Not in Control

Aisling did not feel pain. The blood just trickled from her mouth. 

"I did not know I could sustain injuries while in this incorporeal form." She said calmly as if she was not the one bleeding. 

"You can't." Gaea looked at her with unconcealed worry. "Someone is probably attacking your real body. This is simply a warning sign that someone is about to injure you. Return!" 

Aisling woke up with a start and rolled off the bed as she felt someone approaching her with strong killing intent. She fell off the bed, but she quickly supported herself into a crouching position. She tried to look around the room. 

However, she realised that she could not see anything. The entire room seemed to be filled with a strange fog that obscured her sight. She could only depend on her instincts to avoid the attacker. She closed her eyes to avoid the distraction of her temporary blindness.