Chapter 7 *Secret Behind the Flame*

(Kaen was walking through the alleyway in the middle of the night. He found a pair of sweatpants in the trash a few days after the 'incident'. He knew people thought he was the bad guy, but he isn't. It's his core, it has a mind of its own.)

Kaen: "Listen if you're gonna not let me use my power, then at least use it for good."

???: "No."

(Kaen jumped from the voice coming out of nowhere. He tripped and fell through some trash cans. He was on the sidewalk right outside of the alleyway. He got up and turned around, to see people, one had a sword.)

Kaen: "Uh, hey?"

Reo: "Kaen, finally caught you."

Kaen: "Listen I know it looks like I committed those crimes, but it wasn't me."

Reo: "Do you think I'm stupid? Because that pisses me off."

Selene: "Doesn't everything?"

Reo: "Shut up and get him."

Selene: "Ok."

(Selene uses her wind to pull Kaen toward them. Kaen grabbed onto the building.)

Kaen: "Please, you're gonna make him angry."

Sara: "Who? Is there more of you?"

Kaen: "No, but yes. Kinda."

Sara: "Reo, this guy is confusing me."

Reo: "Everyone confuses you. Now freeze him."

Sara: "Okie dokie."

(Sara shoots ice at him, but when she does, flames shoot from Kaen's hand and melts it.)

Kaen: "I told you. Please don't burn my pants off this time, it's all I got."

(Kaen lets go of the building as fire rose from behind him. He grabbed his head and shook it back and forth. Selene stopped pulling him closer, to see what he was doing. His hair started to turn red and his eyes turned black."

Reo: "What the hell?"

(Kaen spoke, but it wasn't Kaen. It was a whole new voice, that was deeper.)

???: "You all messed up big time."

(He shot fire out of his hands right at Reo. Reo jumped up in the air and dodged.)

Reo: "Who the hell are you?"

???: "The one Kaen has been talking about."

Sara: "My brother ment your name, sir."

Demon: "Well, then call me Demon."

Selene: "Cool name. People will love it when you're in prison."

(Selene then shot wind out towards him to trap him, but he had fire surrounding him making the fire blaze more.)

Selene: "Huh."

Reo: "Damn it, Selene. Put out the fire."

Selene: "I'm trying!"

(Demon shot out fire right at Selene, so she used her wind to fly up.)

Sara: "He's gonna burn down the city."

Reo: "Sara keep the fire in check. Selene same for you. I'm gonna go fight him dead on."

Selene and Sara: "Ok."

(Reo dashes toward Demon dodging all flames he throws at him. When he gets close enough he slashes his sword, but Demon uses his fire to throw himself up.)

Reo: "Damn it."

Demon: "I thought you'd be a challenge."

Reo: "Shut up."

(Reo swings his sword creating an electric slash to go straight toward Demon, but Demon flies up in the air with his fire dodging the slash.)

Demon: "You missed."

Reo: "Damn it!"

(Reo keeps trying over and over again missing each time. Sara sees this.)

Sara: "We gotta help him! He's not doing so good."

Selene: "I need you on the fire! Your ice puts it out better than my wind."

Sara: "Sorry, Selene. I gotta help my brother. You're smart though, so I bet you'll figure it out."

(Sara runs into the battle with her brother.)

Selene: "Damn it! How am I supposed to put out all this fire?"

(Selene then sees a fire hydrant.)

(Sara runs straight at Demon. His back turned towards her because he was busy dodging Reo's attacks.)

Reo: "Damn it! Damn it!! DAMN IT!!!"

Demon: "Ha, you're not as fast as you are on tv."

Sara: "Leave my brother alone!"

(Demon looks behind and sees a fist covered in ice hitting him right in the face. He falls to the ground unconscious. Sara stands over him, her body covered in full ice.)

Reo: "Who the hell ask for your help."

Sara: "Sorry brother, it just looked like-"

Reo: "It looks like your trying to take the glory with your new ice mode."

Sara: "Hmmm, ice mode huh? That sounds like a good name for this. Thanks big bro."

Reo: "Shut up."

(Reo then looks and sees the fire everywhere.)

Reo: "And you didn't even do what you were asked."

Selene: "Don't worry I got this."

(Selene then tries to use her wind to open the fire hydrant, but it doesn't budge.)

Selene: "Guys help."

(Just then a foot kicks off the fire hydrant spraying water in the sky. It's Yui.)

Yui: "There you go, now hurry."

(Selene uses her wind to move the water into the fire, putting it all out.)

Selene: "Thanks Kyoko."

Yui: "No problem."

Reo: "Who asked for your help, I could've-"

Sara: "Reo."

(Reo looks down at his sister.)

Reo: "Ugh, fine thank you."

Yui: "Well, uh I didn't do it for you or anything, just for the money."

Reo: "Shut up, Selene grab the body with your wind and let's go to the station."

Selene: "Okay."

Yui: "You're taking him to the station?"

Reo: "Yeah got a problem."

Yui: "No, It's just that, you know you get money if you interrogate the criminal yourself right."

Reo: "Huh?"

Yui: "Yeah, if you ask them why they did what they did and got an answer they'll give you more money. It's less work the cops gotta do so more money for us. I think I got 3,000 yen last time."

Reo: "3,000!"

Yui: "Yeah, it's not a lot, but hey money's money."

Reo: "Selene we're going to my apartment, and interrogating this guy. We're gonna pay my bills in no time."

(They all ran to Reo's apartment except for Yui who stayed back and watched them go. She decided to let them get as much money as they could, they needed it.)

(Yui went to her apartment alone. Her family lives in Tokyo dealing with their jobs making money. Yui always wanted to help, but she never could get into what her family did. They owned one of the biggest restaurants and the whole family helped, except for her. She would try to wait tables, but could never remember the orders and write so fast, that her handwriting was unreadable. She tried to clean, but ended up making it dirtier than it already was. She even tried to sit people down at their tables, but still she messed that up somehow. She eventually gave up her family's dream of her helping at the restaurant and decided to make her own dream, being a hero. She always liked helping people, even if she didn't get paid, even if no one knew she did it, she would still want to help. She likes the feeling of joy after you helped someone. How they smile at you and thank you, it makes her feel good. Sometimes she helps people that show no gratitude, but she likes helping them more, because they're the ones that need it the most help. She sits on her couch and turns the tv on and watches the news. It's talking about the battle that happened against Kaen. It shows the burn marks on the buildings and people are being interviewed on what they saw.)

One man: "They were like flames and electricity all shooting everywhere. It was crazy man."

One girl: "I saw a woman break a fire hydrant. These heroes are out of control."

(Yui leaned to the tv closer when one viewer looked a bit odd. He had a paper bag over his head with two holes so he could see, but yet was wearing a very nice suit)

Reporter: "Uh, sir did you see anything."

The man: "Yes I did. I saw change. Change that needed to happen a long time ago. I saw ones that needed help, but instead casted a way as villains, fighting back."

Reporter: "Uh sir what do you mean by that."

The man: "What I mean is, the war is coming. I don't know when, but it is soon, and all those who believe you are stronger just because you were blessed with an amazing core. You will be punished."

(The screen goes static. It cuts back to the anchorman.)

Anchorman: "Uh, Todd. Todd are you there. Well we seem to be having some technical difficulties everyone. So stay there we'll be right back. Cut to commercial."

(Yui turns the tv off.)

Yui: "What the hell."