Black Monarch vs Kokorowatari

Noir looks at the blond hair beauty before him she had on a blood-red and black dress that reaches her knees along with long skin-tight white gloves with black feather fails at the end similar to her full black bra-top of her dress. She also wore full black stockings and white high-heel shoes, her hair flows beautifully with the wind as it flows to the right showing her black hair tie.

Noir take a good look at Kiss-Shot from head-to-toe till his close eye met her beautiful golden eyes thankfully his eyes always have to remain close if he wanted to see the world normally lucky for him devil don't need sleep to survive much less a demon lord like himself they just go into really long hibernation which can take from a week to a couple of months before they wake up.

After seeing her beautiful figure he decides to look at her soul and what he saw was something even more beautiful so beautiful it stuns him for a second.

Noir saw a crystalize blood moon with the purest form of gold one can ever imagine lounge deep within the center it was so beautiful it was mesmerizing but the beautiful core and lustful crimson moon wasn't the only thing there it was trap in black chains.

It was almost like she was a trap by her self like she was suffering in her own shadow which was those chains but it also feels like if giving more time it can turn into something much more this interest Noir so much a lot of question start to form in his head Noir smile mentality at this and said out loud by accident.

"Such beautiful form of sorrow awww I wonder what will be of it when it ripens".

"Eh". Kiss-shot said.

"Fufufu master you know it not good to look into a ladies path without their permission".

"Path what the hell is that"? Asked Kiss-shot in an intriguing voice as she looks towards the small fairy.

"The Path is the true form of a soul and often takes the form of what a person truly is on the inside of-course anyone with high affinity with spiritual energy can see souls but not for what it truly is The Path can only be seen or touch by high-level entities".

"OHHH that interesting so tell me Mr. high-level entity what the hell are you"?. Kiss-shot asks with a smile.

Noir simply replied.

"Demon Lord of Sorrow and fourth prince of hell Noir Morningstar".

Kiss-shot wasn't as shocked as before since he introduced himself as such earlier to that Elizabeth Character earlier-she taught she just taught why does he refer himself as a demon lord and what is a demon lord so she asks.

"What is a demon lord you see I have no clue on how you demon do your ranking I do get that your royalty but what is a demon-lord"?

"it the 2nd highest-ranking within all of hell itself and each demon lord bare one of the 9 original sins closest to their original personality after a demon-lord is born they have the right to become a demon royalty hence the fourth master current position. Said Aloe in a proud tone.

"So after you became a demon lord you take on the title of sins closest to your personality no wonder you look so gloomy even with a mask". said Kiss-shot to Noir in a teasing tone".

"sight I guess that what I am in a nut-shell".

"Ohhh he certainly acts the part of sorrow so well too if I didn't know any better I would genuinely think you're always just gloomy".




"Well oops, my mistake makes me re-phrase what I said master doesn't bear the sin of sorrow he is sorrow it-self in a simple term he the physical embodiment of sorrow".

"So you're a living emotion"?

"Pretty much".

"That interesting for the physical embodiment of sorrow I taught you would have been way uglier".

"And why is that"?

"You know sorrow, despair, and madness, and all those dark negative stuff are just really ugly and negative emotion to have master". Said aloe who was now sitting on Noir's head.

"Oh, I see".

"Note to self no-kind of humor at all".

"Anyways Ms. legendary Vampire if you have nothing else to ask I will be on my way".

Noir then walk past Kiss-shot and when he was about to take off he heard Kiss-shot tell him something.

"Hey hey I just want to make some convo why the rush you know if you are like me you would know immortality can be extremely tiresome sometimes and day by day life become boring I'm simply curious that all". You know it is good etiquette to entertain a lady when she all by herself.

"Ohh great now I'm a form of entertainment tell me what you want".

"Bored and nothing to do a spar and a convo are all I want". Said Kiss-Shot like it was the most obvious thing to say.

Noir look at Kiss-Shot with a deadpan look and said.


"Yes really".

"Your that bored"?

"You can't even imagine it".

"So I'm just the new entertainment that magically just pop out of nowhere".

"If you want to take it that way then yes".







"So what you say you don't have anything better to do right".

Noir continues to look at Kiss-shot with his deadpan look which looks weird considering his mask and eyes close but never the less still gave her and decided to give her an answer like any home train demon-lord would and raise his hand towards her chest which a surprised Kiss-shot and she said.

"You're quite the eccentric pervert so I take that as a yes".

Noir just look at her and gave her his answer.


"Yeet what does that mean".

Noir then look at Kiss-shot and said in a casual depressing tone.

"Yeet as in you are about to get YEETED! with the power 30,000 skyscrapers for treating me like some type of game and entertainment to kill your boredom".

"Wait for wh.....


An extremely loud sonic boom was heard throughout all the

night sky and the villager look up and saw women talking to Noir and suddenly disappearing with a loud boom following behind.

The villager was still in shock of the live execution of Shinto look up at Noir in awe and fairness as of this moment the black-winged Satan was born and would become this new village source of worship with or without his permission.

Noir look at the villager and said.

"As of this moment Shinto is gone but damage remains I will make this clear by no mean non of you here are redeemable your sin shall forever stain your soul, the least you disgusting people can do to repent for your horrible Karma is by doing something good with your life's".

No one present there could refute or refuse Noir's claim of he think of all of them they could just accept their guilt and rot in it for all eternity.

"Oh, and one more thing all those of the Aput bloodline the curse has been lifted so you guys are free to go where you want now think of this as a new begging".

Everyone in the Aput residence began to break down and shed tears as they relieve themselves of all the pain suffering they went through over the decades all they can do is thank the black-winged demon for freeing them from madness.

Even with all of this emotion and tear shedding Noir can only look down in annoyance with the noise they were making so he plans to leave immediately and if Kiss-shot manages to make her way back here he can reduce the kill count even if it was a little.

Noir looks down at the shadow egg witch was Shiro still going through a rebirth and could only sigh and then he said.

"I hope when your down sleeping you can manage to find your way to me and your purposed at the same time".

Noir placed back Black Monarch with his hand and look East as if deciding were to go now

Noir then began to fly straight east toward Japan and when he reaches he would decide what to do from there.

15 minutes later.

"So Aloe can you please give me my reward for defeating Shinto".

"Yea yea".

Aloe then began to do the same process and in the right eyes, two words came Domain creation, and in the left eyes were the words Floating garden of Penthos.

"Congratulation you have gain the skill Domain Creation: Floating Garden of Penthos".

"Master you have gain a slight increase in speed and a level jump in magic".

"The hell Aloe show me my stats".

"Right away master".

Name: Noir Morningstar (Chis Jenkins)

LVL: 11

EXP: 750/10,000

Age: 10,019

Race: Demon Lord

Subrace: Demonic Raven

Occupation: {Prince}

Titles: {Demon prince of Sorrow}




DEF: C++


MGI: F+>F++



ELM: {Space, Gravity, Fire, Ice}

EMT: {Sorrowful, depress, exited}

LAW: Sorrow

The Law of sorrow

1st ability: The ability to control gravity.

2nd ability: Mystic eyes of death perception there is nothing you cant kill.

3rd ability: Thermal manipulation the ability to control temperature.

4th ability: Emotion reading you can read the emotion of others

5th ability: Sorrow system every 5 levels you gain a random ability relating to sorrow there is no level cap.

6th. ability: Rebirth and Respawn: As long as Sorrow exist you exist

The law of Sorrow active abilities


Domain Creation Floating Garden of Penthos

Normal active ability

Frost breath: A cold breath that freezes the enemy


Basic transformation magic: Magic that transforms the body. (Weakness: lack of comprehension of the form chosen)

Racial ability

Super flight: The ability to fly at Mach 20.

Black feathers: A skill that can corrode anything your features touches.

Demonic Transformation: Your true form is a giant Raven the size of mount Everest.

Demon portal: The ability to open up a portal to hell the location is decided by rank.

"I see so those pluses are level meter and when it goes over the level meter the stat upgrades itself to a new realm very organize if you ask me but I still want to see what the new skill can do".

"Master you shore are lucky to get a domain already".

"A domain what do you mean by that".

"Analyze it and you will see what I mean".

Noir then made Aloe Analyze his new skill and what he saw shocked him to the very Core of how convenient this skill is.

Domain Creation Floating Garden of Penthos: Penthos was an evil God of Sorrow that was birthed from the 3rd demon-lord of Sorrow and a general Seraphim he was known for his Authority and command over the nightmare and darkness element but he later met his end by the Monarch of Fortitude who rules over one of the 9 seats of Virtue. After his death, his lost bones and flesh were found by an ancient devil and turn into into a fortress of destruction but the fortress went lost after the 17th holy war that is till now when the legendary fortress got reborn as skill. PS (this skill need no form of energy to activate)


The air of Sorrow: The atmosphere can be both a deadly poison or relaxing medical drug if the user can choose individuals he find as allies or enemies to use this skill on if it allies the air sorrow can take away fatigue and slowly strengthen a person if stay inside the garden for long enough an ability awakening is likely to happen to that person but if it an enemy the air of sorrow can poison the mind slowly eating away a person consciousness to strengthen its power even further eventually leaving enemies mind dead.

The pool of misery: a black pool that slowly strengthens all dark type magic slowly one swim or soaks in it.

Monarch: As the owner of the domain you are something like a Monarch or a God inside your domain since you can move and switch things around your domain people included in short you have absolute control over your domain.

Perfect illusion: You can make any illusion real here this way you don't need a source of energy while attacking the enemy's mind.

Garden of chaos: A garden full of ancient flowers that be used to made cure poison and priceless elixir.

Veil of darkness: A veil that takes the form of dark clouds that cover the entire domain will be cover by a dark cloud above it blocking the sun out.

Eyes of termination: One of Penthos eyes that is said capable of shooting black rays with a temperature 10,000x hotter than Sirus this laser Canon never misses its target but it takes 5 minutes to charge up and the cooldown time is 6 hours.

float: This fortress is capable of floating even in space and can move at a speed of Mach-10 and also move to any direction the user will it to go.

Teleportation: This fort can teleport any way its master has gone to over his entire life.

Nightmare soldier: monster produce by the nightmare of young children's these are the security guards of your domain. (Weakness: sunlight)





"This skill is fucking broken".

"Of course it is master and this is just the begging".

"Well, this just solves my been homeless problem".

"Well master it a start but are you ready for your next mission or would you like to wait".

"Please do give it right away I don't want to waste any more time I need more strength if I want to take the throne".

"Of course master this time it two Missions I'm giving to make 5 levels to get your next ability".

"Cool with me".

Two screens came before Noir which he began to read the first mission said

Mission one: Every oddity needs a lore and were else to start your lore than Japan go to the mission area which is Japan and create your legend and myth by doing this your legend and fame will spread throughout the entire supernatural community and so will your influence.

Reward one: 3 level gain

Reward two: The legend of the Demon Lord

Reward three: (Title): The Wish granting, Karma bringing, Sadistic loving Demon

Time period: 3 Months

Mission two: Befriend a lonely 598 years old vampire Vilf that want a little company but first fight her in a spar till she is satisfied but of course if you don't want to look bad swing your head to the right and avoid a fatal beheading.

Reward one: 2 level gain

Reward two: Gain the trust of kiss-shot acerola-Orion heart-under-blade and also get a best friend status with a legendary vampire

Reward three: A friendly blood sucking Room-mate

Time period: None

"Wait what".



Just when the cut was about to reach Noir's neck he hurriedly moves his head back to the right and long blade aiming for his swept right past him cutting a piece of his hair off he looks back to the left and saw his executioner flying with a long Katan-sword in her hand.

"Hahahahaha aww I definitely felt that one blacky honestly you have no consideration for a lady don't you".

"Sorry to say this blondie but I believe in gender equality and if it a fight you looking for well now you have one prepared for some payback for almost killing me earlier".

Noir hand starts to ripple and he pulls out black monarch swiftly feeding it mana and sending mana slash toward Kiss-shot neck.

Kiss-Shot saw the incoming slash and slice a powerful air slash she created with nothing but pure strength the air slash-cut true the mana slash and headed straight to Noir which ended cutting a piece of his left hand as he uses it to protect his face from the powerful slash Noir then shouted mentally in pain.

"Awww that hurts like a mother fucker". Noir hand then began to regenerate and pain fade.

Then Noir look up to see Kiss-shot so he could attack her but when he looked up she was already gone but he suddenly feels a pain in his back.

And then when he looks was falling to the ground really quickly he manages to turn round and saw a blonde beauty standing proud in the sky with two pairs of wings in a single hand. Kiss-shot then looks at Noir and fly fast towards him throwing a powerful punch toward his chest. Noir then cross his hands and blocked the incoming attack.

Luckily for Noir, he reaches right before the attack reaches him and anchors himself down properly and when Kiss-shot hands cross with his block a huge crater with a depth of 40 meters was formed right below him.

Both Noir's close eyes and her fiery gold eyes cross paths as their fist connect.



Noir took black Monarch and slash it toward Kiss-shot neck witch she took Kokorowatari and parried my attack. I immediately with gravity control attack her as I push the force of 2 tons straight toward her which she flew high in the sky and pass through the clouds I quickly flew up and met her and began to use limbless dragons cutting all her limbs off.

I then punch with 5% of my strength the punch was so powerful that I annihilate her and send her remains crashing into the ground destroying everything in the explosion range.

Noir then began to hear a peww sound coming from the sky and when he looked up he saw the remain of Kiss-shot's hand as it starts to grow a whole new body Noir even got to see Kiss-shot naked but sadly she regenerates clothes as well. And then kiss-shot start to fly towards him extremely fast but she raises her hand towards him and what came next shock the fuck out of Noir a giant meteor about 5km appears out of nowhere heading point blank straight to his face.

Noir began punching the meteor constantly to crack it each hit is more faster and stronger than the last but as he attacks Kiss-shot she creates and fixes it.

Come on Noir said.

"Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora!".

The meteorite that Kiss-shot create started to cracked into millions of pieces and was instantly destroyed and when Kiss-Shot looks for Noir he disappeared from his spot she started to look around putting her guard up all out and she felt unease behind her when she turned around she was meet with a fist or likes fists to the face as Noir shouted.

"Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora!".

Kiss-shot entire body starts to deform in some weird ways if she was a human she would look like a blob of moist bones and crush and torn flesh.


Kiss-shot landed face-first to the ground and saw Noir coming to throw a powerful punch towards her so she throws a fake which Noir dodge and punch Noir for real with a powerful blow to the head completely bursting his head like a bubble blood flew all over the place bathing and soaking Kiss-shot with his black blood which she licked and said.


But then she began feeling a burning sensation and when she looked she saw her skin and flesh were completely melted as a black feature was corroding her hand then from a radius of 1KM the black features start melting everything around it endlessly even to ground below.

Kiss-shot began to melt but was regenerating at the same time after the attack was over she look at Noir and said.

"Isn't this fun scaling or capabilities to such an extent".

"You call tearing and slicing each other apart fun".

"Of course".

"You're either a huge masochist or a fucking psychopath".

"Maybe I'm both". Kiss-shot said in a teasing tone.

Kiss-shot then jumps toward Noir and punch his chest but Noir countered with a punch of equal force from there a series of martial arts and raw physical-prowess was demonstrated by the two as they share blows with each other with each hit Noir countered and strike back but with each blows Noir send to Kiss-shot she received adapt and respond faster, stronger and better.

The two were in a dead-lock as they even flew in the sky fighting with their fist slamming against each other each hit between the two became stronger and stronger till the point the shockwaves could be felt by other from far away and the environment around them turn into a giant super hurricane as its rain and rumble because of the giant thunderstorm as well.

With each attack, a new tornado is formed with each block a shockwave can be felt with each stomp an earthquake of immense magnitude was formed animals die, mountain crumbles, the earth sink and crack, the sky darkens and shouts, the air dance and swallowed everything it touches, in short, it was total mayhem and destruction there was no source of life anymore present in this area mayhem that was all that was left.

hours passed and this was the constant exchange between the two till eventually, they split from each other on separate debris of rock and trees.

Kiss-shot then said in a happy tone.

"Your pretty good".

"Same to you as well".

"How about a round 2 since that one ends in a draw".

"I would love that but we have a problem". Noir said as he pointed towards the east.

When Kiss-shot looks to the east she saw the sun rising.

"Tsk". she said with a piss look Noir saw this as a chance to complete his mission and said.

"How about a proposal".

"A proposal you say enlighten me".

"How about you become my best friend and let hang out together you can even stay at my place at least that way we can have many spars when I have time and since you bored and just like me don't have much to do we can keep each other company and you don't have to worry about been outside in my places since the sun was blocked from the place entirely".

"Ohh and where might that be". Kiss-shot asks with a curious look.

"Inside my domain, it like a giant palace with garden and a whole lot of thing in a matter of fact it can meet your standards as women of high etiquettes".

Kiss-shot was quite surprised and since she had nothing better to do she will indulge in Noir's offer so she stretches her hand out for a handshake and said.

"Well take care of me from now on best friend".

"Same to you Acerola".