Chapter 6 *One 1 and Two 0's Make 100*

(A man made out of metal runs down the road as two guys chase him. The first guy has short blond hair with glasses. He has blue eyes, and is wearing a blue tracksuit. Right behind him is a man in a full robotic suit covering the top of his face with a visor, with bright cyan color lines all on it. They chase him throughout the city not getting any closer.)

Guy with glasses: "Taku, use your plasma board to get closer."

Taku: "Don't worry Dai. I got this no pr..."

(Taku then looks to his right and sees a bunch of girls having lunch. Taku then runs over to them and starts talking.)

Taku: "Hey girls. Room for one more."

Dai: "Damn it Taku! Well then I'll have to do this on my own."

(Dai and the metal man are running down the street.)

Dai: "Okay if I jump up in the air and use my power to make my hand a drill. I can slam down on the guy and drill the metal off of him. Then he will be powerless and I could take him to the station easy peasy. Okay, but I can't jump that high."

(Dai then looks down.)

Dai: "Unless."

(Dai then jumps and turns his lower half into a drill. He then drills under the ground. The metal man looks back while running and doesn't see Dai. Dai then tunnels out of the ground right in front of him. The man sees Dai and jumps back, but Dai has a plan. Dai makes drills connected to lines of metal come out of his back. The drills all go straight for the metal man. The man blocks, but the drills still hit him. Dai collects the drills back in his back. He sees the metal man has a crack into his arm.)

Dai: "Yes, some damage."

Metal man: "Shut up hero. My power is overpowered. Nothing can stop me."

(The metal man then reinforces the metal that was cracked, making it look brand new.)

Dai: "Damn it. I need to hit him hard and fast so he can't heal in time."

(Dai then looks over at Taku who is still talking to the girls. Dai then comes up with an idea.)

Taku: "Ladies, I am a hero. Do I not look like a hero."

Dai: "Taku, use full plasma beam."

Taku: "Here we go. Now watch ladies."

(Taku walks over to the metal man.)

Metal man: "Step back hero, unless you're ready to die."

Taku: "Listen man, you seem strong, but they're girls watching, so please act really hurt when I do this."

(Taku then charges up a ball of plasma in his two hands. He puts his hands together and moves them back.)


(He then flexes the ball forward making a beam of plasma shoot from his hands, hitting the metal man.)

(Dai jumped out of the way just in time. Taku stops)

Taku: "Oops, I think I went a little overboard."

(His plasma melted the middle of the road making a long valley along the street. The metal man was still standing, but his metal body was red hot from the plasma.)

Metal man: "It burns!"

Taku: "Thanks man. You're selling it."

(Dai then runs up to the metal man while turning his hand into a drill. He then hits the metal man hard enough to make him go flying. He runs straight into a building going through the bricks in the front. Dai and Taku walk over to him and stand right above him. The metal man is partly metal now. His face is exposed along with the left side of his upper body.)

Metal man: "I-I-I h-h-hurt."

Dai: "We know, come on."

(They pick up the metal man, and bring him to the station.)

(They arrive at the station and lock away the villain.)

Dai: "Chief we caught this guy in the middle of trying to rob someone. We chased him down, and got him."

Chief: "Good, good. Just one thing. You idiots destroyed half the city!!!"

Taku: "Well it wasn't half the city. It was that road."

Chief: "You two, out!!"

Dai: "Of the city, or your office?"

Chief: "Both. You two aren't allowed back in this city again."

Dai: "We've heard this before. Taku, how many times has it been now?"

Taku: "This is the sixth city we've been kicked out of."

Dai: "Yeah."

Chief: "How come you guys don't do something different?"

Dai: "We just have destructive powers, it's hard to do another tactic."

Chief: "I ment a different job."

Dai: "O-oh."

Taku: "What other job helps you get the ladies, Chief."

Chief: "Maybe one you're good at."

Taku: "Low blow, Chief. Low blow."

Chief: "Whatever, you two out of this city. I'll give you twenty-four hours. After that, if any heroes or officers, or anyone sees you, I'll give them permission to attack."

Dai: "Uhhhh, come on Taku. We gotta pack."

(Dai and Taku left to go pack. Taku takes off his costume. He has blue eyes, and shaggy blond hair.)

Taku: "So what are we gonna do now?"

(Taku changed into jeans and a T-shirt that says 'sup girls'.)

Dai: "I have enough money for a bus ride to the next city. So that's where we're headed."

(Dai had to change into shorts and a blue shirt.)

Dai: "Guess we should start heading out."

Taku: "Ok."

(They get on a bus and fall asleep)

(They arrive in a city they haven't heard of, because they don't know where they are. The bus driver kicked them off because they didn't have enough money to go anywhere else.)

Dai: "Come on Taku. Let's go find a place."

Taku: "And some ladies."

(Dai and Taku walk around the city exploring. They look for a place to stay, but they can't find any. That night they slept in an alleyway, using their clothes they packed as pillows and blankets. The next day a lady is standing above them.)

???: "What are you two doing?"

(Dai rubs his eyes and looks up.)

Dai: "Sleeping."

???: "Outside, are you two homeless?"

Dai: "At the moment, yes."

Taku: "Hey girl, looking for a hot guy to hang with."

???: "Yeah, I'm still looking too."

Taku: "Damn you're mean. I like that."

Dai: "Sorry for my brother. What is it you need?"

Yui: "Listen I'm Yui. I'm just seeing if you two need a place to stay. There's a homeless shelter down the street, I can take you if you want."

Taku: "Homeless shelters aren't sexy."

Yui: "You're not sexy."

Taku: "Damn..."

Dai: "Thanks, but we're fine. We're heroes from another city, we'll make the money we need by pay time."

Yui: "Fine, but I just wanna say, they're a lot of heroes here, and not a lot of villains. You two have fun with catching the bad guys."

(Yui then walked off.)

Dai: "Uhhh, come on Taku. Let's go look for some crime."

(Dai and Taku pack back up, then they head out. They walk around the city for a little bit, but still nothing.)

Taku: "This sucks."

Dai: "Yeah, it does."

Taku: "There's no crime here at all. What is this city called anyway?"

Dai: "To be honest I don't know. I never heard of it, but apparently no bad guys have either."

(Just then a portal opened in front of them. A beaten up and bloody man jumps through it. He has black hair and purple eyes. He has on jeans, and a purple shirt, but the shirt is pretty cut up and the jeans are kinda burned. Just then Dai realized who he was.)

Dai: "You're Kazu Ito! Your hero name, Portaru. You're the number one hero. What are you doing here?"

Kazu: "Don't feel like getting into that now. Are you two heroes?"

Dai: "We are."

Kazu: "Ok well I need your help. There's a villain with some weird power and he's really strong. Can you two handle it?"

Dai: "We can."

Taku: "Sure."

Kazu: "Okay, well his power makes him able to..."

???: "Howdy Kazu."

(The villain was standing at the end of the road. He had brown hair combed to the side, and green eyes. He was wearing tan pants and a open tan trench coat, with a white T-shirt under it)

Kazu: "Damn it, he found us. Come on we gotta go."

Taku: "Don't worry Portal man, I got this."

(Taku took a few steps forward.)

Taku: "Hey mister bad guy. I have a pretty strong power. Lucky for you we're in a city, and I have to hold back, but either way it will hurt. Now's your chance to run bud."

???: "Really, you're gonna tell me how strong you are and not show me. Come on, I wanna see your power."

Taku: "Ok, well sorry for this."

(Taku shoots a plasma shot out of his left hand.)

Kazu: "Wait no!!"

(The villain put his right hand in front of him. A white circle appeared in front of his hand, showing weird symbols on it. The laser hits the circle, consuming the laser.)

???: "I thought you were strong... Oh well."

(The villain then made seven of the circles point towards Taku, they all shoot a laser, but much stronger right at him. A portal opened under Taku and closed really fast. Another portal opened near Kazu and dropped Taku there.)

Kazu: "His power is weird. It can consume things and shoot them back at you stronger."

???: "You just had to ruin the surprise. Well, guess I have to kill you three so you don't tell anyone else."

(The villain makes another one of those circles. He then throws it right at the three. Dai makes his hand into a drill and hits the circle. The circle shattered into pieces.)

???: "What?!"

(Dai looked at his drill in shock.)

Dai: "You can't reflect physical attacks."

???: "Damn it!! I was hoping you weren't gonna figure that out, but let me just say I can reflect some physical attacks."

(The villain then makes another circle next to him. He picks up a little rock right next to his foot, and throws it at the circle. The circle consumes it. He then makes another circle above a car near him, and drops the rock on the car, but it is no longer a rock, it's a boulder. He then smashes the car making an explosion, but another circle sucks up the explosion.)

???: "I might not fully understand my power yet, but when I do, man can it be powerful."

(The villain then makes multiple circles next to the heroes. Explosions shoot out of the circles right at the heroes. The three jump into one of Kazu's portals just in time. They fly out of the portal onto a roof.)

Taku: "Do you think he'll find us?"

???: "Yeah, I think I will."

(The villain is floating on one of his circles slowly up the building.)

Dai: "How did you...?"

Kazu: "I didn't go far. I'm hurt so I can't make my portals take us that far."

???: "Man, I'm about to kill the top hero, boss is gonna be happy."

(The villain then makes a giant circle above them.)

???: "It's gonna hurt, but I have enough of the plasma to make a giant beam. Have fun in the afterlife."

(The beam shoots down right above them, but then a giant portal appears above them. The beam goes right into the portal.)

???: "Huh?"

Kazu: "I can't go far, but I don't need to to make this beam go right at you."

(The villain looks down and sees another giant portal, and the beam he made coming right at him. He jumps off his circle and lands on the roof. The laser beam destroyed his circle, luckily that's all it destroyed. The villain lays on the ground and when he looks up, he sees a drill pointed right at his face.)

Dai: "Hey, that was a strong power, too bad we're stronger."

???: "Damn it."

(They take the villain to jail)

Kazu: "Thank you two for helping. It's kinda embarrassing for the top hero to need help from two noobies, but I'm still glad you did. Anyway, how can I repay you guys."

Dai: "We're ok, We're just happy everyone is sa..."

Taku: "Girls, lots of them, and, and money, a lot of that, and a place to stay, but not a crappy place, a really nice place, and uh what else?"


Taku: "Wel we do need those things."

Kazu: "Haha, well if you need a place to stay, I'll be more than happy to let you crash with me. It's way too big for just me anyway."

Taku: "Great, come on Dai, let's go grab our stuff, and..."

(Taku sees his stuff burned up on the ground from the fight.)


(Reo, Selene, and Sara are walking around town at night.)

Reo: "Damn Kazu. Always taking all the crime away from the ones that need it."

Selene: "Words from a true hero."

Reo: "Shut up."

Sara: "Where are we going anyway?"

Reo: "Home now. Got nowhere else to go, but home."

(A loud crash happens behind them. Reo pulls out his sword and turns around, the others just look. A very skinny man comes out. He has long brown hair, and blue eyes. He was wearing sweatpants, but no shirt or shoes. It was Kaen.)

Kaen:"Uh, hey?"