Such a filthy society

Noir was flying at a rather slow speed toward Japan after he passes the border he went straight toward Tokyo direction which was the capital of Japan the reason he chose Tokyo was simple he always wanted to visit the place ever since he was small.

He remembers when he was like 9 years old he asks his sister if they could visit Tokyo she simply replied with.

"How about we go next year for your birthday".

Who would have thought that next year was an impossible dream that was never meant to be?

Noir was actually remembering the good times he spent with his sister when he was still human


Noir laugh slightly at those memories he cherishes so dearly and showed one of his rare smiles but sadly no one was around to see it and imprint it in their brains as Noir's smile was a rare as a planet crossing paths with another.

But sadly it didn't stay for long as he reaches Tokyo relatively quickly which is expected when Noir reaches the center of Tokyo from high above the sky he admires the beauty of the biggest Metropolis in the world and couldn't help but say.


Noir admire the view of which he had long to see it was so mesmerizing that this was a memory that he would not allow himself to forget no he can't forget it.

"So many lights, so many tall skyscrapers, every way is anime the smell of so much delicious food is present even from up here".

"There is advertisement practically everywhere and the women here are in a class of their own either that or the fact that this is an anime world so people are naturally beautiful I think".

Noir look down at everything in excitement he was compelled to try out each food stall and even go down to see the beautiful women hell the cosplayer were too compelling and what more fun this world has more anime than even his original world it was it absolute bliss for the first time Noir felt happy for something except power he admired the people imaginary creation of this world.

"So many forms of entertainment right after if finish maybe I should visit a store or two".

Noir was enjoying his sightseeing but he had to cut it short tonight he came to be a judger of life and bringer of Karma so he didn't have the time to waste so he kills the happiness from within and return to his normal depressed look.

"Sigh this place is too fucking big so I don't know how I am going to scale it I could just check the allies but there too many of them to check".

Noir was in deep taught till he remembers the wise words of physic books.

"Gravity is true balance as everything is held in place by gravity hence fort it is depicted to be an invisible water that holds all thing in creation in place".

Noir remembers that one line as what gravity is depicted to be and could only think.

"If gravity is like invisible water then isn't the universe in a never-ending sea of undiscovered information".

Noir began to think and he decides that he would test something out.

"I never think that I would use the law of sorrow most destructive power gravity manipulation which was a force of nature itself like a 3rd eye or more like an extension of all my senses especially my vision".

Noir then began to concentrate as he starts feeling the gravity around him he started to compress it around his skin and when the thin compress layer was thick enough he released a stream of invisible ripples over the entire Tokyo.

Noir was using gravitational waves to see every corner of Tokyo and when he did he instantly regret it but luckily Noir was more demon than human now and because of his law of sorrow 4th ability emotion reading and understanding.

Make this new technique of his extremely deadly for his mental fortitude not because his mental fortitude is weak it quite the opposite as the embodiment of sorrow who has heard all the voice from the sea of sorrow his mental fortitude was extremely strong but as the one who rules over sorrow, he wasn't compatible to other emotion falling under individual sins.

You see Noir use something similar to echolocation but far superior as his gravitational waves can surround the entire planet if he feels like it but the thing is he didn't think his passive ability emotion reading and understanding would fuse with his new unnamed technique where he makes his senses become one with gravity and spread them in the form of gravitational waves in order to access a huge amount of information all at once.

And because of the unnamed technique, somehow manage to connect or made a link with his emotional reading and understanding it created Bluetooth like phenomenon which instantly made Noir feel the senses of the 13.96 million inhabitants of Tokyo all at once Noir feels the pain, happiness, sadness, sexual-pleasure, excitement, pridefulness, jealousness, greed, anger, wrath, despair, hate, love, boastfulness, and lust of every single person in Tokyo.

This caused Noir's senses to be heightened to an extreme degree leaving him paralyzed in both mind and body he then began to fall from the sky and crash inside a random abandoned building.

Noir's mind completely shut off for about 15 minutes and when he wakes up back his expression was probably at the most miserable yet as he said.

"I'm never doing that again the happiness was disgusting I felt like I smiled over a hundred thousand times and to make things worse I felt the despair pain and agony of everyone who was on the dying bed I felt fair of many women and children were kidnap I felt all their emotion and I know every sin they have done tonight I hate this I really hate this".

"But the worst thing of all I felt like I had sex with almost half if not more than 8 million people all at once both male and female the feeling was disgusting but the pleasure was too much but thankfully I'm a demon I don't cum easily but the immense feeling of been put on edge as pue me in a rather piss mood but and I'm still feeling the pain of abuse and torcher from so many people as well".

Although Noir probably got the worse of it everyone in Tokyo especially the animals instantly had a weird feeling that they were been watched from all directions by something evil which instantly places immense fear in their souls.

More than half of Tokyo fell to its knees shaking in fear-some were even crying if you stand still you could even feel the earth below shivering slightly due to the fact that everyone was shaking in fair all at the same time.

Meanwhile Noir was in a very cranky and piss state in short he was enraged by the worst feeling he has ever felt in his life.

"I take it back this place is fucking filthy just been in the same air space of these sick freaks and psychopaths give me the urge to vomit".

Because of Noir's earlier stunt, he now knows everything that is happing in Tokyo and he also knows who is going to pay a visit to.

"Ryoto Tanaka the biggest Yakuza gang lord in the entirety of Tokyo downtown he also owns about 20% of the red light district in Tokyo".

The reason why Noir pick him as his first target is that when he links with everyone in Tokyo he notices approximately 459,867 young girls are child prostitutes none of them goes over the age of 15 or below the age of 10. Noir felt over half them in regrets and despair he felt their fear of losing virginity he felt the abusive foreplay he felt the absolute rage and agony of some of them fighting back but what he hated the most was he felt about 3,789 of them looking in the eyes of there killer as they were torture and killed during sexual play.

Noir hated it he felt disgusted so the only person he could take out all his anger on was the mother fucker known as Ryoto Tanaka a 40-year-old middle-aged man with 3 daughters he loves so dearly but still make these young girls professional prostitute.

Noir then began to fly out of the abounded building and was going to the Tanaka residents which was the pleasure dome the personal whore house and also resident and base of the Tanaka family.


Change of POV

"Tanaka Sama what the hell was that". Said a beautiful Asia woman with black hair and blue eyes she had tattoos all over but that just adds to her charm.

This woman is Tanaka's fourth wife and most beautifully Reina Tanaka she had a huge firm ass and piercing on her clit she had reasonably looking tight and fat pussy let not forget her huge firm soft and bouncy H-cup breast.

"I don't know what the hell is that I never felt such fear, sorrow, and despair in all my life it was like I was so close to death but yet so far it was like the God of death was steering directly at my soul babe I tell you but let me tell you something whatever the hell that thing is I just can't shake the feeling that it wants to show me true despair and agony.

"I just your imagination babe I felt it too it probably some powerful oddity that has beef with some powerful exorcist".

"Yea that is without a fact an oddity my precious little daughters Aiya, Aiko, and Akako felt it as well it took me an entire 30 minutes to calm them down, and because of their special ability of Synthsia they felt the mental fear on hold a different level and I can't shake the horrible feeling I'm having".

"Why is that darling maybe the triplet were just too sensitive to the mental fear".

"You don't get it babe the triplets is the reason why I'm worried there like my sonar it because there are very sensitive to the environment and connected to one is that I trust in their ability it like they almost can tell the future with their enhance senses have I not told you they never lost in any form of gambling".

"And what were the triplets word darling".

Aiko and Aiya were both saying at the same time.

"Evil must be repaid in suffering and despair"

"They were saying that over and over again while rolled up in ball holding their heads crying in fair".

"Then what about Akako darling".

"She only said one thing and instantly pass out right after but her words were the most terrifying in my opinion".

"What the hell did she said".

"Karma is coming".

Tanaka said those words with a serious and terrifying look only if he knew how fuck he truly was.

Tanaka's wife saw how he was so shaken and to comfort him she draw him closer and place his head on her huge boobs and whispered something in his ears that instantly distract him from his earlier fear.

"Do you want to go for round 2"?

"Hehe, I shall take this feast in pleasure".

The moan of both man and woman were heard all over the room meanwhile a certain white hair man was looking straight down on the pleasure dome with a pissed face after all Noir was still in a cranky mood and making this family suffer was the only thing he was looking forward to improving his mood he then looks down and said in piss tone.

"Ohhh how I will enjoy your screams of pain and agony or maybe I should fuck you off mentally".