Chapter 18 Find a job

After getting ready, finally Lin Xiao Yi left to get a new job. After all, she only hitched a ride so it was uncomfortable to be unemployed for a long period of time. Even though Fang Yin didn't mind, Xiao Yi knew enough.

The restaurant that was visited for the first time was a restaurant with a menu of various seafood. It didn't matter at all because Xiao Yi had learned so many types of cooking. For Xiao Yi, she shouldn't be asked to make dessert because she didn't really understand. She can only eat without being able to make it.

With a pounding heart, Xiao Yi entered the restaurant. She immediately met the restaurant manager in his room.

"Sir, please allow me to work in this restaurant," Xiao Yi said with her head bowed to maintain her polite attitude. Really hope that her efforts this time were not in vain.

"Have you worked before? Or have experience being a chef?" a male manager asked, who was wearing glasses perched on his nose.

"Of course, I've been working. If I haven't, how could I dare to propose to this restaurant," Xiao Yi said seductively. It just so happens that the restaurant she visited for the first time was a fairly well-known restaurant in the city of Hangzhou.

"Then why did you move from the old restaurant?" the manager asked with an intimidating look. He took off his glasses, then put them on the table. His face looked flat as he tapped his fingers on the table.

"It's because… because…." Xiao Yi stammered, confused about how to answer. There was no way she would tell the truth because ahe had been fired. But if she lied about resigning, Xiao Yi had to clearly state the reason.

"Is it because you got fired?" The manager narrowed his eyes. Looked like he can find out what happened to Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi bit her lower lip, not daring to tell the truth or lie because it was both difficult.

"If you quit because you got fired, you'd better just get out of here. It doesn't accommodate the chef who still smells like that and the rest of the dismissal of other restaurants," the manager said coldly. His gaze underestimated Xiao Yi's ability to cook because she was still very young to become a chef.

Indeed, a person who left their job because of being fired were always considered badly and were labeled unreliable.

"Sir, I was fired not because my cooking was bad but because someone slandered me," Lin Xiao Yi argued defensively. She will not remain silent because it was not purely her fault.

"Never mind, many people say like that when fired from their job. Our restaurant only accepts a professional chef," the manager said with a lopsided smile on his lips.

"Please give me a chance, sir," Xiao Yi said hopefully.

"You better leave right now before I call security." The Manager's hand stretched out his hand as a sign for Xiao Yi to leave the room.

Xiao Yi got up from her seat then walked over to the manager. Just took her hand to plead even louder. Before Xiao Yi had time to grab his hand, the manager had brushed Xiao Yi's hand roughly.

"Awhhh," Xiao Yi groaned as she rubbed the back of her red palms.

"Didn't I tell you to leave this restaurant? No matter how hard you beg I won't care. Except for one thing…." The male manager deliberately hung up his words with a meaningful smile.

"What is that?" Xiao Yi asked quickly.

"Stay at the hotel with me tonight," the manager said with a big smile.

"Do not dream!" Xiao Yi said in disgust.

"You smell of the grave yet still have a lot of behavior!" Xiao Yi sneered. She really didn't like men who were in their 50s but still looking for young girls without realizing that they were old.

"You insolent girl!" the manager cursed while narrowing his eyes. Did not accept what Xiao Yi said.

"Get out of here right now you!" the man expelled with an anger that was about to explode.

"No need for you to kick me out because I will also be happy to come out. I hope you will be fired from this restaurant soon,"  Xiao Yi said with an annoyed snort.

Xiao Yi walked out of the restaurant feeling disappointed. But as much as possible Xiao Yi convinced her heart. If she would be able to find a suitable restaurant for her. Didn't let Li Zheng Yu insult her for not getting a job.

It was getting late with the sun already in the west. Lin Xiao Yi decided to sit first in a small garden just to relieve fatigue.

Lin Xiao Yi was already desperate when she remembered that her efforts today were fruitless. Didn't know why, no restaurant wanted to accept her as a chef for reasons of leaving her previous job due to being fired.

Wanted to refute everyone who asked why she was fired, but her heart was not very good at lying. Her lips felt heavy if they didn't match her heart's content.

Behind a tree was a man wearing dark glasses and wearing a hat, constantly monitoring Xiao Yi who was sipping her drink.

Until suddenly his cell phone vibrated. The man immediately moved away so that Xiao Yi would not hear and be suspicious of him.

"What's the matter, sir?" the man with dark glasses said when talking to someone on the phone.

"How? Are you still following her?"

"Still, sir. We are currently in a small park. Looks like she gave up of looking for work today."

"Good then. Now you can leave her. But it's not wrong to contact the manager of the nearest restaurant. Tell them not to accept that girl as a chef."

"Yes, sir," the man in dark glasses said.

The man immediately left Xiao Yi to do as his boss ordered.

Xiao Yi leaned her head on the back of the chair made of wood. Her eyes looked up to the sky with a deep sigh.

"Where else do I have to find a job? Why doesn't anyone accept me as a chef?" Lin Xiao Yi said in a sad tone.

If she didn't get a job as a chef, Xiao Yi will be forced to look for alternatives rather than being unemployed.