shinto now though".

"Why is that Kiss-shot ask in intrigued voice".

"Well lets just say a certain blue pig made a rookie mistake and press the respawn button too fucking hard".

"What the hell does that mean"?

"Just watch you uncultured swine".

"A what"? Shouted kiss-shot with a tone malice and aura of oppression towards Aloe which Aloe respond back the same and said it a phrase for beginners like you.

"And what does that mean"?

"Fufu let this Aloe-sensei teach you the way of the anime, hentai and pixie-dust the path is a struggling one but I have no doubt you will pull through after all a life like that so fur fulling that you would thank the ant-Christ for the blessing of immortality.

Kiss-shot was about to reply but she felt the air vibrate and earth tremble underneath her as she saw Crimson red aura coming from the birdman and then the sword launch somewhere inside the ground of the frozen forest came flying toward it master hand the pure killing intent and raw insanity leaking off him gave kiss-shot shivers as she said in serious voice.

"Awww fuck".


The sound of an insane laughter came from Noir as everyone lookin at him with fear as he said with ragefully smile on his face along with an aura of death leaking off him.

Not only that for the first time since kiss-shot stalk Noir she finally saw it his eyes and when she did she shivered in fair and unconsciously flew as high a possible in the air when Aloe saw this she smiled sadistically and follow right behind her and ask in a teasing tone.

"What happen you just took off". Kiss-shot look at the little fairy and ask in demanding tone.


"Ohh you mean those two ball it obviously his eyes".


When Aloe saw this she smiled devilishly and took a smoke of her pipe and turn her head toward Kiss-shot and ask.

"So what do you think those things are then". Aloe ask intrigue to hear her answer.

Kiss-shot turn and look toward Noir and answered with rather disturb smile.

"A dead end if not dealt with properly".

Aloe smiled once more and took another smoke of her pipe and said.

"Right you are".

Shinto look at the tiny bird oddity before him shaken in absolute fair he was so much fair he could swore he saw an after-image of a giant bird looking down from from the heaven with malice rage then he heard Noir shouted and who would have taught it was the last shout he would ever hear.


Noir then went into another sword stance this time a basic kendo stance while making a jumping position this form was a combination of human kendo art and basic demon sword play then he sayed softly but everyone heard his exact word.

"Kanashimi no ken āto dai 2 keitai: Teashi no nai doragon". (Sorrow sword art second form: Limbless dragon).

Noir move so fast he split in two each after image slice apart Shinto limbs into multiple square and then teleport behind him as his fake after imagine walk into the original same time Shinto burst into sky because the quickness of the attack came 4 second later which made his limbs burst like rocket into the air which Noir push him further up with gravity then he jump up into the air like raging supersonic bullet.

Shinto saw this and manipulate hundreds of thousand of Ice-spears with his mind sending it toward Noir at extreme speed of-course Shinto was already driven mad because of the fair and the fact he wasn't regenerating of-course when the spears reach Noir it evaporate into nothing and Noir entire body pierce through Shinto chest and bursting out through his back he then made a tiny gravity barrier and use it as a foot hold and pierce through his back to his lung his did this 100 more time like bouncing bullet.

He went through his stomach one last time bursting and braking piece of his spinal chord but this time he grab his intestine and extend his black wings and fly at mach-speed high in the sky with Shinto disfigured body and began swinging it so fast his intestine torn and his body swing and twist into many piece which only leave Shinto head as it fall to the ground an land right in front of the villagers who look up at Noir with fair and terror.

Everyone began crying as Noir rage made him release a bit of Sorrow aura it felt like they were drowning in fair and sadness so much fair everyone saw an illusion of a giant bird looking at them with malice and hatred.

It was at this very moment the bird of Sorrow was born.

But Noir wasn't done with Shinto since was still alive so he flew down so fast and stomp in his entire head squashing it like and egg brain matter went all over the barrier.

"Hurt doesn't it mother fucker I taught the same as well".

Noir then hear something falling from the sky and saw the giant heart falling toward him slowly he then took black monarch and raised the blade to the sky and heart and blade connect and piercing sound was heard and the blade suck the heart of all its blood leaving nothing left and now look like a dry prune.

Then the words he wanted to here most came before him.

[Congratulation you gain the skill frost breath from the ogre God Shinto].

Now please with his vengeance he look around to find Aloe to get his next ability and when he did he find her with certain blond-hair vampire smiling at him Noir then said in piss tone.

"Fuck my life".