Chapter 26 - Power failure

Li Zheng Yu drove back into Fang Yin's yard because it was impossible to keep it on the roadside all the time.

 The wind was blowing very hard, it seemed like there was going to be heavy rain soon.  Xiao Yi's hair fluttered in the wind.  In fact, Xiao Yi's heart had its own uneasiness.  Afraid that Li Zheng Yu would mess with her.

 After all that man was a single daddy.  Certainly his thoughts were everywhere like any other normal man who had ever made love.  Moreover, Li Zheng Yu had seen her innocent body without wearing anything.  If she remembered that, Xiao Yi felt like wanted to bang her head against the wall.

 Li Zheng Yu was running around carrying grocery bags because it started to rain heavily.

"Mei-Yin, hurry in," Xiao Yi said after opening the door wide.  If there was Fang Yin, she would not have been in trouble like this.

 Right at the same time, the lights suddenly went out until it was very dark in the house.

"Aaaaaa," Mei-Yin shouted, who immediately hugged Xiao Yi's legs tightly out of fear.

 "Auntie, I'm afraid," she added, shaking.

Xiao Yi rolled her eyes. Wanted to talk harshly but can't bear because Mei-Yin was still very young so it was natural to be afraid of the dark.

 "Where is your father? Why is he taking so long?" Xiao Yi grumbled as she looked outside.

Lightning accompanied by a loud thud startled Mei-Yin.

 "Auntie, I'm afraid of lightning," Mei-Yin said, while sobbing.

 "All right, let me carry you," Xiao Yi said, who was forced to lift Mei-Yin's body into her arms.  Even though she didn't like her, it didn't mean that she'd let her be scared.

Not long after that, Li Zheng Yu followed into the house with his clothes soaked in the rain.

 "Damn, why did the lights have to go out at such a wrong time," Li Zheng Yu grumbled and then put his groceries at the door.

The man then reached into his cell phone from the pocket of his pants which could be used for lighting.

 Xiao Yi fumbled around the wall to find a sofa as Mei-Yin's body was shaking with fear.

 "Calm down, there are no more thunder," Xiao Yi said as she rubbed Mei-Yin's back after sitting on the sofa with Mei-Yin on her lap.

 "Is there no backup lamp in this house when the lights go out?"  Li Zheng Yu grumbled as he stepped inside.

 "Of course not. Because it is rare for lights to go out like this," Xiao Yi said curtly.

 "Cough… cough…."  Li Zheng Yu coughed accompanied by sneezing.  It turned out that rainwater began to seep in his body.

 "Can I borrow a towel to dry myself? If it's available, I want to borrow dry clothes," Li Zheng Yu said, who was getting cold.

"How could there be men's clothes here because here we only live alone. But if you want it no problem I'll lend you my clothes," Xiao Yi said while wearing a meaningful smile.

 "All right, get it right now," Li Zheng Yu ordered.

 "Why don't you just go home? Your house is even very close from here," Xiao Yi said, who was indirectly trying to get rid of Li Zheng Yu.

 "No, hurry up because I'm getting cold," Li Zheng Yu said.

 Xiao Yi put Mei-Yin down on the sofa because after her father's arrival, she seemed to have calmed down.

"What a troublesome. Besides, why doesn't he come home when he can see the house too," Xiao Yi grumbled as she walked up the stairs with her cellphone as her lighting.

Xiao Yi immediately looked for a t-shirt and shorts that she rarely wore.  The size was also quite large, although it still looked right on  Li Zheng Yu's body.

"I only have these clothes that you can wear. If you like it then wear them, if not then please go home," Xioa Yi said flatly after returning to the living room.

 "It's not that bad," Li Zheng Yu said and then was about to take off his shirt.

"Aaaaaa!" Xiao Yi shouted while covering her face with both hands.

 "Can you not wear it here? Why don't you just go to the bathroom?"  Xiao Yi said.

"Don't exaggerating like that. Who's going to wear it here? You think I'm crazy," Li Zheng Yu said.

"Go to the bathroom over there," Xiao Yi said, while pointing to the bathroom near the kitchen which looked dark.

 Li Zheng Yu stepped into the bathroom Xiao Yi pointed out.

 "Mei-Yin, are you still afraid?"  Xiao Yi asked as she sat back down next to the little girl.

 Mei-Yin shook her head slowly.  Her clear eyes moved under the light of the not very bright.

 "Auntie, I'm hungry," she said honestly.

Xiao Yi sighed heavily.  If she was alone she would have chosen to sleep in a heavy rain like this.