Chapter 49 - Taking care of Zhaoxing

Summer Flower Apartments.

On the way to the apartment, Xiao Yi had already asked one of the doctors to come to check on Zhaoxing. A little worried that the wound on his arm would get infected if it wasn't treated. But had to wait because there were some patients who were currently being examined by the doctor.

At least on half an hour, the doctor will arrive.

Xiao Yi carried Zhaoxing into the apartment with the help of the security guard and the taxi driver as she was overwhelmed.

"Thank you," Xiao Yi said to the taxi driver and security guard.

The girl then looked for the medicine box and warm water to compress the bruises on Zhaoxing's face.

"Your clothes are dirty, can you change?" Xiao Yi asked after observing Zhaoxing's clothes that were exposed to the ground and the bloodstains.