Flamebreaker's spark


Thelamia's cute scream echoed throughout the whole fairy village.

Even Genocide could hear it, while he was currently dressing himself at the fairy queen's residence.

Near in front of Thelamia was the narrow cylindrical steel snout of the titanic monster discharging electrical currents.

It was glaring at her with its frenzied-driven crimson eyes,


While she was trembling in fear, she percieved that the monster's slender body was coated by a black rubber similar to a thick cord. Also, she perceived there were sharp metallic spikes protruding from its coiled body,

"Is this even a snake monster?!"

Not much soon, the strange monster dove and tried to strike Thelamia, as it had serpentine behavior. In turn, Thelamia just cowered in fear and shut her eyes.


She heard a strong clang of striking metals suddenly. As she noticed that she was not stung by the menace, she opened her eyes.

She was filled with immense surpise, as she took witness of Genocide blocking the monster's attack with his unique weapon.

Genocide took a short glance at her, as he was a bad-ass hero,

"How's it going my scared li'l Goddess?"

Thelamia was just stunned and awestruck when Genocide came to her plea. Although, her eyes were locked unto his amazing never before seen weapon, turning her to have questions in her thoughts,

"What kind of weapon is that?"

She observed that his weapon was similar yet, entirely different than any long blade of a warrior.

Thelamia was also amazed that the obsidian shock-proof weapon was glistening, while it was being bashed by the monster's snout from left and right,


Although, she was filled with curiousity at the blade. In-between the blade's body spanning over two meters, there was a long barrel of a sniper.

Soon, the monster had stopped attacking Genocide since, it sensed that its strikes were just being deflected,


Genocide made a grin as he was waiting for that idle moment. He pointed his strange weapon and pulled the trigger that was attached to a hilt comparable to a silver pistol's handle.

The next moment, Thelamia witnessed the solar flares and flames from the abyss bursting out from the barrel's nozzle. As it was a terrifying flamethrower.


The gargantuan metal snake retreated and disappeared into the darkness.

As the rage of battle had ceased, Genocide took a deep breath and made his weapon into a golden chain pendant using his odd magic. Afterwards, he wore it on his neck like any gangster accessory in which Thelamia was astounded,

"That's one cool weapon! And it's fashionable too!"

Genocide was moved by her comments,

"Heh! You like my Flamebreaker huh?"

Although, he diverted and pressed on a different subject,

"By the way, about that snake..."

He scratched the back of his head,

"It looked like no normal snake. It was more of a rubbery cord around its spiky body. "

There after, Thelamia agreed,


Sooner or later, the fairy queen with long dazzling hair arrived and looked at them with concern,

"Thank goodness you're safe."

Then, she suggested something,

"By the way, I think you should return back to your normal sizes first. As you'll be in great disadvantage if you fight in your current forms."

Thelamia nodded. For some reason, Genocide just crossed his arms and looked down,

"Before we do your request FAIRY QUEEN. What would OFFER in exchange for subjugating that weird thing?"

Thelamia's ears couldn't believe of what she had heard from Genocide. Thereon, Thelamia expressed her irritated self,

"What?! I can't believe you! There's a strange monster on the loose and you're asking what they'll offer to you in return first?!"

She pointed at him straight,


Genocide exhaled,

"Like I said, I'm an ambassador. I'm no HERO nor a MARTYR like my FATHER or MOTHER."

The fairy queen nodded calmly,

"She does have a point, Goddess of Creation. Since, I already knew that my savior Genoicde will only do anything if you offer him in exchange."

Then, she struck the ground with her staff that looked-like a luminous lantern with a long pole in appearance,

"And that's the COLD OATH of being an AMBASSADOR from the IMPERIAL KINGDOM OF VAMPIA."

The fairy queen made a sexy smile for Genocide and she raised her eye-catching rack using the flesh of her arm,

"Rest assured, we already have something for you. In exchange for all the troubles."

Genocide made his statement clear with a prideful smug,

"If it's just your FLOWER IN HEAT then, that is not enough to appease me."

The fairy queen went to Thelamia's backside. The slender shoulders of the Goddess was touched by Marla. Then, Marla gave off a lustful gaze straight to Genocide,

"Oh you'll LOVE it my dear savior! As it'll favor your tastes. Since, IT will suit the Goddess of Creation herself."

Thelamia was stupefied,


Although, when Genocide heard the rivetting words of Marla, he scratched his chin and made a mischievious grin of an eager devil,

"Hah! Then, I am now interested to smite that menace down."

That sudden moment, he expressed as he was a repulsive villain of demise,


Thereupon, the shuddering and wide-opened Thelamia was convinced in her thoughts,

"I feel like I just joined forces with TRUE VILLAINS! ZERO, PLEASE SAVE ME FROM YOUR CRAZY SON!"

Afterwards, Thelamia, Spheera, and Genocide rested at the inn provided by Marla. As soon as the sun had risen, the three of them went to Marla who was waiting for them outside.

Marla the fairy queen used her magic, reverting them back to their previous sizes and sent them back to the previous place before. Spheera, Thelamia, and Genocide witnessed that everything around them was the withered crystal forest once again.

When she saw the dead forest, Thelamia was back in her melancholic thoughts,

"This place is so depressing."

Soon enough, the three of them started to brainstorm at the nearby stump.

Then, the three of them split and traversed the forest seperately.

Focusing into Spheera's case, it was hovering above the ground and moving forward. Though, it looked irritated somehow, while it was passing through the trees,

"Ugh, why the hell are we even helping that bad guy! Thamy could just blast that LESSER BEING with her magic. What the hell's going on with you Thamy!".

Little did Spheera knew that Thelamia lost her magic.

Zooming into Genocide's situation, he was moving along the spacious route that had dead trees from his left and right.

Suddenly, he was concerned for Thelamia,

"I wonder how Thamy's doing though."

Then, he continued on his wishful thinking,

"And also, how my dear Frey is doing."

From one of his secret pockets, his hand brought out a small deluxe black box.

He opened the case and his daring eyes witnessed that there was a golden necklace handcrafted to its highest quality. The necklace even had embedded gemstones of mostly ruby and topaz. It dazzled in the radiance of sunshine.

That sudden moment, he paused on his tracks. The chilling breeze carressed his face. Everything was seeped in deafening silence. The atmosphere became even darker.

His nose whiffed the scent of a perfume blended in spearmint breeze and a luscious yet, aged rose's petals. Thereupon, he masked a cold look and crossed his arms,

"I know you're there, mom."

From the shadow of a tree to his left, the woman cloaked in a visage emerged from the darkness.

The lady took a step forward and crossed her arms in an effeminate way,

"Your sense of tracing a woman's aroma is awfully improving well, my precious son."

Genocide's ears clapped,

"Really now, well mom's scent is very enticing. Maybe, this is one of the reasons why dad laid with you."

Although, the woman from the flaming cold abyss wasn't pleased of how her son treated her.

Thankfully, Genocide had stopped beating around the bush and looked at her straight,

"So, what is it now? I'm sure you're just not here to greet me."

The woman made a calming smile that would even melt the stone-cold hearts, even though she came from the abyss.

Meanwhile, in Thelamia's case, she was travelling along the path that had the most crystal trees in which it was the densest part of the forest.

Funny thing was, she was calling the weird creature as if it was just a mere rabbit,

"Here snakey snakey, come out come out where ever you are."

She irked herself of what she was doing,

"Oh Gods. I can't believe I'm trying to find a snake and calling it like some cute pet."

The next moment, she perceived that there was rustling at the nearby bush.


Like a little girl the Goddess jerked. From the moving bush, the rubbery serpent popped out. Thankfully, its size was small now but, Thelamia was still struck with shock due to its odd form,

"I-is that a charger cord snake?!"

The funny-looking snake stared at her with its scary red eyes,


Thelamia scooted away, as fear had eaten her,


While she was rushing through the thick forest, she smacked into Genocide,


Both of them fell down on the ground with their bottoms. Suddenly, the mysterious woman in the shroud vanished without a trace. Genocide stood up, while he was irritated of Thelamia,

"Geez, what was that for! You crazy Goddess?"

Thelamia tried to express herself but she was still white and stuttering, sitting on the ground,

"I-t-it's a s-s-s-snake."

Genocide was confused,


Thereupon, he was convinced and pressed his clenched hand unto his palm of his other hand, as a gesture,

"Ohhhh! You found it huh? But since you ran away. I'm sure the snake thingy fled again."

Spheera rushed to them,

"Thaaaaammmmmyyyy! I heard your scream! What's up?"

Genocide made a facepalm with a tricky grin on his face,

"Spheera, your scaredy cat master just found it. But it got away again."

Spheera just assumed,

"Yeah, master is afraid of snakes."

Genocide scratched his lower chin, as he was filled with interest somehow,

"Afraid of snakes huh?"

While inside his mind, he concluded something,

"That monster seem to be targetting this Goddess for some reason."

Genocide held his hands together and looked at Spheera,

"Spheera, want to end this mission faster?"

Spheera expressed happily,

"Well ofcourse!"

Genocide made an eager smile,

"Then, I have an idea."

He went near Spheera and whispered some crazy ideas.

Thelamia noticed that Spheera was looking quite intrigued by Genocide's ideas. Though, Thelamia was just dumbstruck, as her two companions were discussing without her.

Not much soon, Genocide and Spheera were done with their shady ideas. There after, Thelamia witnessed that Genocide looked at her with a mischievous grin on his face,

"What is it Geno?"

Genocide didn't reply but, he just brought out a sturdy rope from his convenient pockets. Then, he gave her a stare of a scheming demon and started to approach her slowly.

Spheera just nodded in which Thelamia was dumbfounded,


Sooner or later, throughout the forest the ear-cringing scream of the Goddess was heard,


The crows flew away as well.

Genocide looked proud of himself, while he was focussing at Thelamia wrapped by ropes that made her to look-like a cute cocoon lying down on the ground,

"There we go! I call it, GODDESS CROISSANT!"

Spheera made a fanfare and clapped as it was amazed,

"Oooooh! Nice touch for detail!"

As expected, Thelamia had thunderstorms in her look, glaring at Genocide,


She threatened him as well,


Though, her annoyed look shifted at Spheera,

"And what the hell Spheera?! Untie your master this instant!"

Spheera just denied its master's orders,

"Sorry master but, I fully agree with Geno's idea."

In turn, Thelamia burst out more,


Genocide and Spheera went to a nearby corner behind the blue crystal trees, waiting for something to happen.

While for Thelamia, she just squirmed, trying to free herself from the ropes, yet to no avail, the ropes were tight on her hold.

The lunar radiance shrouded the whole forest.

Thelamia's small tummy growled, since she was starving,

"Uuuuwwwuuuhh...I need food."

Soon, she was hearing that there was something slithering along the ground from a few meters. Later on, the rubbery snake approached her, turning Thelamia to be paralyzed in fear once more,


Genocide grinned as he spotted the monster,

"As expected, right on queue."

He pulled out his necklace that turned into his trusty flamebreaker weapon.

When the odd serpent was about to get near the stoned Thelamia, Genocide appeared from the shadows and pulled the trigger, aiming at the snake. A blast of strong flames was unleashed from its nozzle.

While the monster was occupied by the burst of fire, Genocide commanded Spheera,

"Spheera, grab your master to a safe spot!"

Spheera saluted and did as it was told. It went to the immobilzed Thelamia and dragged her along with its bizarre mechanical arms.

Although, Spheera was having a hard time,

"Ngh! So heavy!"

Thelamia was infuriated,

"Hey! I'm not fat okay!"

The monster tried to escape again but, it was blocked by a magical barrier made out of glistening crystals, so it was trapped inside the area with Genocide.

He made a smirk and brandished his weapon,

"We knew you'd do that, so we made a barrier while you're distracted by the bait."

Since the monster can't flee anymore, it started to glare at Genocide.

Genocide just returned the favor.

Intense flames started to swirl around the atmosphere, as the two of them were about clash.

Genocide took a defensive stance with his weapon ready to deflect anything. The rubbery serpent took the initiative and smited at Genocide as it was an ambushing cobra.


The sound of metal striking into each other were heard, as Genocide just blocked its attempts with the body of his blade aided by his careful footwork.


The monster continued with its quick neverending pounces, but Genocide just resumed his defensive ways as well.

Soon, the monster stopped pouncing and released lots of lightning streaks at Genocide. Genocide was caught with surprise at first but, he just blocked those electrical blasts with his shockproof blade.

Then, the monster let out relentless fast bursts of lightning bolts at Genocide, although Genocide looked-like he was not even breaking any sweat, dodging every turn.

Soon, the monster cast out a huge magical yellow pentagram, turning Genocide to be in a heap of trouble,


Streaks of lightning bolts were descending down and aiming at Genocide almost every second. Thereon, Genocide dashed left and right with his superhuman movements in order to dodge the oncoming strikes above.

For Thelamia, he was dancing along the battlefield smoothly.

He was even making stunning poses that would woo ladies.

The monster resumed on its pouncing but, Genocide was able to dodge its combined attacks as well. As soon as the lightning tried to hit him once again, he made an awesome backflip just in time.

Thelamia was filled with surprise when she saw Genocide's stunt,


While Genocide was damid-air and above the metal snake. He aimed his signature weapon at the monster below and spread out his infernal wings,

"You're toast!"


As he pulled the trigger, a gush of searing flames of crimson chaos burst out from his weapon's nozzle, roasting the monster alive. The monster suffered from the intense heat. Soon, it fell down on the ground dead.

As he landed down on the ground, he observed that the monster turned into a normal laptop charger for some reason,

"A charger huh."

He grabbed it and saw that a tag was attached in which the tag had the text, THELAMIA'S PROPERTY. He just rolled his eyes and made a sarcastic smug.

The raging winds of battle ceased as Genocide was the victor.

Genocide reverted his weapon back into a necklace and wore it. Afterwards, he went to the untied Thelamia and Spheera behind the trees. He gave the charger to Thelamia,

"I think this is yours, my idiot Goddess?"

As Thelamia took a glance at it, it was just an ordinary laptop charger, turning her to be even more flabbergasted,

"Eh? Isn't this my charger for my laptop? How did this even?!"

Then, she was even more alarmed in her thoughts,

"I remember I just put this at my GODDESS SANCTUARY recently."

Genocide just crossed his arms looking unsure,

"I wanna know it myself as well."

Then, he remembered something important and changed his tone to a lively one,

"Oh yeah! And now time to collect the reward."

Thelamia agreed,

"Oh yeah, that."

Although, she had a sketchy look for some strange reason.

A while later, they went back to the village that looked-like a playhouse on top of a boulder.

Marla used her magic on them and they shrunk down once more. Strange thing was, they witnessed that another festival was going to brew.

Every fairy resident, was circling around the huge silver flame campfire from a long distance.

Marla approached the three and appreciated them for their complete success,

"We're glad that you subjugated the monster. With that, we shall now worship the Goddess of creation once more, as a reward."


Thelamia burst with glee.

While for Genocide, he just made a haughty grin and scratched his lower chin.

Although, Marla gave a sinister smile at Thelamia afterwards,

"But first, we would you to do a favor for us. Our BENEVOLENT GODDESS OF CREATION."

Thelamia was dumbfounded,
