Chapter 28 - The house will be confiscated

Mei-Yin also woke up after hearing the commotion that had occurred in the room.

 "Dad, why are you on the floor? Did you fall last night?"  Mei-Yin asked with an innocent face.

 Li Zheng Yu immediately got up from his seat without answering his daughter's question because he was annoyed.  Xiao had the heart to push him until he fell.

 "Mei-Yin, we should just go home because dad has to go to the office this morning," Li Zheng Yu persuaded, hoping his daughter would be taken home.

 "I don't want to," Mei-Yin said as she pursed her lips.

 "Come on, Mei-Yin. We'd better go home, we've been here all night. Aren't you satisfied yet?"  Li Zheng Yu asked as he rubbed his face in exasperation. He wanted to get angry but a child as small as Mei-Yin won't understand.

 "I want Aunt Xiao Yi to come home with us," Mei-Yin said with tears in her eyes.

"Honey, we'll come back next time. Please come home this morning."

 "If you want to go home, go. Leave me alone here with Aunt Xiao Yi," Mei-Yin said with all her exaggerated stubbornness.  Stay still to her stance like last night.

 Li Zheng Yu massaged his temples.  His head felt throbbing.  It turned out that his daughter was very stubborn even though they had even stayed the night.  If he found out  she still didn't want to come home, last night he should've insisted.

 "Mei-Yin, we'd better go home first. Later, tonight after work we'll come here again," Li Zheng Yu persuaded.  If Xiao Yi weren't difficult to work with, it wouldn't be as difficult as it was now.

 Xiao Yi came out after washing her face.  Her heart was irritated because Li Zheng Yu had dared to sleep beside her.

 "You two go home. Don't come here anymore because I don't want to meet a perverted man like you," Xiao Yi said sarcastically.

Li Zheng Yu, who was persuading Mei-Yin, immediately shot Xiao Yi with a sharp gaze.  This was the first time for him being insulted by a woman.  So that at this time he really felt very angry.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"  Xiao Yi felt her guts shrink because Li Zheng Yu's gaze was so piercing.

 "Look, you will regret saying it. I'll make sure you will kneel and begging me," Li Zheng Yu whispered with a sly grin etched on his lips.  Enough to endure it since yesterday.  He wouldn't waste time to make Xiao Yi give up.

 Xiao Yi blinked her eyelids at the threat of the perverted man in front of her.  However that didn't make Xiao Yi feel afraid at all.

 "Mei-Yin, you have to go home because Grandma is coming to our house. If you stay here, Grandma will definitely miss you a lot."  Li Zheng Yu then carried Mei-Yin's body.  It was okay to lie for good.  Instead of persuading her like earlier which didn't work at all.

"Very well, Aunt Xiao Yi come with us," Mei-Yin said.

 "Go, why am I coming with you. It's very troublesome," Xiao Yi sneered.

 "Never mind, later we will make her beg to stay at our house," Li Zheng Yu whispered to his daughter.

 Xiao Yi can breathe a sigh of relief because finally she can kicked Mei-Yin and his father.  Although there must be drama and curses that were not clear from her lips.

 "Finally I'm alone again in this house."  Xiao Yi cheered happily because now she was alone without anyone else to bother her.

 Xiao Yi threw her body back on the bed because she was still sleepy and felt like falling asleep again.

 Last night she slept very uncomfortably.

 "Xiao Yi, this is bad!" Fang Yin shouted.  The girl just came into the house.

"What is wrong?"  Xiao Yi said with her eyes still tightly closed.

 "Xiao Yi, how is it? This house will soon be confiscated by loan sharks," Fang Yin said hysterically.

 Instantly, Xiao Yi immediately sat down to hear that.  Still felt like dreaming of hearing that the house will be confiscated.

 "What do you mean?"

 "Xiao Yi, I don't want to leave this house. This house is the legacy of my parents," Fang Yin said while sobbing.  Her body immediately sank to the floor due to weakness.

 "Fang Yin, calm down."  Xiao Yi immediately got up and helped her best friend to sit on the bed.

 "Xiao Yi, if this house is confiscated where will we live?" Fang Yin said.  Her face was already shedding with tears.

"I have a little savings. Later we can use it to pay it off," Xiao Yi said.  Although she was also anxious but she tried to calm down.

 "Our money will not be enough to pay it off. It turns out that this house was mortgaged two years ago and has not been paid at all," Fang Yin explained.

 Xiao Yi massaged her head which was getting sicker because she also felt confused at this time.

 "Later I will seek help from people I know. Hopefully they will help," Xiao Yi said bitterly. Felt doubtful with what she said this time.  Who would believe her if she borrowed a large amount of money.