
The next morning, Victor woke up to a loud knock on his door.

"Your Majesty, wake up, you must get ready to leave."

Victor sat up as soon as he heard his butler calling out to him. He opened the door and went back to his bed. Maids soon came in to dress him up in preparation.

'This really isn't bad, I could get used to this'

After finishing, the maids left and Victor looked in the mirror for the first time since coming to this new world. He had dark black hair and eyes similar to his sister, and he looked about 152 cm tall. His new clothes, were blue with a gold border all cross the bottom, while the top was fluffy. Underneath the robe he wore a white shirt and trousers.

After admiring himself he walked to the dining room. There, he saw his sister sitting waiting for him. noticing her, he greets her.

"Morning Anne."

"Morning brother."

Anne had a cheerful looking smile towards him.

"What are you so cheerful about this morning?"

"Because brother you look too handsome, just like a king should!"

Victor smiled back at her before chucking at her remark.

"Do I really look that different?"

Victor sat done on the large chair next to his sister. The maids brought food out to both of them. He took a bite and his face grimaced.

'This food is awful, it's just salted. Also why is there a platter of spice there? European food in the middle ages is horrific, I need to teach them how to cook.'

Victor thought of all the delicious food of the modern era which he wishes he could eat instead what is before him.

"Brother, is something wrong with the food?"

Anne asked him while eating the tasteless food.

"Hm? No, it's fine, but it's a bit bland."

"Should we ask the chef to remake it?"

"No, we have to leave soon, so I'll finish this"

After about twenty minutes of chatting away and eating, Paul came in.

"Your Majesty, your carriage is waiting outside for you."

"Okay, Anne, lets go now."


They walked out the front door, and the morning sun hit her faces giving off a warm feeling during the early spring weather. Victor heard birds chirp throughout the estate.

They arrived at the gate and was greeted by many guards and nobles whom he had not seen before.

"Greetings! Your Majesty"

"Please enter the carriage, Your majesty"

Paul called out to Victor and Anne.

'Wow, Does being the king of France bring so much people to meet him."

Paris was alerted that the new king had arrived yesterday which allowed crowds to gather on the streets. Many people were anxiously waiting to see what their new king is like and what he would bring during this time of fragile peace with the country's neighbors.

The carriage, passed through the middle of Paris, escorted by the Garde du Corps, which the royal guards at the time. As Victor looked at the soldiers, he realized how undisciplined the troops were. These troops numbered less than 100 but he could see in their eyes that they really loved their jobs.

Victor, began to research about the standing army and found it to only compromise 20,000 people while the French population comprised around over 15 million people.

'Hm... this amount of population is useful, though I find the army lacking. I guess the economic situation is not good in the country.'


The day passed in the blink of an eye, and it became the day of the coronation.

They were now in Reims and where riding to the Notre Dame de Reims cathedral. Crowds were gathered and cheering at the passing carriage. Victor was preparing himself to get crowned.

They stopped in front of the door where soldiers kept the people back. Victor looked around and waved his hand at the people before walking into the church. He looked around the gorgeous cathedral. It was very spacious but now it had people all round looking at him as he walked down the middle towards the front.

He could hear people whispering around him.

"Turns out he's just a child."

"Maybe I could marry my daughter to him."

"We could make him do our bidding."

All around, people were looking down on him.

'Heh, just wait till I revoke the nobility, then we'll see who control who'

Victor bitterly thought after hearing the remarks of the kingdoms nobles. He looked towards the back to see the Archbishop waiting.

The coronation was a long process which he was starting to get tired of. But, after enduring for a while, it was finally over. With it's end, he returned back to the palace in Paris.

With this, the monarch to change Europe was born.