Chapter 8 *The Interrogation*

Reo: "So Demon. Why are you destroying everything?"

(Reo has Kaen sat down in a chair tied up in the middle of his living room.)

Kaen: "I told you. I'm not Demon. You knocked him out."

(Kaen has his hair back to brown and his eyes are back to blue.)

Reo: "Sure, that's what you want us to think, huh?"

Selene: "I'm pretty sure he's Kaen now, Reo."

Reo: "Shut up, Selene. I'm doing something."

Selene: "Whatever."

(Selene walks into the kitchen to get a snack. It's 1:00 am, so Sara is asleep on the couch. She hasn't woken up once since Reo started the interrogation.)

Reo: "Listen, I'll play your little game. So Kaen, How did you escape the station, when each of those cells have an electromagnetic feature that makes it impossible to use your core."

Selene: "It's not electromagnetic! It's something else!"

(Selene yells from the kitchen.)

Reo: "Shut up Selene!"

Kaen: "I'm not playing a game, and the thing may stop you from using your core, but it takes 0.5 seconds to activate."

Reo: "Ok."

Selene: "But you were there for more than 0.5 seconds. I talked to you."

(Selene walks back into the living room.)

Kaen: "I was, but Demon wasn't. He's a different person than me. It's like they're two souls in one body. I don't get it."

Reo: "Huh, that's stupid."

Selene: "No, it kinda makes sense. The thing they have in the cells deactivates your core, but if you have two cores, and only one is active, it's gonna deactivate the active one."

Reo: "Then when the other one gets activated it deactivates that one, but it would take 0.5 seconds."

Kaen: "And when he got activated in that cell he let out tons of flames immediately because he knew all about it."

Reo: "Ok, we got what we want, now we can take him back to the station and get paid."

Selene: "Reo, we can't... or the same thing will just happen again."

Kaen: "She's right, He's done this multiple times, I just recently got to this city. I don't even know the name."

Reo: "No one does, but what should we do with him? If we leave him here he'll just go flame mode again, and it will be a hell of a lot easier since his only barrier is rope."

Kaen: "Well he only really comes out in terms of stress or anger. As long as I stay chilled out, he should stay back."

Selene: "Ok then, let's untie him."

(As Selene walks over to Kaen to untie him Reo stops her.)

Reo: "Woah, what the hell are you doing?"

Selene: "You heard him. In times of stress. Being tied up isn't the most relaxing thing."

Kaen: "She's right, you know."

Reo: "Shut up. He could be lying and kill us in our sleep."

Kaen: "He's gotta point. I wouldn't trust me."

Selene: "Shut up. Listen Reo, this whole situation is probably stressful for him. We should untie him, and then keep and eye on him."

Kaen: "That's true too. You two yelling is really hard on me."

Reo and Selene: "Shut up."

Selene: "Come on, Reo. I know you can't trust him untied, but we can't trust him tied up either. We just have to untie him and watch him."

(Reo looks at Kaen and looks back at Selene.)

Reo: "Fine damn it, but you better watch him and work harder than ever."

Selene: "Ok it's a deal."

(Selene unties him and Kaen stands up and rubs his arms which has marks from the rope. Reo leans in really close to him)

Reo: "One screw up, and you're dead."

Kaen: "Uh, yeah, ok."

(Reo turns around, walks into his room and closes the door.)

Kaen: "That guy, am I right."

Selene: "You better not mess up. It's taken me awhile to get Reo to warm up to me."

Kaen: "When has he been warm to you at all."

Selene: "When he actually listened to me, now go to bed."

(Kaen looks around.)

Kaen: "Where?"

(Selene points down.)

Selene: "The floor."

(Guys with bags of money run through the street, but a portal opens in front of both of them and a fist hits them in the face. Dai and Taku walk out, and a third portal opens and Kazu walks out of that one.)

A man: "Look it's the number one hero Portaru."

A women: "Who are the other two."

Dai: "I am Doriru, a drill hero."

Taku: "And I am Purazuma, a plasma hero."

(All the citizens cheer. The heros give back the money and the cops pull up.)

Cop: "Portaru, and who are these two."

Kazu: "Doriru and Purazuma. Newbies."

Cop: "Well then, I'll make sure that this is in the books."

Kazu: "Thank you, sir. Come on guys."

(Kazu makes a portal and the three of them walk through it. They all enter through the front doors of a mansion right outside of the city.)

Taku: "Did you see the ladies look at me? They all want a piece of the great Purazuma."

Kazu: "Yeah, the great. Sorry bud, but you've only defeated a few crimes, and mostly because of me or Dai."

Taku: "What? Come on. What about the guy who reflected stuff?"

Dai: "We almost died because of you."

(They walk into the mansion still talking.)

Taku: "Come on. It was my laser beam that got him close."

Kazu: "It was your laser beam that nearly killed us."

Taku: "Come on. What about the electric guy with the spiky yellow and black hair."

Dai: "Taku, he got away."

Taku: "Yeah, but I did some damage."

Kazu: "You nearly died."

Taku: "He had an electric bazooka, That meant I had to get some close distance."

Kazu: "If you fight someone with electric powers you need distance from them."

Dai: "Wouldn't they just shoot electricity at you?"

Kazu: "Yes, that's why you need to be ready to dodge, then use a long distance move of yours."

Taku: "Smart. Hey I wanted to ask, how did you convince the city to give you a mansion right outside of the city."

Kazu: "Well after I got paid enough I just bought the land and had it built with my own money."

Dai: "That had to be expensive, and take awhile."

Kazu: "Eh, I teleported all the supplies they needed when they needed it. So that put down the price, and the time."

Taku: "Still had to take a while, this place is huge."

Kazu: "Yeah, like three months. I had a lot of workers too."

Taku: "How rich are you?"

Kazu: "I have a lot of money, because I do a lot of stuff. To be honest I don't know how much

money I have. It comes and goes."

Dai: "Goes?"

Kazu: "Yeah, I usually have my secretary send money out to charities randomly."

Taku: "Good idea, the ladies love generous guys."

Kazu: "I don't do it to look good. I do it to help. I am very rich, so some people think I do it for the

money, but ever since I was a kid I just wanted help."

Dai: "What an honorable backstory."

Taku: "Yeah, honorable and stuff."

Kazu: "I wanna train you two to be as good as me, who knows maybe even pass me."

Dai: "And be the number one hero. I would be honored."

Kazu: "Well it's not a name I can just give, it's a name that must be earned."

Dai: "I will earn it."

Taku: "Me too."

Kazu: "Good. You two can start by training hard today."

Dai: "Yes sir."

Taku: "Huh?"

(It becomes morning, a wednesday. Reo woke up refreshed and well. He stepped out of his room to see Kaen asleep on the ground. He can't believe he let Selene talk him into untying the villain. It's such a dumb idea. Reo walked into the kitchen. Some coffee was brewing.)

Selene: "It's the last of the coffee."

(Reo saw Selene sitting in the dining room, which was just a small table with two chairs.)

Reo: "How much money do we have?"

Selene: "If I'm correct, from what we've done we should get. 3,000 yen in total of all of us."

Reo: "How much do we need?"

Selene: "1070300.000 Yen."

Reo: "Damn it. Not even close."

(Reo looks over at Kaen who is still asleep)

Reo: "How much would we get for him?"

Selene: "He has killed and done tons of damage. Probably like 1,000,000 yen."

Reo: "It's a start."

Selene: "We can't take him in, yet."

Reo: "Why exactly?"

Selene: "He'll just escape again and we know he's innocent so it won't be fair."

Reo: "Ha, my life isn't fair, but I still deal with it."

Selene: "Listen we can't take him in. At least not until we find out what's exactly wrong with him."

Reo: "Ugh, fine. I'll be in my room. Tell me when the coffee's done."

(Reo walked into his room and closed the door behind him. Selene stood there thinking to herself. She doesn't really know what to do with Kaen. He is a villain, but not really. If he gets taken away he can easily just get back out again no problem. She didn't know what to do. Reo sat on his bed and looked around his room. It wasn't big. He had his bed and a dresser, no closet.He opened his dresser and looked around, not a lot of clothes. Mostly jeans and tank tops, and few different colored shirts, but they had nothing on them. He then stumbled upon some metal gloves. He remembers these, his sister sent them to him a few years ago. It was supposed to help control electricity pretty much. Reo had almost total control of his core, so he didn't use it. He actually took the gift as an insult. He tried the gloves on, they fit pretty well. The fingers move fine and everything, not to mention he bet it will hurt if he punches someone with these. Selene walked in.)

Reo: "Ever heard of knocking."

(Selene ignored him.)

Selene: "Coffee's done."

(Reo took the gloves off and walked into the kitchen. He got himself a cup and enjoyed it. He can take his time, since they're still waiting on his sister to wake up.)

Selene: "So you really want to turn him in."

Reo: "I don't know. I need time to think, but we don't have time."

Selene: "Yeah."

(Just then they both heard a knock on the door. It made Sara wake up.)

Sara: "Huh? Guys what time is it?"

Selene: "I'll get it."

(Selene walked to the door and Reo was right behind her with his sword ready to swing.)

Selene: "Reo, what the hell?"

Reo: "I made sure to tell everyone in this apartment not to try to bother me ever. Especially in the morning. Whoever this is knows where I live and I don't like that."

(Selene reached for the door and Reo pulled his sword back ready to swing if anything happened, but when Selene opened the door it was a girl. She had medium straight black hair, and green eyes.)

Selene: "Ruri."

Reo: "Ruri?"

Ruri: "Hey Mizuki."

Reo: "Mizoki?"

Selene: "That, that's not right."