The Best Year Ever

After the anger management class was over, instructor Hang asked me to stay behind. Instructor Hang returned to the classroom, pulled a chair, and sat in front of me.

"What do you need to see me after class for?" I asked him.

"If you don't mind, I want to ask you some personal questions," instructor Hang said. Before continuing, he looked at me for a while. "Do you have a girlfriend?"

I can feel his right hand touching my thigh, and his hand continues to slide forward towards my crotch.

"Look," I said. "I am not gay, nor I am a number zero. To answer your question, I currently have no girlfriend. I don't want to date any girl anytime soon."

"How about try dating a man?" he smiled. "You might like it better."

"I have never tried it, and I am open-minded, but like I said I am not gay."

Instruct Hang move away from the table, knelt in front of me and began to untie the belt.

"What are you doing?" I quickly adjusted his hand.

"You still have eighty hours of anger management time."

"This is harassment, I am not letting you put your thing inside me."

"Don't worry, I am a number zero." He unzipped my pants. He reached into my pants. "Wow, it's big." He moved my pants and panties to my knees.

I saw the handsome instructor Hang sticking out his tongue and slowly starting to lick my popsicle. Then after a while he took my popsicle and pushed it into his big wet mouth. His tongue wrapped around my popsicle. He used his hand to massage my popsicle while his tongue licked my two eggs.

To be honest, I have never felt so good before. This is the first time I don't care what gender Instructor Hang is. I really want to shove my popsicle inside his mouth and began to thrust. I grabbed the back of instructor Hang's head and began massaging his hair. I closed my eyes and enjoyed my ten minutes in heaven while instructor Hang works his magic.

When I opened my eyes again, instructor Hang's pants were already loosened down to his knees. I don't know what to do, I think he is only going to perform oral sex on me. In terms of sex, I'm still immature. I am only twenty-one years old, and the only person I ever has sex with is Lisa. I don't know if I could treat instructor Hang like the way I treated Lisa during intercourse, since instructor Hang have no breast. I mean he does have two muscular breasts. He does not have breasts as soft as dough. When you knead them together, this soft feeling will produce an indescribable sensation in your hands. The more times you knead the dough back and forth, the softer the dough becomes. After winding them into a length of one yard, you can cut them into small squares the size of two fingers width. Finally, you flatten them, and put the stuffed pork you prepared the night before in the middle...what the hell am I thinking about making pork buns during sex…

"I am ready," instructor Hang looked up at me, still licking my popsicle. He reached into the pocket of his pants and handed me a small packet of lubricant. He tore it up and smeared it on my popsicle. Then he took the rest of the lubrication and smeared it on his rear. He turned around on his hands and knees, his rear facing me. "I am ready to receive your punishment."


For the second time, I considered whether to continue. If I insert my popsicle into his body, then I will be marked as gay. If I don't do this, then this is the only chance I might have to act in this fantasy. This is a fantasy that heterosexuals dream of, but they don't have enough courage to try.

My mother always tells me 'If you don't hold the fish tightly in your hands, the fish will slip away, then you can only blame yourself." This must be one of those moment she meant.

I knelt in front of instructor Hang's rear and inserted my popsicle inside him. The slippery passage is smooth. I can tell that this passage has been walked many times before, but in a sense, instructor Hang's passage is much better than Lisa in many aspects. I guess because he does know how to turn on my adrenaline switch. I grabbed onto instructor Hang's muscular waist and thrust with no mercy.

"Oh Mike…oh Mike," Instructor Hang moaned. "Oh Mike, give it to me."

Yeah...his moans of "Oh Mike" immediately turned off the adrenaline switch completely, and then I suddenly realized that I had forgotten to wear a condom. I quickly withdrew and put on my pants. I took out my phone and took two photos of Instructor Hang naked on his hands and knees.

"What are you doing?" Instructor Hang turned around. "Deleted it right now."

"Eighty hours left, you know what to do," I smiled at him. "When my parlor office shows up, you'd better say good words about me unless this will show up on social media."

"With your fresh handsome face, I didn't know you will be so cruel," Instructor Hang said madly.

"Hey, you started it first, you where the one who came onto me." I protested my innocent. I walked out.

I know that sometimes I am a dick, I can get on people's nerves, but I am done being mister nice guy. Since everyone treats me badly, how should I treat everyone nicely. It doesn't make sense. If you asked me, which role I would prefer to play between the protagonist or villain of a story. I will choose to be the villain.

On my home, my mother sent me a text message that she needs egg and milk. I walked into the 7-eleven and grabbed a carton of egg and a gallon of milk. Then I decided to buy myself a case of beer. When I arrived at the checkout counter, the cashier asked me to show my ID. I reached into my pocket and realized that there was no wallet.

"Sorry, I forgot my wallet," I said. "I can assure you that I am old enough."

"I need an ID to sell you alcohol," she said.

"Then I will just get eggs and milk."

"Sixty yuan." she looked at me.

I knew that I had money in my jacket pocket, and when I took out the money, it was only two yuan. Damn, this is really embarrassing, especially in front of a beautiful lady.

"I think I will have to come back." I told the lady.

"How about buying a lottery ticket. The first prize is 35 million yuan, the highest ever."


After she marked the ticket, I gave her the two yuan. I walked out of the 7-eleven with my tail between my legs. I looked at the stupid ticket and tucked it in my jacket.

A week later, I was sitting on the sofa playing video games and my mother was cooking in the kitchen.

"Jig, you know that no one come forward to claim the mega lottery winning prize money yet. Imagine what I would do with the 35 million yuan," she said and began cutting the vegetable.

"You always talk about it, but you never buy a single lottery ticket. How can you possible win?"

I went back to play video games, and then I realized that I had purchased a lottery ticket from embarrassment a week ago. I quickly walked into my room, and search for my coat. After about twenty minutes of searching, I found my jacket under my bed. I looked at the lottery ticket, then checked the winning number online and compared it with the lottery ticket I had. I almost fainted when the numbers matched.

I ran out of my bedroom in excitement to the kitchen and waving my lottery ticket at my mom.

"I won...Ma...I won...We are millionaire now."