
"Your Highness! Please wake up! Your Highness! You must wake up!"

Nathan slowly gain consciousness, his vision still blurry. 'Ugh, my head, it hurts, I thought I died after being bring electrocuted by my laptop.' Before arriving, Nathan was working hard studying and completing his homework which he had to finish for school. 'Ugh, where am I then, and who is yelling,' he thought as he slowly began to be aware of his surroundings.

"Your Highness! Thank heavens you woke up, you had all of us worried!" A young girl no more than thirteen with dark blonde hair and hazel green eyes frantically looking at his direction while yelling in a shaking voice.

"Who..." Nathan mumbled, still out of it. The next moment, he felt a sharp piercing pain in his head which was accompanied by memories he never had before.

Nathan entered the body of the next king of France, Prince Victor. In his memories, he had memories of being the son of Margaret and Charles IV, Duke of Alençon. His mother was the sister of the recently deceased king of France, Francis I. Soon after his death, some royal guards were sent to his home and explained the situation to his parents and took him to be crowned in Reims.

'Are you kidding me? I ended up in the body of a ten year old child who is about to become a king! How does this make sense!? How am I here and why am I in the body of this boy.' Thoughts raced through the Victor as he tried the grasp the situation he found himself in. 'Is this like those novels I've read about, but those are pure fiction but now I'm here. Okay, Okay, before anything else let me see my surroundings'

Victor sat up straight and looked around and immediately recognized his sister and personal maid sitting in front of him with a worried look.

"How long was I out for?" he spoke as he rubbed his head and wiped the drool off of his lips.

"Brother! It has been an entire day, we were very worried when we couldn't wake you up." His sister, Anne, quickly told him before hugging him tightly. She had dried tears on her face as if she had been crying for a while. Anne was six years old and very close to Victor. She had dark black hair and eyes which could rival the night sky. She was 121 centimeters and had pale white skin.

"Anne I'm fine, I guess I was too tired. Anyway, what's the date and where are we right now?"

"Well, Your highness, it's March 20th, 1523 and we are 4 lieue(around 10 miles) away from Paris to prepare for your coronation in Reims."

'Wait, wait, wait... king of France? 1523? Wait isn't the the king of France suppose to be Francis Valois? And even if he died didn't he have children?' He dug through his memories to find Francis as his uncle on his mother's side which still did not answer his question. 'Is this a different world that is similar to Earth but has some parts of history change?'

"Um, How did my uncle pass away?" Victor asked carefully to his maid.

"His Majesty King Francis had a hunting accident which caused him to bleed out, or so I have been told by My Lady." responded the young girl whose name was Marie.

"I see..." he responded before icons in the corner of his eye caught his attention. When he focused on it, a computer screen suddenly appeared in front of his eyes. Startled, he almost yelled before holding himself back.

'Huh, what is this? I can control it with my thoughts? This is too weird, first reincarnation, next some weird screen. I might as well try to figure this out before we arrive in Paris.

He began to tinker around with the screen and figured out that it only had a browser icon which when selected would connect him to the internet in the modern world. He could access all the information and social media we wished for. 'This isn't that bad, With this I could actually rule as a competent king, but first I should search up as much knowledge about France in the middle ages,' he thought.

He spent a while both talking to his sister and maid in the luxurious carriage and looking for information on the country. After a few hours, they could see the gates of Paris in the distance. The walls made of intricate bricks with mortar mixed in that stood 10 meters tall. The gate was a regular wooden gate which Victor found strange for the capital city.

As soon as the guards spotted the royal carriage, they began to call soldiers to line up on both sides to the road to welcome the new king before escorting him to the Fontainebleau palace to rest for the day and prepare for the coronation in two days at Reims.

French soldiers lined up and a messenger was sent to the palace to prepare for Victor's arrival. French commoners gathered to see the commotion as the carriage passed by.

"Look! it's the new king!" someone shouted before everyone started to chatter and point at the elegantly decorated carriage with the French coat of arms on the doors.

Victor looked out the window to see the gathering of the crowd. He felt nervous, this was the first time he experienced this, sure there were times in school where he would be very well and a group would gather but never in the numbers he saw outside.

Before long, he arrived at the palace and the escorts lined up in front as Victor and his entourage walked out. Everyone bowed to him before yelling, "Your Majesty!" He felt joyed in his heart as this was new to be a new king. He entered the palace and was greeted by the head butler, Paul Abseil.

"Greetings your Majesty," He said bowing to Victor. "Your Majesty, you should rest since we will leave for Reims tomorrow. Allow me to show you your rooms and then I will bring you your dinner."

We walked through the open palace as the sound of our footsteps echoed through the halls.

"Where are the maids?" Victor asked looking at the empty palace.

"Your Majesty, the maids are preparing your robe and all that you need for tomorrow, thus they are absent to greet you." replied Paul with a slight smile.

After a bit, they arrived at what seemed to be a large room. "Your Majesty this is where you will rest. The princess's room is a bit farther.

He bows before leaving with Anne and Marie.

Silenced filled the large grandiose room. Victor looked around the room which was decorated with gold and silver. He lay down on his bed before planning what he would do.

'This day was really chaotic. With how the situation is now, I guess I cant return to Earth. From what I researched, it seems France has a feudal style of monarchy. I need to find a way to centralize the country, but will it work as a 10 year old child? I guess all that can come after the coronation.'

After a while of thinking out plans, his food arrives and he finishes it before washing up and going to bed.