Chapter 100 - I don't understand

"Your … feelings for Zhang Liang," Li Zheng Yu stuttered. He shouldn't have been honest, but what could he do because it just came out of his mouth.

"What do you mean? I don't understand," Xiao Yi said. 

"I mean, are you interested in Zhang Liang?" It was already wet, so Li Zheng Yu immediately spoke his heart out.

Xiao Yi was shocked to hear Li Zheng Yu's words. How could Li Zheng Yu think that far about her?

"Do you think I'm a girl who easily falls in love with a guy with just one meeting?" Xiao Yi said with a disappointed face.

Xiao Yi was willing to accept Yu Chen as her lover after they had known each other for a long time. She's not a woman that was easy to fall in love with. There must be proof first.

"No … it's not like that," Li Zheng Yu stammered. Now his feelings were actually restless because Xiao Yi's face looked angry.