Lucky Number Seven

When we were all seated and the plane started taxiing down the runway, I was a little disgruntled. I wanted a first-class seat, but we couldn't get a first-class seat due to the short time we have. I was willing to pay more to exchange two seats in first-class, but the unreasonable passengers turned me down and refused my extra one thousand dollars compensation seat exchange. The woman sitting next to me kept rubbing her right knee against my left knee.

Honestly, I hate being in the middle the most. The middle is misfortune, and only those in the middle understand this misfortune. I can't speak for everyone, but I do speak for some; if you're in a car accident and you hit the car in front of you and someone else hits your rear, you will be at a total loss.

If you are the second child, your parents are likely to focus all of their attention on the first child (your older siblings) and all the attention on the new baby (your younger siblings). You don't get anything new, everything you own, or wear is passed down from the older siblings. Worst if you're a girl, because well, girls can wear boys' clothes. So yeah, basically you get zero new clothes or toys or attention if you are a girl and a middle child.

I've never been in a sandwich position during sex before but judging by the looks of the women in AV, they seem to enjoy it.... Honestly, if you have two popsicles pumping you on both passageways, I think it will feel more uncomfortable than pleasure. Thinking of this makes me sad for no reason. If Xiao Lan had met me long before my manhood was ruined by that stupid fare, I would like to try a beauty with Xiao Lan. The thought of how much fun we're going to have suddenly made me want to try it out.

"Get that thought out of your head."

I turned to look at Xiao Lan who was reading a magazine. I asked, "Now you suddenly read my mind?"

Xiao Lan said, "You allow me to read your mind when your think about me."

I turned to the right and asked, "Xiao Lan, so you can't read my mind when I'm not thinking of you, right?"

Xiao Lan didn't turn to look at me, but said softly, "Mmm."

I looked at Xiao Lan and said in my mind. "You are so handsome, let's go back to the bathroom." I flirted with Xiao Lan and smiled.

Xiao Lan looked at me and asked, "Why are you smiling like that?"

I was taken aback. "What? You can't read my mind this time?"

Xiao Lan said, "No..." He continued to flip through the magazine.

Stupid Xiao Lan, as horny as you are, if you knew what I was thinking, you would jump up and drag me down the crowded aisle into the back of the plane.

Xiao Lan asked, "What are you going to do at the back of the plane, when it's about to take off?"

I asked, "How can you read my mind this time, but not the other time?"

Xiao Lan asked, "What do you think?"

I said, "I don't know. Maybe your telepathy isn't good."

Xiao Lan, "Or you are too stupid to figure it out."

I said irritably, "Xiao Lan, let me sit by the windows, I don't want to sit in the middle."

"I told you to drop this dumbass and let us get back together."

I suddenly stood up to scan the plane. Then from the middle of the two rows in front of us, sitting in the aisle seat, Black turned around holding a glass of wine and smiled at me.

I said loudly, "Blackie! What the hell are you doing on this plane? Did you come to this plane to claim lives?" I pointed my finger at Black, who was smiling at me.

Black smiled and shook his head. He raised his glass of wine at me and took a sip of the wine and continued to swirl the red wine inside his wine glass.

I clung to the seat in front of me tightly and shouted, "Get off the plane now!"

Black smiled and said, "I'm here to stay."

I shouted back, "No you are not."

At this time, Xiao Lan had already stood up and put his arms around my shoulders. He said, "Jig, sit down."

I looked at Xiao Lan and said, "Let's get off the plane, or you tell Blackie to get off. Pick one!"

The dumb-ass passengers sitting around us started muttering their stupid opinions. I mean, if they don't talk, no one cares.

The woman sitting in front of us frantically said, "I can't believe this is actually happening to us."

A man sitting in the last row shouted angrily, "Sir, please sit down, or you will be taken off the plane."

The man next to him added, "This will delay our departure time. We have been waiting for twenty minutes."

The woman sitting across from the two men said, "Just sit down for heaven's sake. Now is not the place and time for your ten minutes of fame on YouTube or TikTok."

"We've waited long enough to take off, stop talking nonsense."

A man shouted madly, "Oh my God, get your ass down!"

The woman sitting next to us whispered to her partner, "Oh my God! Don't tell me we'll be delayed because of this lunatic."

What the hell is going on with these stupid people...? Don't they fucking know that the grim reaper is sitting on our plane? I stood there in disbelief. I can't believe all these stupid people are banding together against me. What's the point of me standing here like a madman trying to save their pointless lives when they're too busy to cherish it? Looking at the people who stood up, there were different angry expressions on their faces. To be honest, this scene at this time was like when Yang Guo stood alone in front of many martial artists in that gathering meeting; listening to the martial artists' craps, telling him the reason he can't marry Xiaolongnü.

I looked at these vigilant passengers who were about to look death in the eyes, I took Xiao Lan's hand and said, "We're going to get off the plane."

Xiao Lan looked at Black and Black smiled chillingly, "Better listen to your man."

Xiao Lan asked, "You are really here to claim someone?"

Black took a sip of wine and said, "What else am I here for other than that?"

Xiao Lan said, "Let's get off this plane."

Then the intercom announced, "Respected ladies and gentlemen, please remain seated in your seat as we are figuring out how to solve a small issue on the plane."

The woman sitting behind us suddenly yelled at me, "Oh my God, I knew it! I knew it! This stupid lunatic is going to delay our flight and we're going to miss our connection flight."

The well-dressed man on the last road walked slowly down the aisle to me and said, "Sir, please take a seat, or you will be kicked off the plane. This is your last warning."

I looked at the idiot who was walking cautiously towards me as if I were an angry lion that had bitten down someone's throat. I said, "Fine, take me off this plane, you can keep the money. I don't even want my refund." I sneered. "Because I don't want to die with all of your stupid asses." I pointed to the people around me.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please stay in your seats because the police will come and take the passenger away..."

Loud gunshots rang out from the intercom throughout the plane. Moments later, a man's voice came on the overhead speaker.

The man said, "You're being held hostage. Like the woman said, stay in your seat or you'll be shot like her." He cleared his throat. "Ladies and gentlemen, let's play a game, and if you're lucky number seven, you'll get a trip of a lifetime for free." The man walked down the aisle and pointed a gun at the first passenger, and he smiled. "Count."

The woman's voice stammered, "One..."

The man walked up to the seventh person and said with a smile, "You are the lucky number seven." He pulled the trigger and shot the person sitting in the seat.

All the passengers on the plane gasped in horror. I quickly counted, I am not the lucky number seven, but Xiao Lan is. If the lunatic counts from the other direction, then I'm lucky number seven.

I grabbed Xiao Lan's hand, and the lunatic pointed his gun at Xiao Lan's head. "You're the lucky number seven," he said with a smile.

I looked at the lunatic and said, "You counted wrong."

The lunatic said, "I don't think so. I counted right."

I argued, "No... you have to count again, because when you count from there, your counting order is screwed up. When you start counting, you count from left to right, now you count from your right to your left."

The lunatic stared at me blankly and said, "Does it matter?"

I said, "Yes it does. If you want to be a badass, you have to do it the right way." I also don't know why I'm fighting with this lunatic; no matter whether he counted from left to right or from right to left, it would not save me and Xiao Lan. I looked at Xiao Lan who had been silent all this time, he didn't even have the tendency to even try to save himself or me, especially me! I don't understand why Xiao Lan still needs to read magazines at this most critical moment.

The lunatic said, "You do know that if I counted from the other way, you will be the lucky number seven?"

I said, "I know, but if I'm going to die anyway, I want to die honorably."

The lunatic put the gun on Xiao Lan's forehead and said, "You are right, but I refuse to do it your way." He quickly stretched out his arm and shot at Xiao Lan's head.

I screamed, "Xiao Lan!" As Xiao Lan's blood splattered everywhere.