Goddess of the moon

"We want you to..."

The fairy queen Marla snapped her fingers and a peculiar dress appeared from her hand. Then, she looked at Thelamia with a sinister smile,

"Wear this and perform the moon dance."

When Thelamia took a closer look of the dress, she gasped and she was filled with immense shock since, the outfit was very much revealing,


To her eyes, it was comparable to a gypsy dancer's outfit woven from the finest aquamarine silk embedded with gemstones covering the most sensitive parts. More so, it has flowing ribbons attached that would flow gracefully in a mystical dance. Yeah, this piece of clothing would arouse even the simplest men.

Afterwards,Thelamia's skin had the jitters,

"Y-you want me to wear th-that?! It's too embarassing!"

Spheera just gulped as it was flabbergasted.

While for Genocide, he crossed his arms and made a devious grin,

"Compared to your CURRENT OUTFIT you're parading on, it's not that much different."

Then, he added more,

"It's even lighter and looks more appealing as well."

He scratched his chin and gazed upon Thelamia from head to toe,

"Especially to a Goddess of dazzling beauty such as you."

Thelamia felt that Genocide was already stripping her just from his lustful gaze. She had mixed feelings if she should accept the strange request or not.

Although, Marla noticed the Goddess's uneasiness, so Marla took the initiative,

"If you don't accept our request, then we have no reason to worship you, our generous Goddess."

Thelamia witnessed that Genocide was having a sinister grin, while the fairy queen Marla looked bitchy in her expression. In turn, Thelamia was convinced in her thoughts,

"I feel like they planned this whole thing out. Yet, if I don't...They won't worship me."

Yeah, these perverts planned it from the very start, you gullible Goddess.

She gulped and grabbed the outfit from the fairy queen, turning the fairy queen to be delighted,

"We're truly glad that we have a Goddess who listens to any kind of request."

The fairy lot cheered for Thelamia who accepted their request. Though, Thelamia was still utterly disturbed, especially in her thoughts,

"I can't believe I'm gonna do something so shameful."

After that, Thelamia was escorted by the fairy queen Marla.

She was escorted at Marla's own royal residence in order for her to get changed. While Thelamia was dressing behind the folding opaque wooden wall, she started a conversation with the fairy queen,

"Ummmm, fairy queen?"

The fairy queen took notice of her,

"Hm? What is it our Goddess of creation,

When Thelamia got a response from Marla, she assumed,

"Are you and Genocide a...legitimate couple?"

The fairy queen just laughed with poise,

"No, not really. We're more like lovers who indulge themselves in common passion."

The fairy queen looked at Thelamia straight,

"You might not know this but yes, I love Genocide. As he was the one who saved me."

Then, Marla held her own chest to prove her words were true to tell. Thelamia just made a smile,

"Oh! Since, he was the one who brought you here."

Marla just looked down with smile,

"That was just one of his good deeds he had done. Rather, he was a true savior for me, while I was isolated at that wretched place. When my husband, the FAIRY KING used me as a scapegoat."

Thelamia was surprised and she was engrossed in her thoughts,

"Eh? That scary mainiac Geno is a savior for her? I wonder why. Or maybe, her mind is already corrupted inside-out.

The fairy queen Marla gazed at Thelamia who was busy in her own thoughts,

"I could sense that you see me as a broken woman who is just thirsty for passion now."

Marla sighed and looked away,

"While it may be true but, my little sanity I have left is still in-tact. Especially to my family and to the people of this fairy village.

Then, Marla continued to express herself,

"There will be lots of reforms and repairs had to be done after this."

She gazed upon Thelamia and held Thelamia's lower chin,

"About my savior Genocide, well I don't want to put it into details but, you'll know soon enough, when you're with him for a longer time."

Although, Thelamia was just disgusted inside her mind,

"To be honest, I'd like to be free from his slimy clutches instead. There is no way that a villainous guy is a true savior!"

There after, she continued to be absorbed in her thoughts,

"That guy must've controlled her mind or something! He had everything planned out! I know it! And soon he'll be the true villain that I'll have to fight! That guy's aura is just too dark!"

It seemed that the Goddess herself is making up superficial stories again.

Soon, the fairy queen noticed that Thelamia was already done, so the fairy queen called unto her.

Thelamia gulped,

"Time to eat my pride again."

Both of the girls heard a knock afterwards and heard Genocide's eager voice behind the door,

"Give me a signal when you're ready. As these people are eager to see you."

Although, the fairy queen had an interesting idea,

"Better yet my dear savior, why not have a firsthand look of the Goddess in her moon dance outfit?"

Genocide opened the door and entered,

"Okay sure!"

When the ashamed Thelamia went out of the folding instant dressing room, Genocide saw her whole form and made Genocide's core to skip a beat.

Starting from the top, Genocide witnessed that Thelamia looked even more dazzling. As he saw that she had a crystal flower decorated on top of her head, turning him to make an eager smile,

"That's nice."

Her flawless skin was wrapped in sparkling silk of the thinnest azure. Even her divine bust was quite mesmerizing for Genocide's gazing eyes,

"Interesting touch."

Her melons were covered quite subtly by the silk and fragments of shimmering gemstones. Although, he made a sarcastic grin, when he noticed that her sensitive parts were hidden under the fragments of moonlit jewels,

"Well, we can't show her whole divine glory can't we?"

Marla just made a sinister smile.

Even though, he can't quite see Thelamia's back, he could just imagine a thin silver ribbon was just covering her back.

When his eyes looked down below, Thelamia's slim legs were wrapped by the long leggings worn by a princess of pureness,

"Kinda cute."

He also perceived that Thelamia was holding two long ribbons that would dazzle in the lunar night.

All in all, Thelamia was an angelic maiden ready to do her performance. There after, the fairy queen asked him,

"So what do you think, my savior Genocide? Does the Goddess's new look appease you more?"

Genocide just nodded, hands down,

"Yes and Thamy looked even more amazing than ever before!"

Though, Thelamia wasn't pleased,

"Kay...I heard enough you pervert...and stop staring!"

Marla clasped her own hands and looked at Genocide,

"Oh yes, savior Genocide. Why not act as her escort? Hm? While I act as the emcee."

Genocide scratched his chin and he made a mischievous smile,

"Hmmmm, interesting."

Then, Marla took a glance at Thelamia,

"And Goddess of Creation, get ready to dance like never before."

Although, Thelamia was just bothered in her thoughts,

"W-wait...dance? I DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO DANCE!"

That doesn't sound good.

Soon enough, fairy queen Marla left her own place.

While she was outside, she observed that there was a large audience of fairy people. She made a demonic succubus's grin and crossed her arms in an effeminate manner,

"Guess almost everyone is eager to see this."

She went to the front and center. Her fingers snapped and she brought out a microphone that looked-like a magical staff. There after, she cleared her throat and announced,

"As all of you know, our Goddess of Creation is truly generous in a lot of ways. This time, she'll even act as the PRIMAL DANCER OF THE MOON for all of us to witness her immense generosity."

After that, woos and applauses were heard througout the whole village when they heard the echoing announcement of their fairy queen. Acompaniment of tribal rythm was heard through the distance, as it was performed by fairy musicians. The music was an upbeat chant of drums and timpannies that'd be heard in an exotic mountain village.

Sooner or later, Genocide opened the door.

There, the fairy crowd witnessed that he was escorting the dazzling Goddess Thelamia in her new outfit. Lots of fairy men's heads to turn and gaze upon her amazing beauty, while her and Genocide were going to the center stage.

Although, Thelamia just felt nervous from their stares, making her to be filled with worry in her thoughts,

"Huuuuwaahhh! They're staring at me!"

When the two of them were at the center of attention, Genocide went near her ear and wished her good luck,

"Time to shine, my dear Goddess pet."

Then, he left her and went near beside fairy queen Marla who was at the northern part of the circle.

Later, Thelamia tried to dance but, she just made awkward gestures. She was just trying to make a fool of herself.

Through the distance, Genocide was recording Thelamia's weird dance through his crystal smartphone,

"This is hilarious!"

Afterwards, Genocide hollered at her, as he was a customer watching a newbie dancer at a strip club,

"Oi! Shake those hips more! You're not even trying!"

The male folks agreed,


Sadly, Thelamia doesn't even know what to do, as she was already panicking inside her mind,

"Waaahhh! This is just too embarassing!"

Genocide just scratched the back of his head and went near Marla's right ear,

"Say Marla? Could you do something about Thamy's funny dancing?"

The fairy queen Marla just giggled,

"I already planned that out in advance."

Soon, she whisphered out a silent chant of the wisps. The next moment, Thelamia's outfit shimmered in gold, making Thelamia to be even more surprised,

"Wha-what's going on now?"

A while later, her movements were more graceful and flexible. At that moment, the professional dancer's soul was inside of her that would swoon the audience with her amazing grace.

Though, some of her actions were lewd such as she was a perfect stripper as well. For Thelamia herself, she was very much uncomfortable of what she was doing,

"What the hells?! My body is moving on its own?!"

Suddenly, she bent down her knees with finesse and spread her swaying legs trying to tempt the simple-minded men, turning Thelamia to cry in shame,

"This can't be happening!"

The concerned fairy mothers covered their offsprings eyes, as the Goddess was making an obscene scene. Although, the men were very much satisfied of Thelamia's lewd movements turning them to make whistling sounds.

Even Genocide was engaged of her perverted performance,

"Woah! Would you look at that! Now that's a very attractive Goddess!"

Adding more fuel to the fire, her elbows emphasized on her bountiful melons, appeasing drooling customers. While her hips were swaying left and right without any flaws.

In turn, the Goddess wanted to burrow herself, since she was doing a shameful behaviour that she can't even control,

"Waaahh! This dance is so shameful!"

She put her hands at the back of her head such as she was a model of lewdness presenting all of her promising assets of divine glory. Zooming at the fairy queen, she nodded and had a perverted gaze at Thelamia,

"Time for the main course."

When the tribal musicians saw the subtle cue of the fairy queen, they understood it and added the chimes of serenity. The pitch was much smoother but, it was also faster.

Voices of soprano-like angels were blending-in as well.

Also, Thelamia had stopped with her lewd dancing. Instead, she twisted and danced around the starry ground while her ribbons were swaying into the air.

She was leaping as a true ballerina and spreading out pixie stardust around her wake. Even Thelamia was utterly surprised of what she can do,

"I can't believe I can jump that high!"

Her smooth movements were in perfect harmony, as she was doing the real mystical dance that glorified the moon itself. The atmosphere was no longer filled with perverted vibes. Instead, everybody was in awe by the mysterious and graceful dance of the Goddess.

When everybody's bedazzled eyes were glued on her, Thelamia herself was more and more flabbergasted,

"Okay, now I'm doing better I guess? I just hope no one at Celestia Heavens is watching this."

When everything was going well, she tripped on a stray rock. Fairy queen Marla was filled with worry,

"Shoot! I forgot to add balance magic."

Thelamia was about to fall out of balance and the only thing she could do was to shut her eyes and brace for impact. For some reason, she didn't completely fall. Rather, her back was caught by someone just in time.

When her eyes opened, it was the daring Genocide who saved the dancing princess from her fall,

"Phew, thanks Geno..."

Funny thing was, she felt that one of her melons was being groped. She looked down and observed that Genocide's other hand was squeezing her own breast. In turn, Thelamia was extremely flustered as a red tomato.

Sadly, the grimacing Genocide even tried to add humor into the air,

"Hmmmm, interesting texture. Not too soft and not too hard just firm and perfect.

Not much soon, the ear-cringing squeal of the Goddess was heard throughout the forest,


Then, an echoing slap was heard as well.

Meanwhile, one of the cozy bars inside Celestia heavens, every male deity was laughing out loud. They were watching Thelamia's funny and lewd dancing from one of the flatscreen televisions hanging above the ceiling, The whole topic was about her ridiculous actions,


"I can't even believe she'd actually do it."

Then, another divinity facepalmed with a sarcastic grin,

"She's truly desperate for people to worship her again."

Although, a perverted Goddess was filled with intrigue about Thelamia,

"Hmmmmhh, she might be actually good as a sexy dancer in my world of artful dance."

Zooming through the short distance at a certain table, the sitting woman in the hood was there. Although, she had an awkward expression, since she couldn't believe of what she was seeing through the television's screen,

"What in hells is Thamy doing."

Strange thing was, she also had a mysterious smile, since she was absorbed in her scheming thoughts,

"Though, this'll give me more time as well. I hope you can do this, Thamy.

A few minutes passed, a waitress wearing a maid outfit gave the hooded woman's order,

"Here's your kitty frappe with wings, just as you ordered!"

The waitress departed and tended to the other divine customers. The mysterious woman stared at her mug with a cold look.

In a split second, her aura of malice had vanished. Instead, it was replaced with a blissful vibe of a teenage girl who loved cute things. She clasped her hands afterwards,

"Thish thing ish just sho cute!"

In front of her eyes, she saw that her creamy cappucino had a frothy design of an adorable kitten's face. If that weren't enough to please any childish girl, the mug has two handles that were carved pink ceramic wings of perfection.

The woman took a sip and she was engrossed in her complacent thoughts,

"Mmmmmmhhh, maybe Thamy's case can wait. And my son was successful on his first assignment huh. One down, more to go."

Soon, the woman had already finished her drink.

Strangely enough, the froth with the kitten's face retained its delicate form.

What kind of sorcery did this woman do to do an impossible feat!

"Hm? Is that,"

although, when the female visage looked up once more to see the television's screen, she made a soothing smile of a maiden who was happy for her companion,

"Guess Thamy can do that now I see."