Chapter 48 - Call me mother

 Mei-Yin lowered her head. She was sad because Xiao Yi would not comply with her meager request. She thought she could call 'mother' to whoever she wanted.

 Xiao Yi remained indifferent regardless of Mei-Yin who put on a sad face. Her dislike for children will not change unless she had children of her own.

 "Mei-Yin, do you still have a grandmother?" It suddenly occurred to Xiao Yi to ask that question in the absence of her father.

"I do, my grandmother is in Shanghai," Mei-Yin said, while shaking her legs.

 Xiao Yi was flabbergasted because Li Shizhen still had a wife. Then why did he marry her if he still had a wife? A big question mark bothered Xiao Yi.

 "Is she old? I mean is she really that old?" Xiao Yi asked. She really didn't think that father and son were both insane.

"No, my grandmother is still strong," Mei-Yin replied back without suspecting that Xiao Yi had a certain intention.