Phantom Tombs

Julia came running into the trophy room slammed the doors shut and handed Indah a book. She read it.

"The ghosts of knights have come back from the dead, before you can get the knights back into their tombs you must find, four gems... an amythest, a sapphire, a topaz, and an aquamarine. You will also need to find four numbers for the code on the first floor of the tombs, be careful wraiths will be haunting you throughout your search, first, find the gems, and then you will need to find the code to defeat the knight phantom and lock him back in his tomb and to send the wraiths back to hell." Once Indah finished reading the book Eliza screamed.

"My god! Eliza what happened!?" Moira asked startled by the scream.

"There's a wraith!!" The wraith floated through the wall Julia opened the door and everyone ran outside and went to the basement of the Lounge.

"Would they be able to find us here?" Jay asked.

"I don't think so," Julia said.

"Indah, did the book say where we could find the code?" Aria asked.

"It says... Oh wow, two numbers are down here."

"Ok then I guess we should split into two groups so we can find the numbers," Jay said.

"Alright then Jay I'm coming with you," Moira said.

"That's fine," He responded. Indah also went with Jay to the room off the side of the. Aria, Eliza, Aph, and Thiago, went to the back of the basement.

Indah's POV: Moira, Jay, and I went to a room in the basement, and as soon as we walked in the door shut behind us, and a book fell from the ceiling Jay grabbed it and read it.

"The room will fill with poison gas in thirty minutes if you don't rearrange the five items correctly."

"Wait what!?" I asked.

"We will all die if we don't rearrange the items," Moira said. Jay ran over to the bookshelf and spotted a map that pointed out what the items were.

"There is a cherry, an aquamarine, a water lily, a palm leaf, and what I think is a crown," Jay said. and on the back of the map was the palm leaf, we placed it on the table, the timer was counting down we had lost five minutes, Moira climbed on the table and grabbed the lily from the light, Jay crawled under the table and saw the aquamarine, I went over to the door and grabbed the cherry.

"All we are missing is the crown," I said, and then out of nowhere the sorceress appeared, and we realized we needed her crown.

"Excuse me miss sorceress... we kinda need your crown," Jay said.

"This?" She asked pointing at her crown Jay nodded, "Well your not getting it." I glanced over at the clock and we were down to eighteen minutes. The sorceress turned around and Jay grabbed her crown... somehow she didn't notice, and then disappeared, Jay placed the crown on the table and we had to put them in the correct order.

"Jay opens the book and read the thing that explains where the things need to go," I said. He opened the book and read it.

"The crown goes at the head of the table, the leaf two spots to the left, the cherry does not go across from the crown, the lily is next to the cherry and across from the aquamarine, and the map goes in across from the crown." Moira grabbed the crown and the cherry, I grabbed the palm leaf and the aquamarine, and Jay grabbed the map and the lily. Moira placed the crown at the head of the table, and I counted two to the left of the crown and placed the leaf, Jay then placed the map across from the crown, I put the aquamarine next to the leaf, Jay put the lily across from the aquamarine, and then Moira placed the cherry, the timer stopped at 7:24.

"We did it!" Moira shouted in excitement, a drawer in the table popped open in it was the first and the third numbers of the code.

"It's nine and three," Jay said reading the card.

While Indah, Moira, and Jay were busy trying not to die Aria, Thiago, Aph, and Eliza were in the back of the basement.

Eliza's POV: Aria and Thiago went to one side of the room, Aph and I went to the other there were two things we had to do when Aph and I did one thing right it helped Thiago and Aria, and vise versa, Aph and I had to do a maze to unlock their first door, and they had to pull three levers to figure out a math problem, they had to flip three levers each of them was between 1 and 9 and it had to equal 23 Aph was holding my hand so I didn't get lost in the maze while she navigated through it, once we got through the maze our door was open, and we opened Aria's and Thiago's door.

"Eliza!" Aria yelled.

"Yeah!?" I yelled back.

"What is full of holes but can still hold water!?" She asked.

"Uh... a sponge!" I answered.

"Thanks! Your door is now open!" Thiago yelled.

"Hey, Thiago!" Aph yelled.

"What!?" Thiago asked.

"What is a question that you can never answer yes to!?" Aph asked.

"Uhm... Aria do you know?" Thiago asked.

"As a matter of fact, I do... Aph! It's are you asleep yet!" Aria yelled.

"Thanks, Aria!! Your door is open too!" Aph responded. We went through our doors, and we had to do one final thing. Aph and I now had to answer a math question and Aria and Thiago had to do a maze. Aph read the question.

"What two numbers times three equals thirty-nine."

"Uhm first we need to divide thirty-nine by three," I said.

"Which is thirteen," Aph said.

"So what plus what is thirteen?" I asked.

"Um well, we have one to nine so what numbers equal thirteen?" Aph asked.

"I think six would work," I noted.

"Ok, so what plus six equals thirteen?"

"Um, what is thirteen minus six?"

"Thirteen minus six is… Seven!"

"Ok then… Aph you pull the seven switch I'll pull the six switch." We pulled the switches down and as soon as we did, our door opened, meaning Thiago and Aria finished their maze. Aph and I walked through the doorway and got the fourth number.

"It's eight," Aph said. I heard Thiago yell.

"We got one!"

"Ok!! Meet back at the entrance of this area!" I yelled back.

NO ONE'S POV: Everyone met up in the basement.

"What numbers did you guys get?" Jay asked.

"We got one and eight," Aria said. Everyone went outside to find the tombs. After five minutes of searching, they found the door that leads to the tombs.

"There is a padlock," Moira said.

"The first number is nine," Indah said.

"The second is one," Thiago added.

"The third number is three," Moira whispered to herself.

"And the final number is eight," Aph said. The padlock popped open, and laying on the ground of the tombs was a note.

"Two of you will be selected by vote to go into the tombs, the two voted will select someone to aid them in the tomb, the code to send the phantoms to hell is on the first floor," Thiago read the note.

"Everyone please discuss among yourselves," Julia said. Thiago, Jay, and Eliza talked, Aria and Moira talked, and Aph and Indah talked.

Group 1: Jay, Thiago, and Eliza were talking on the balcony.

"In my group, I took the crown off of the sorceress so that Moira, Indah, and I didn't die," Jay said.

"Yeah I feel like you shouldn't go into this challenge," Eliza said.

"I know both of us did a lot of stuff for our team so who should we vote for?" Thiago asked.

"I know Indah didn't do much for my team, Eliza what about yours?"

"Aph... and maybe Aria, they didn't contribute as much as Thiago and I."

"There is no way I could vote Aria she is my best friend I could never vote her," Jay said.

"Well, then I guess Aph it is," Thiago said.

Group 2: Aria, Moira, Indah, and Aph were talking inside.

"Jay did a lot for our group... he took the crown off of the sorceress's head!" Moira said.

"Aph... I am sorry I am just going to say this right now, I am going to vote you... you didn't do much for Eliza she did most of the work herself, and I know you got through that maze really fast but there might not be any more mazes," Aria said.

"I don't know how you can look someone dead in the eyes and say, I am going to vote for you to die."

"Well, now that that has happened... It is time to vote," Julia said. Everyone voted one by one. Moira voted Aph, Eliza voted Aria, Aria voted Aph, Thiago voted Indah, Indah voted Aria, Aph voted Aria, and Jay voted Indah. "I will not shuffle and draw two... the first one in the challenge is... Aria."

"Oh my god!" Jay said shocked.

"Did not see that coming," Thiago said.

"Well, I guess saying what I thought put me in this challenge," Aria said.

"The second person in this challenge is... Indah."

"Woah..." Moira said.

"Aria who do you choose to help you?" Julia asked.

"I choose Jay... I can trust that he didn't vote me and IF I die... Aph I will haunt you," Aria said.

"Indah, who do you choose?"

"I choose Moira."

"Everyone... please follow me to the tombs." Aria glared at Aph.

"Aria I promise I will do my best to save you from death," Jay told Aria. Everyone walked into the tomb.

"One of you please read the note here," Julia said handing the note to Moira.

"The two who were voted will go into the chambers on the back wall the two who were selected to help will try to malfunction the machine, first to do so will locate the phantoms diamond which sealed the tomb, to begin with, once the diamond has been located the other guest will drown." Julia took Aria and Indah and put them into the chambers. "Oh, I forgot to read this part... You have thirty minutes to find the diamond or both guests will die and the phantom will be released into the twilight forest," Moira said.

"Well crap," Indah said in the chamber.

"Your time starts... NOW!" Julia screamed.

Jay's POV: I ran over to the machine's box there were puzzle pieces of wood sitting on the top of it I put the corner pieces together... there were about ten pieces of the puzzle and they were shapes too, I got them placed and the light on top of my box lit up.

"Jay hurry up!! This water is cold and I can feel it creeping up my foot!" Aria yelled.

"I am trying!!" I yelled back. The next thing I had to do was shove my hand in an ice water bucket and grab something screwed into the bottom I reached my hand in and grabbed a corner of it, pulled it up and nothing happened, I then tried again but my hand was freezing I took my hand out and then tried again.

"YES MOIRA!!!" I heard Indah yell. Meaning Moira got the plate in the bottom of the bucket. I reached back down and tried every corner until it finally popped free, I looked over at Aria and the water was at her knees. I heard another light go off and Moira got the map to show where the phantom diamond is.

Moira's POV: Once Julia yelled at us to start I darted to my box and saw the puzzle it took me like two minutes to do the puzzle... it was hard. Then I had to stick my hand into an ice-cold bucket of water and pull out the plate at the bottom.

"Jay hurry up!! This water is cold and I can feel it creeping up my foot!!" I heard Aria yell at Jay.

"I am trying Aria!!" Jay yelled back. I grabbed a corner of the plate and pulled, I took my other hand and pushed on the bucket the plate shot out of the water... it hit my face.

"YES MOIRA!!" Indah yelled when I pulled the plate out.

"It hit my face though," I said. I then realized how high the water was on Indah, it was touching her fingertips, then again she is kinda short. Julia handed me a note and it was a riddle, "What is more useful when broken?" I read "IT'S AN EGG!!" I yelled very excitedly. "Indah I'm going to find the phantom diamond and get you out of that chamber!" The box opened and it told me where the diamond was. "Follow the left hallway two the second level of the tombs, you will find the diamond in the rough."

No POV: Moira ran down the hallway and saw the stairs she bolted down the stairs there was debris everywhere she ran to a rock and threw it against the ground Jay then came running down the stairs.

"Jay no! This is my diamond! I will free Indah!" Moira screeched. Jay chucked a rock at the ground, Moira saw something gleaming in a rock, she grabbed it and threw it at the ground, the diamond skittered across the ground. Moira dived for it she grabbed it and ran up the stairs she presented the diamond to the phantom knight and he gave Moira his trophy Jay ran over to Aria.

"Girl I'm sorry! I wasn't fast enough!" Jay said.

"Jay it's o-" Aria was cut off by the water it filled her chamber.

"ARIA NO!!!" Jay screamed. Indah's chamber opened and the water spilled out onto the floor, Julia handed her a towel so she could dry off. Tears were streaming down Jay's face. Moira hugged Indah.

"Jay... I am sorry," Moira said and hugged him. They all walked back to the lounge.

"Moira... did you happen... to grab the lily earlier?" Jay asked through sniffles.

"I did not... did we lose the chance to complete the spell," Moira responded.

"I hope not," Indah said. They walked into the lounge and Jay immediately yelled at Aph.


"How is it my fault!?"


"It's ok Jay," Thiago said and he hugged Jay too.