Heavenly Temple

"My name is Master Angelica, so you will have to be with me all the time and whatever I say, you must obey." Master dropped to the ground, and lifted Amy to put her on the floor.

Amy, nodded, "Yes, Master!"

As they arrived, Amy and her master were in the courtyard. There was green grass all over and the temple was face to them. Heavenly temple looked great and had fresh flowers blooming under the shiny sunlight. It was humid and that was normal due to the altitude. Heavenly temple could only feel like heaven and it seemed its master was taking good care of it.

"Go to your wardrobe, and get changed." Amy who was lightly hurt, murmured, "She is chasing me away!"

She took an outdoor mattress and prepared for her Qi infusion. "In fact, I didn't even bother to ask your name," Amy was brave and responded, "My name is Amy!"

As master heard Amy's name, she instantly had a different idea. "Amy Rose, I will call you." She said, with a glowing face. 

Amy sighed, not willing to bear such a name. "But why?" Her master laughed and said, "Amy rose is more angelic, and you will match your master."

Amy was being childish for a while and just thought, "She's really funny! That name is completely ridiculous. "

"In the alley, you will see your room." she, pointed.

"And I forget..."


With a glimpse, a pair of white wings ― magically appeared on the back of Amy.

"Angels Wing!" she cried. 

"You will have them all the time, unless you leave level 1 to level 2," Master, adviced to her new and unique apprentice. 

Amy, looked at her wings and admired their whiteness and strength. "So, I will not have them anymore when I will be in level 2."

"Thanks, master!" Amy said, walking away. 

Master nodded and Amy rushed to get changed.


The Heavenly Temple, is located one thousand miles away from the village. It is guarded ― by huge stone mountains and blue cyan rivers, flowers, and cherry trees. The view from the temple is excellent and looked like a heavenly painting. The temple is courted with big gardens and trees.

It is huge and ornamented, with gold and precious stones. A stone bridge, is separating the temple from the village. Despite its tallness and hugeness, the inside is really small.

At this moment, the master headed into the garden and Amy ― quickly followed her. She had left, her sword toward the outside and master asked her to take it.

She took her sword and prepared for master's special training.

"We will be training on your abilities!" Her master said. 

For every first day, in the game, there is a training session ― where the apprentice and the master fight each other. But firstly, the master will detect what kind of nature the apprentice had. Natures, are powers that an  apprentice has, which will follow him for the rest of his life. 

"Sit down!" Master, gestured.

Amy sat on her laps and master posed a finger, on her forehead.


When master posed her fingers, on Amy's forehead, she felt a mix of different powers, clustering in Amy's body. It felt like a mix of colors, that were throbbing to get out and she quickly, took her fingers away.

"So many natures!" she gasped. 

"How is it possible for a new student, to get so many natures? It will be hard for her to master all of them..."

"Master, what is it?" Amy asked, awkwardly. 

"Concentrate!" master hushed, in a soft voice.

Master thought for a moment, that she had to train Amy in her sword abilities. "Come! Let's see how, you are good with the sword!" she took her hand, and went a little farther away from the training ground.

"Haha!" Amy laughed, embarrassed.

"I have excellent stamina when it involves sword techniques. Will, she be anxious, about something?" She bit her fingers and looked anxiously, at her master.

Master read her mind and looked satisfied. "You have great powers with your sword. I will help you, improve it,"

"Phew!" Amy sighed, in relief. 

"To increase the strength in your sword, you heart and your soul, must be in sync with the sword," Master, explained.

"How can I do that?" Amy, asked. 

Master gave a hand at Amy. "Give me your sword!"

In one minute, the sword was flying. Master had cast a special charm on it ― that only her, had the secret recipe.

"You will have to cultivate and fly on your sword, at the same time," she explained.

"Looks difficult!" Amy, thought. 

Everything she said, looked like a difficult task and Amy had to try all her best.

"It will be okay. Close your eyes, empty your mind, and feel the heavenly aura." Amy brightened up and said, "Ok! I will do my best."


Amy was not feeling the aura and it was difficult, for her to concentrate. In her rebirth, she had lost the ease of cultivating and could not feel it, as she did before. It takes a lot of time, to regenerate the core of the cultivator. Forcing the core, will only break it and can result in killing the player. 

"Master it's so difficult! I don't feel anything."

Please, is there another way, that I can get, to that level? ...

"No!" she responded, sharply. Master sighed, and reminded her apprentice, these important words, "To be in contact, with your soul and your sword, you must cultivate under extreme conditions."

Master knew exactly, what she was saying. It was all for Amy's sake, and she had to cultivate hard every day.

Amy cheered herself and tried to stay calm. "Try to concentrate, try to concentrate!! Forget that you are flying, in a sky of two hundred metres altitude." Master was heading to the bridge, and made a sign at Amy.

"I will come back in 2 days." As master finished speaking, she flew on her mount and left.

"Two days?" Amy shouted, shocked at what she heard.

Amy was far way, from the palace and its luxury. But, she did not have time to think about ― what master will do and planned to revive her "Qi".

At last, she sighed and faced actuality.

"Gather your energy and concentrate,"

... 2 days later,

Since Master left, Amy tried practicing and concentrating on her cultivation. She was skinnier and drier, than a death branch. She hasn't ate, for two straight days ― but was still standing up. 

"I don't feel my body, anymore. All my bones are broken."

"Let me feel my aura, once more!"

Suddenly, a dark cloud thundered in the sky and she saw a vertex, filled with black and white clouds. She was charged with wood and water, and her wings were as shiny as the sun and white as snow.

"What is this?" she said as her heartbeat, was getting faster.

She screamed, as she felt an itching pain. "Ow! It hurts," Master had just come back. As she heard, her continuous screaming, she quickly rushed to save her.

"Amy Rose!"

She fled to Amy and carried her with her arms. Amy was trembling and felt so thin, that she held her tighter. Amy was happy at the sight of master and smiled. "Master, you came back!"

"Did you felt the aura?" Her Master, asked.

Amy was ready to devour Master. She did not saw how hurt, she was but cared about her cultivation. "You just come back, and your first question is about my aura!?"

"I will explain!"

Master brought Amy back home, and laid her on a mattress. Amy was feeling horrible and closed her eyes. "I felt immense pain and everything was dark," Master responded, "You have to practice, every day to get better and control your natures,"

"These are the natures I got, when I previously played. Their powers will increase greatly, as I will practice." Amy noticed a handbag full, which was on Master's arms.

"Master, what did you bring?"

"I brought some food for your aura," Amy was happy and said, "Thank you master for taking care of me and saving my life."

"Do not get used to it Amy rose. Too much food is not good for cultivation,"

"You may take it as a little celebration, for you as my new student..." Amy was over excited and did not think about ― what it would do, if she ate much.

"I know master, I rejoiced today because I know, it will not be every day I will have to eat," Amy responded, with a mouth full of food. 

Master looked away and took the handbag. "Get cleaned quickly, I will cook food."

"Hmm..." she, nodded.


In the whole temple, there was a smell of fresh food, because the master took the finest type of ingredients possible. Amy was passing by and was too curious to see Master Angelica cooking. She washed the ingredients, chopped and diced, then she fried all at once and a great smell, could be felt.

When seeing her master, getting out of the kitchen with food ―  she hid by the door. Then, she ran to get to the table after her. "Amy Rose, here is food. Come eat!" When Amy sat down to eat, she took a taste of the dish, and it was wonderful.

"So tasty!" Amy chewed, the food with ease and felt it tender. "Master, did you take two days, to find fine ingredients for me?"

"Yes, Indeed! You are the first apprentice I ever had, so I had to get you food myself," Amy looked honored and felt more confident, "Thank you so much! I will never deceive you."

Amy was ready to make anything for her master, because she knew ―  she was her only gleam of light for escaping this world. Master blushed and looked at her student. "Hmm... A flirtatious little girl."

Deep in her heart, Master could feel the words of this young girl ― determined to make her proud.

"Finish your food and go practice," she said smiling, lightly reddish. 

"Since I met her, it's the first time she smiles..." Amy nodded and responded, "Yes, Master!"


"The bridge is very long, and the village looks, so small. I will never get there on time." Amy cried.

Amy was going down, for a walk in the village. Master occasionally, lets her out and she often takes advantage of it ―  to get the fresh air of the mountains.

"Why are you crying? It's just your first day and you're already so upset," Amy smiled softly and noticed it was Adrian, who was standing over the edge of the bridge.

"Adrian! What are you doing here? I was going to meet you, down."

"This smile again..." The boy, thought. 

He was relaxed and responded, "I got nothing to do, down there. So, I asked myself ― if I could come and meet you" He noticed, two pairs of white wings on her back and looked surprised.

"Hey! Are those wings, that you got?" He widely looked at them and inspected, every inch.

"Yes! It is my master, who gave them to me. I will try to use them on the way."

Her wings folded themselves and she turned to Adrian. "How is it at school?"

The boy responded, "Not bad just, wuh..."

Adrian had just escaped, a fall into the abyss. He was held back by Amy, who cautiously brought him back on the grass of the mountain.

"Watch your step! This bridge is very old. My master said, it is very blurry in the morning and can be dangerous." Her warning was serious, and Adrian was busy throwing a tantrum over the bridge.

"Old damnation bridge!" He tapped the ground on it and spread it, all over the entrance. Amy tried to forget, as he calmed himself.

"Can you help me, visit the village?" Amy asked.

"I know the entire village, come I will show you..." Amy was amazed and asked, "Do you know the entire village, in just five days?" Amy smiled, with an air of complicity. 

"I'm living down there, so I got to know the entire village," he said, with a large smile, sharing her complicity. 


Mystic village, is a place that is diverse ― with natural and mystic powers. Cultivation, is mainly important and is widely used, for the protection of the citizens. Streets are always busy and the market noisy. There is peace and people get along well, with the spirits and beasts.

"So you tell me, you were stuck up there for 2 days cultivating in the sky on a sword?"

"Yep! You know what? It was really painful,"

Amy and Adrian chatted over the mountain, as they saw the grass and rocks. The small trees had a fragrance, which they enjoyed as they gossiped.

"My master gave me some great essence, to increase my cultivation," Adrian said, when they arrived at the village.

Amy was impressed and praised his master.

"Your master is so cool!" When she thought, about her own master ― she was shocked. "Mine is harsh!"

"Soon, I will be in the middle-stage," he said.

"Already? Why is your cultivation that fast?"

"My spiritual nature is very rare and is easy to cultivate. The more I gather aura, I will increase my level. The problem is that, I will lose quickly my energy and I will not be effective in a fight."

If his ability in cultivation was not good, he could not stabilize his power in a fight with a sword.

"You will then have, to practice more the sword?"

"Yes!" he, said. 

Amy nodded, "Alright!" Adrian stopped Amy over a tall building. "That's the school."

"Imperial school, that's its name." she thought.

When Amy and Adrian, were walking inside the school, crowds were nervous, and people bowed. "Great Master!"

As Amy, was chosen by master Angelica to become her apprentice ― many things have changed by then, and people called her "master".

"Don't be too formal, I'm just an apprentice," Amy responded back, feeling uncomfortable by their words. A man smoothly showed himself and called at the two apprentices.

"Apprentice, Amy Rose?" An elegant and strong voice, could be heard from behind. 

Amy was surprised as she noticed the face of the man.

"Isn't that the man, who was just at the gate during our test?" Amy thought. 

"May I know, who you are?" She asked, with a perplexed face...