Chapter 27 - Perverted man

Xiao Yi started to serve the food she made into the plate that was on the dining table.  The dark situation made her only cook a simple menu, namely Fuyunghai.  Because it was difficult to cook if she can only rely on candlelight as lighting.

 "Eat, I just made this menu. So you can bring home all the ingredients," Xiao Yi said in a flat tone.  Hoped that after this the two of them would come home.

 Li Zheng Yu didn't answer.  His stomach was hungry right now because he had only eaten one bite earlier.

 "Mei-yin, eat a lot so you grow up fast," Xiao Yi said as she put the food on her plate.

"Looks like you are very suitable to be Mei-yin's nanny," Li Zheng Yu said, hoping that Xiao Yi would accept his offer.

Xiao Yi, who was chewing her food, immediately turned her head towards the man who was sitting across from her.  In the vague state, Xiao Yi snorted.

 "Don't ever dream because I won't be willing to do it," Xiao Yi said firmly.  She felt traumatized by young children because they were so annoying.

 "You stubborn," Li Zheng Yu grumbled.

 They then continued to eat in a state of silence.  No one opened their voices anymore as they both chewed the food.  All that was heard was the sound of the equipment clinking and shouting to one another.

 The lights hadn't turned on, making Xiao Yi grumble.  After finishing eating Xiao Yi thought the two people were going to leave.  But in fact they were still sitting on the sofa even though it was late at night.

"Don't you guys intend to go home?" Xiao Yi said, who was very sleepy.

 "Mei-yin, we'd better go home because it's late at night," Li Zheng Yu asked to his daughter after realizing that they had been kicked out.

 "I don't want to," the little girl said firmly.

 "Don't you feel sorry for Aunt Xiao Yi who sleeps alone?"  Mei-yin added.

 "I don't need to be pitied.  If you guys want to go home then go," Xiao Yi said.

"Aren't you afraid to be alone in this house when it's dark like this?"  Mei-yin said as she blinked her eyelids.

 "You think I'm a kid so you can scare me?"  Xiao Yi rolled her eyes.  Suddenly Xiao Yi could feel goosebumps on her neck.  There was fear that slowly creeping up her body.

"If you don't want to go home then I'll sleep with Mei-Yin.  For you, it's up to you where to sleep, " Xiao Yi said, hoping the man would leave immediately.

"I can sleep wherever, it is not a problem at all," Li Zheng Yu said.

 Xiao Yi first went up to the second floor to her room.  Meanwhile, Li Zheng Yu followed behind with Mei-Yin.

 Xiao Yi had already laid down on the bed and hid her head under the blanket.  Likewise, Li Zheng Yu, who immediately put Mei-Yin to bed beside her.

 The atmosphere was still dark there, it seemed to be no sign of the light going on.

"Father, I'm scared," Mei-Yin moaned because there was no one to her left.  Even though Li Zheng Yu was about to lie down on the sofa.

 Xiao Yi let out a long sigh as Mei-Yin's behavior irritated her a little.  Even though she already existed, but she still felt afraid.

"Go to sleep, aren't I in here?"  Xiao Yi said with great force to hug the tiny body.

"Father, come here. I want to sleep with you too," Mei-Yin called.

"What?"  Xiao Yi exclaimed, who was surprised by Mei-Yin's wish.

 "I don't want to, I don't want the three of us to sleep together," Xiao Yi refused before Li Zheng Yu climbed onto the bed.

 "Never mind, just obey Mei-Yin's wishes. We don't touch anyway," Li Zheng Yu said, who was lying beside Mei-Yin.

"Ughhh, annoying," Xiao Yi grumbled. She immediately turned her body to the other side.  Upset that these two nights she didn't sleep well.  Wanted to sleep on the sofa but her body will felt sore like this morning.

"Auntie, come over here," Mei-Yin said.

"Don't be noisy, because I'm sleepy and really want to sleep," Xiao Yi said irritably then immediately closed her eyes.

 "Go to sleep, it's late," Li Zheng Yu coaxed his only daughter as he gently stroked her back.

 Slowly the three of them began to fall asleep until soft snoring began to be heard.


The cock had started crowing, indicating it was already morning.  The lights were now on too.

Xiao Yi stretched her hands apart.  With her eyes closed, Xiao Yi felt strange because she felt tight on both sides.  So it was difficult for her to move.

With an unrecovered consciousness, Xiao Yi slowly opened her eyes.

 "Aaaaaa!"  Xiao Yi screamed when she found Li Zheng Yu was beside her.  Even though as she remembered last night they slept far apart with Mei-Yin as a barrier.

Bugh ...

 Xiao Yi firmly pushed Li Zheng Yu's body until he fell to the floor.

"Ouch!"  Li Zheng Yu groaned as his body ached from touching the floor.  With a feeling of sleepiness, Li Zheng Yu tried to sit up.

 "You perverted man," Xiao Yi said as she threw a pillow at Li Zheng Yu's head.

"What did I do? Why did you hit me?"  Li Zheng Yu said.

"You're annoying. Old man but still perverted," Xiao Yi said as she got up and went to the bathroom.

Li Zheng Yu massaged his temples because he remembered that last night he was next to Mei-Yin.  There was no way he moved alone when he fell asleep.  That was very strange.