chapter 25 - Best husband

They were already in front of a pretty large supermarket.  But Xiao Yi seemed reluctant to get out of the car.

 "Get off the two of you. I'll just wait here," Li Zheng Yu said as he glanced at the two women in the back seat.

"You guys go because I don't know Mei-Yin's favorite," Xiao Yi refused as she folded her arms across her chest.

"How can a man shop?"  Li Zheng Yu refused because he was never shopping before.  If he went to the supermarket, he usually only bought snacks, did not shopping for kitchen necessities.

 "It's up to you if you want your daughter to starve," Xiao Yi said as she rolled her eyes.

 Li Zheng Yu sighed heavily, he wanted to be angry but it was impossible.  Because Xiao Yi was nobody.  It turned out that it was very difficult to persuade the girl even though she would be given a lot of money.

"Mei-Yin, come with father to shop."  Li Zheng Yu then opened the door and closed it again very hard.

 Mei-Yin complied to follow Li Zheng Yu into the supermarket.

 Xiao Yi bursted out laughing after seeing the father and child entered the supermarket.  Her heart was happy because she annoyed the man.  It was nothing compared to her being so hurt by all that he said.

 "That's the result because you disturbed my life. You think rich men can go their own way," Xiao Yi grumbled with great joy.

 Knock Knock Knock ...

 Xiao Yi knocked in surprise, suddenly someone knocked on the windshield.  Even though she was just about to plug in earphones to listen to music.

Li Zheng Yu came back out because he didn't know what to buy.  He had a sour face, it seemed that something had happened inside.

 "Why did you guys come back? Where's the groceries?"  Xiao Yi said with a frown after the door opened.

 "We don't know what to buy. You'd better give us a note if you don't want to come in," Li Zheng Yu said with a sour face.  Then handed over a piece of paper along with a pen.

 Mei-Yin was still standing behind him while enjoying her favorite vanilla ice cream.

 "What a lousy rich man," Xiao Yi sneered in a low voice afraid that the man in front of her would go berserk.

 Xiao Yi only listed the main ingredients, such as various seafood and various vegetables.  For a variety of seasonings, they were still available in her house.

"If you want to add more is fine."  Xiao Yi handed Li Zheng Yu the paper with a grumpy face.

 Li Zheng Yu immediately went back into the supermarket with Mei-Yin.  Then took the trolley to put their groceries.  Afraid that his daughter would be left behind, Li Zheng Yu lifted Mei-Yin on the trolley at the front.

 The cashiers and some of the female customers were amazed to see Li Zheng Yu shopping for fresh vegetables with his daughter.  The reason was that it was rare for a man who wanted to shop for kitchen ingredients.

 "Mei-Yin, next time father won't go shopping anymore," Li Zheng Yu said as he took some ingredients and put them in the trolley.  His ears were pretty hot and he wanted to get angry to hear the women talked about him.

 "A very kind husband. Willing to shop with his daughter to make his wife happy."

"If there is still, I want a man like him."

 "He must be very concerned about his wife."

 Li Zheng Yu's ears heard many words even though they were only vague.

 "Father, buy more so you don't have to shop tomorrow," Mei-Yin said innocently without knowing that her father was currently angry.

 At the suggestion of his daughter, Li Zheng Yu bought so much groceries that the trolley would not fit and asked Mei-Yin to come down immediately.

 When he was about to pay, the cashier looked surprised because there were two carts of fresh groceries that Li Zheng Yu had bought.

 "Is there going to be a party, sir? So you buy a lot of ingredients," the cashier said, who was a woman in a warm manner.

 "No," Li Zheng Yu said in such a cold tone that the cashier didn't want to talk much anymore.

Xiao Yi was still sitting in the car, while playing with her cellphone while leaning back.  Tried to contact Fang Yin to hurry home so she won't be stressed alone with that child and father.

 Beep ...

 A message suddenly came into her cell phone.

 [Xiao Yi, I'm not coming home tonight.  I have to go to my grandmother's house who is sick] Fang Yin wrote.

 "Ughhh, how come it happens to be like this," Xiao Yi grumbled weakly.

 Then she replied to Fang Yin's message by praying that Fang Yin's grandmother would get well soon.

Xiao Yi's eyes immediately widened at Li Zheng Yu.  His hands were carrying several plastic bags and he seemed struggling.  Xiao Yi then came out to make sure.

 "Sir, what are you shopping this much for? This can even be stocked for the next week," Xiao Yi said who could not believe what she saw.  She thought the man had a sick mind.

 "I did it on purpose so I don't need to shop tomorrow," Li Zheng Yu said as he put all the groceries in the trunk.

 "What do you mean tomorrow?" Xiao Yi said, who had a bad feeling about it.

 "You don't have to ask too many questions, we better go home because I'm hungry too," Li Zheng Yu said in a flat tone.