The Imperial School

"I am the headmaster of the school Horus."

Amy responded, "I saw you at the gate for the acceptance of new apprentices." He smiled and said, "You are right! It is a custom for me to receive new students,"

Adrian interrupted their talking and let out a smile.

"He is my master and he has control of everything in the school,"

Amy was surprised that Adrian was his student. Horus continued speaking and said, "You are one of our rarest students ever had before..."

Amy was flattered but stayed cautious.

"Yes, indeed and I will practice effectively to get stronger," He moved and said a final word to Amy. "Enjoy your day at the imperial school," As he left, Amy shuddered Adrian's collar. "Adrian, you said you were his apprentice?"

"Slowly..." he gasped


The Imperial school is made of 14 classes. Magic grade 6 to grade 14 which accepts up to apprentices aged 20.

"Adrian and I are in magic grade 11. That means we are both 17 years old and it will take 3 years for us to get level 2." Amy said as she calculated the time it will take to reach level 2

Adrian nodded, "Exactly!"

"If we wish to get level two faster we can jump classes by improving our cultivation skills. This game is based on an effective and well-scheduled story. Perhaps, I managed to get this grade, thanks to my saved data in my super pc." Amy thought


Amy had a grin on her face and sat anxiously holding a pile of books. "Seriously! I have to read so many books." Horus gave her a pile of books to read and it was also a custom for every new apprentice to be educated and informed in their early beginning.

She calmed down and looked bored. "I just arrived and I have to read so many things,"

Books for magic, spells, cultivation, how to integrate with this village and ...

"Treasures?..." she gasped

She held the book closer and read, "Secret treasures of the Land" Her boredom was lifted from her face and she became spirited.

"Looks interesting!"

"What do you hide on your mystic pages?" she thought as she opened the pages with curiosity

Let me see...

In the book was written different treasures, legendary as ordinary. There were rare and inestimable pieces of property that were once forgotten and many important things in the book.

"This Horus must have left this book out of misplacement. He cannot give me such a precious book." she thought for a moment looking around her

She was alone and thought it was good to hide the book away. "I'd better leave it out of reach and stop evil hands from taking it."

She shouted, "Hiding Technique."

The book flung off her hands to a secret corridor which she could not see either.

"Hope this will be fine!..." she mumbled

Amy praised herself as she admired her good job. "I practiced this so many times and it hides always in the place the most narrow and obscure," She was heading for the office of Horus and left the stack of books. "I have to take a break maybe it will be better,"

Suddenly, the computer programming appeared.

"You received 5000 gems for hiding a precious book." Amy shrieked in disbelief. "This book is really this important?" Amy had heavy eyes and thought instead of the programming.

"Will this computer programming disturb me this much now that I'm in the game?"

"Anyway, I will ask Horus to free me and I will go back to master."


Amy was concentrating on her Qi and got better at her strength in wood and water nature. She always took in heart what was important and concentrated on her force.

Master was passing by and saw her.

"Did you finish with your practice?" She answered, "Soon!"

Master was walking over the yard and watched as Amy practiced on moves. "Do you know some techniques for fighting?" Amy nodded and responded, "I mastered some techniques at the beginning of my training."

"Well! For today we will have to fight monsters in the high mountain,"

Amy looked frightened and shivered at hearing that. "The high mountain for the great masters of cultivation?"

Master approved and praised Amy, "You are really well informed."

"Use your wings!"

Amy tried to flap her wings in vain but did not manage to fly. "Hum... I don't"

Amy screamed as she felt a hand on her neck. "Ah!"

Master Angelica grasped the collar of Amy and mounted her cloud for the mountain. "Master, what are you doing?" Master did not respond and Amy did not ask further.

When they soon arrived, she dropped Amy to the ground and got down from her mount.

"Evil master!" she thought grumpy

"Stupid wings it's all your fault!..." Master moved forward and left Amy who was cursing her in her mind. "Get up! I am going to look for some high-ranked beasts."

She was left with a frozen expression and got up. "Does she want me to die?"

"I have to finish all levels of this game. It's a must."

Amy was determined to get all the levels of the game and stop doing mistakes or errors. She had to fight and get better in her "level of cultivation."


"A beast is coming!" Master Angelica said from afar

Get ready!

The beast was moving swiftly and quickly at an unprecedented speed. As expected Master Angelica chose the right place to train Amy.


7 ranked beast, A huge red-headed crane with a crooked beak which was almost the size of her sword, ready to pierce at any obstacle blocking his way.

He looks really enormous for a 7 ranked beast. Amy said

"Take your sword! I will teach you new techniques." Master shouted

Amy flew on her sword and reached the upper ground before the beast attacked.

The Master who seemed to take control of the situation was making sure that Amy sees what happens.

"Ice technique." She cried

Blue Everest ice, froze the beast and left him motionless.

"Super fire control technique," Master said with a hand sign

A giant blaze of fire came out from her mouth and destroyed the beast.

Roar! the beast shouted

Amy gazed her mouth open not knowing what to say.

"Amazing!" Amy praised

Hope you will do the same someday. "Master said as she came back

"Let's go!"

A spy beast specialized in attacking by surprise was hiding in a tree and watching both ladies as they were moving. He came out from the hiding and quickly attacked them.

"Huh!" Amy sighed

Suddenly, Amy could see everything black around her and everything slowing down progressively. The white and black she saw previously came back again and she magically managed to slow time as she saw the beast who wanted to hit.

"Swivel thunder!" she said with her hand pointing at the creature

The beast was heavily wounded and died. Her sight got normal again and she was lying silently on the ground. "Is this the nature I saw previously?" she said as she looked at her hands

Amy was feeling dazed and fell to the ground unconscious.

