

A handsome white-haired man came rising from the black water on the fortress's roof. This was the pool of misery Noir was soaking butt naked inside it for two reasons it took away fatigue and also strengthen his dark magic and abilities to a decent amount.

You see Noir wanted to test his Yama-blood-line and strengthen his magic even if it was just a little and the pool of misery does just that.

And the reason he wanted to strengthen his dark-type abilities as quickly as possible was that he found out something quite flawed about himself.


"Hey, Aloe is all fairies like you"?

"What do mean master".

"Well you see I was just doing some research as I was soaking in as much information from the crown father gave me and I found out that all fairies are born with nothing less than A+ grade magic power if you use the system as a type of power scale".

"Well of course we faires are love by mana and all form of it at that but sometimes our soul is only compatible with a couple of the elements, I'm a perfect example of that I'm loved by all elements of magic but as I am now I can only use darkness, light, and wind element as my primary elements".

"Ohh I see so what about demons"?

"Well master your a devil and one only becomes a devil after they exceed the demon duke/duchess rank and rank up to something called an apex demon once a demon reaches that level of power their race will evolve from demon to devil but since hell is full of fewer devils and more demons everyone just referred each other to the default name which is a demon".

"But let me tell you something the magic power of the lowest rank of the demon race will always be around C-grade magic and the only way a demon will not have a high amount of magic power is if they are descendant of the antic magic clan which is unique demons that eat magic and covert in into physical strenth there extremely bothersome to deal with especially towards demons that is dependent on magic".

"Wait does that mean my magic is supposed by higher since I am a demon lord".

"Well master originally you were supposed to have at least S+ grade magic but...

"But what Aloe".

"Well, you see to manifest the sorrow system the separate consciousness which was the system before it fuses with me took the majority of your mana which was in your soul as an offering to activate the Sorrow system right before you met king Yama".







Noir drop to the floor on all four with a single tear coming from his eyes as he said.

"To think that I am demon-lord and a lesser rank cannon fodder has way more magic than I have".

"Master come on it was a fair trade wasn't it in return for infinite power you simply lost your potential in the art of magic temporarily and let not forget you can improve further than where you are now in a matter of fact this is good if you bath in the pool of Missery with your magic talent been so low it will strengthen your magic ever so slightly while granting a decent boost to your dark type magic and abilities".

Flash back ends

"And that how I reach here sigh".

Noir then began to leave the pool of misery fully naked as his body shine in the moonlight beautifully he then snaps his finger and right after he did that something came from the shadows bow before him.

"Did you find something suitable"?

"Yes my lord after doing vast research I have concluded that the best outfit base on the action that you are about to do tonight is wearing traditional shōzoku with the royal mantle of the royal family that has been specially customized with hood just like you requested".

"Dress me".

The mysterious red hair looking girl blush with excitement as she said.

"Right away master it will be my honor".

The mysterious girl then got up and bowed in graceful fashion toward Noir and then she disappears from where she was or that how one would interpret it to be but Noir closed eyes were following her every movement.

Yes, this mysterious girl was moving at an impossible speed as she was drying Noir's body off well placing his shōzoku on him and places his custom-made royal mantle with a hood on it.

Hell, she was moving so fast she was sweeping the roof while closing the pool of misery with a slab it was made so someone doesn't accidentally fall in as the pool is the same color as the floor.

Well, the point is she was doing all this as 10 after image was doing so many things at the time while dressing Noir. After she was done all the after images start to fade and a beautiful long spikey red hair pale skin women with red eyes including the pair of soft fluffy wolf ears and long wolf tail that reach the ground all red. She wears a cyber-type maid outfit with long white gloves that cover both her hands.

She wears very seductive long high-heels with laces going from up to down in X fashion and her outer appearance was that of a 30-year-old woman she had a mole under her left eye that gave her a special type of charm she wore a spikey black dog collar on her neck like a chocker and had a pair of skull earring in each ear. All her fingernails were painted black but what stands out the most on her was she had extremely sharp teeth similar to Fredricka from Re: zero.

The beautiful red hair MILF or that was all Noir could describe her as was smiling at him with sharp teeth showing patiently awaiting her next order.

Noir gave her an emotionless look and said in his usual tone.

"Great job as always Mara your work proficiency is out of this world"

"Your words are wasted on me my lord if I cant do this much how then I don't deserve to serve you as your personal maid".

This was Mara when Noir was planing on his event tonight he picks up a very close existence coming toward him and when he looked up and saw the beautiful red hair beauty bowing before him he didn't need an introduction nor an explanation because The Floating Garden of Penthos was apart of him.

So he instantly knew this woman's Name was Mara and she was an Arch- nightmare you see she part of one of the fortress unique skill Night-mare soldiers.

And inside my domain there a total of 6666 nightmare soldier all in different size and shape but their intelligent are on par with a dog as they only understand basic instruction such as kill the enemy or protect the fortress or capture them alive basic instruction that get right to the point.

But luckily they are 4 certain individuals that exist within this fortress called the 4 knightmares all of them are basically just the evolve form of a high-nightmare and rank up to become an arch-nightmare.

The nightmare race is born from the imagination of young children and adults when they sleep and dream bad things but you see each nightmare are born stupid at first and the only way to become stronger is through the passive skill each nightmare have which is called Cannibalism.

Cannibalism skill: The skill that makes you stronger upon eating your own kind this skill was made as a type of balance within the multiverse a perfect example would be the nightmare race as they are racing with an immeasurable number and to shorten the population the skill Cannibalism comes into play as to make the number of a nightmare overpopulate but at the same time give them a chance evolve into something greater.

But for some reason Noir doesn't know the look or the name of the other 3 he asks Aloe and she simply replied.

"Master The floating Garden of Penthos has 5 initial levels at the moment your domain is at level one which means that you only have the right to rule over Mara at this moment and every time you level up your fortress a new nightmare will show itself before you".

"Sigh how the hell does I level up this already broken monstrosity".

"Simple when someone is brave enough to come in here just kill them and the palace will devour both their soul and bodies to strengthen itself as of now you need to reap the life of 150 individual to upgrade the fortress".

"I see".

Noir just sigh at the condition Aloe set for him earlier to upgraded the fortress you see killing so little amount is by no means hard but the fortress will only count it as death if they come in on their free will.

Sigh Noir then began to watch Mara as he checks her status one more time before heading out.

Name: Mara

LVL: 55

Age: ???

Race: Arch-nightmare

Subrace: Ephialtes wolf

Occupation: {Personal maid}

Titles: {The starve one, Irion stomach, Cannibal, Personal-maid}


SPD: ???




MGI: B+++



ELM: {Darkness and Enhancment}

EMT: {Gleeful, Flustered, Honored}

Passive ability


True Nightvision: The ability to see clearly in almost every form of darkness

Active ability

Call: The ability to call other nightmares that are below your rank

Split: The ability to split into 3 while all stats remain the same

Racial ability

Contamination: An Arch-nightmare have the ability to slowly eat away the rationality of lesser beings making their victim completely insane and lose all ability to rationalize between right and wrong for example if you were ordered to kill your self would you do it well this skill eats away the rationality of person making them confuse and prone to orders that is why this skill is considered a contamination type ability as it contaminates the mind rationality.

Fear induction: The ability to stimulate fair up to 20x the original degree it was hitting someone with.

Fear sensing: The ability to sense fair this ability is useful as it can be used as a tracking type ability because once an arch-nightmare smells your fair it never forgets it.

Unique ability

Non-existent speed: An abstract form of speed or in short a speed so fast it not considered running but more like doing multiple things in less than a fraction of a second but higher been can see through its flaws and predict where you might go.


Partial transformation: Transform a fraction of your body into a smaller form of its original true form.

Crimson wolf: A giant red wolf with an uncountable amount of teeth the size is comparable to a 3 stories building.

Noir then close her status board and said himself.

"Her speed is terrifying if you are not prepared for it she definitely useful but that ass is the true enemy from since she came in here I haven't taken my off it thankfully she can't notice because I have them seal shut but she does have nice pair of melons as well".

"Here master".


Noir then saw Mara brought him a traditional Japanese black snake eye umbrella.

"What is this for". Noir asks confused.

"I have concluded that it going to rain tonight so please take this".

"Oh, I see".

Noir then took the black umbrella and open it.

Mara couldn't help but blush at how magnificent and handsome her lord looks under the moonlight.

While Noir was digging the new look especially the shōzoku as it was fully black with a golden rope as a belt and on his head was his black crown that won't fall off no matter what it was a very useful function.

While the royal mantle was Crimson red just like Yama but a little brighter and on it was a black Raven with a crown on its head all sew-in with the color black. The hood was similar to the assassin hood as the interior was black and the hood was covered with white fur on the outer frames and to put a finishing touch Noir decide to wear a standard wooden sandal.

Noir then loom at Mara and ask.

"Were is Aloe and Kiss-shot".

"Awww Aloe is enjoying another bath while Acerola-Sama has gone out for her daily nightly activities which most likely meal time".

"I see well Mara you have been of great help if Aloe needs anything please do attend to her if not you have permission to retire for the night".

"Gladly my lord". Mara then disappears from the pool of Misery and made her way to Aloe.

Noir then look down since he was on the roof and at the edge of the fortress and was getting ready to take off.

"This pretty high up to think this will be the first time in 10,000 years that I decide to go sightseeing".

Noir was at least 10 miles up in the sky as he looks down fearlessly and did the leap of fate from the floating garden of Penthos.

After his figure disappears from the roof we now see a figure fly right back up flying straight for Japan at Mach speed at that.

"Let just see how horrible this world Japan crime rate really is hahaha"