Chapter 101 - Not a good man

Xiao Yi turned her gaze to the outside of the iron fence. Through the cracks, she could see a parked car. Until Yu Chen slowly got out of the car.

Yu Chen waved his hand while smiling at Xiao Yi. The smile that once made her heart melt, but now Xiao Yi was really sick of seeing it.

Xiao Yi pursed her lips. Looking back on that gloomy night, Xiao Yi wanted to hit Yi Chen on the head with a big rock.

[Let's meet for a moment] Yu Chen messaged back.

[If you don't want to come out, then let me go inside] Yu Chen sent a text back.

Xiao Yi huffed in annoyance. She wanted to curse the man out loud but was afraid of being heard by the other caregivers there.

[Stay there if you don't want to die quickly] Xiao Yi threatened while looking fiercely at Yu Chen who kept smiling, baring his teeth at her.

Xiao Yi immediately came out with strong footsteps. She wanted so badly to kick Yu Chen into space, so she couldn't see him again.