Thirsty yet, convenience not

Meanwhile, Goddess Thelamia was back to her usual fashionable bikini-like outfit clad in black, having ribbons of silver, and golden accessories.

Strange thing was, as she was walking along the crystal forest, her shimmering eyes were bedazzled by the small floating crystal above her palmed-up hands,


Spheera hollered unto her from a few meters away,

"Geez master! Stop moving so slow! You're gonna be left behind!"

Genocide patted the metal ball kitten's head which was just beside him,

"Cut her some slack little ball kitten. Let her have some fun, especially since she got a TINY bit of her powers back."

Spheera just nodded,


Though, Genocide was filled with intrigue inside his mind,

"So Thamy got some of her powers back when they worshipped her again. Hmmmm, I wonder."

Soon, Genocide made a grin and stretched his arms, while the morning sunshine was at present,

"But really though, things happened so fast. After Thelamia's INTERESTING dance, we had a feast again and prayed for Thelamia. Then, when the sun rose, Marla woke us up and returned us to our normal sizes."

Spheera agreed,

"Yeah! And now, we're returning back to the castle right?"

Genocide nodded and made a cool smile.

While they were traversing the basked in sunshine forest, Spheera and Genocide heard an effeminate stomach's growl from behind. As expected, they turned around and stared at Thelamia straight.

Thelamia just bonked her head and made a silly-looking face as she was a funny child,

"Eheheheheheh! Yea."

Genocide just sighed and made a guess,

"Guess someone's hungry huh."

Then, he grabbed something from his pocket,

"Good thing I have.—"

His hand pulled out three energy bars made from molded and scrupmtious cooked chocolate oats stuck together,

"Mom's handmade energy bars!"

There after, he gave one to Spheera,

"Here Spheera."

Spheera accepted it with its mechanical arms,


Then, Spheera opened its gaping metal mouth and chomped the energy bar down. Not much soon, Spheera's mechanical ears twitched,

"Oooooh! This thing is so tasty!"

Genocide ate the other one,

"And one for me."

Then, he chewed it to his heart's content, as he was a kid again,

"Really though, mom's snacks always taste so good!"

Behind him, he was noticing that the pouting cute Thelamia looked irritated when she was left out. Thereon, he approached her and rubbed her small head, as she was just a mere kitty cat,

"Awwwww, my Goddess pet looks hungry huh, Don't ya worry, your kind master will feed you."

Although, Thelamia wasn't liking his treatment, turning her to be filled with rage,


Suddenly, Genocide made a devious grin and held his own lower chin,

"But first..."

He bent on his knees and looked at her straight in the eye,

"You'll have to stand on your four legs okay?"

Thelamia clenched her fists, as she was even more infuriated when Genocide asked a nearly perverted favor again. Although, she heard her own tummy's growl of hunger again. In turn, Thelamia had no choice but to do as she was told,

"Kay...I'll do it."

Yeah, she has clearly no choice here at all.

While she was gritting her teeth, she stood up like a four legged animal, supported by her hands.

Then, Genocide put a white cat ears headband on top of her head. He was pleased when he witnessed that Thelamia looked-like a cat, so he patted her head again,

"Now that's my obedient Goddess pet, so here's your reward."

His right-hand clenched on the unwrapped energy bar that was placed in-between his laps,

"But, you can't grab it though. So you'll have to eat it while it is still in my hand."

He pointed his left hand at the golden brown energy bar held by his right hand.

Thelamia had doubts, since she was seeing that Genocide was illustrating something lewd, while he was gripping the energy bar.

Her throat gulped.

Then, she took the energy bar inside her mouth slowly.

When her steamy mouth seeped in warmth was about to take a bite of the energy bar's tip, Genocide grabbed the back of her head gently. In turn, Thelamia was flabbergasted.

She tried to move her head away but, Genocide's hold was tight.

Thelamia was feeling an unexplainable burning sensation, while something was stuck inside her mouth.

Genocide made a cunning smirk and went near her left ear afterwards,

"Oh yeah, forgot to tell ya. You should look into your master's eyes while eating your reward."

As she heard Genocide's questionable favor, Thelamia felt an uncomfortable feeling once again but, she just nodded.

Soon, her eyes looked at him as she was a pleading kitten to her master.

For Genocide, Thelamia's eyes were glistening as the shining gemstones, begging for more. In turn, Genocide was even more entertained,

"Now that's what I want to see, so eat up! My dear pet."

Genocide removed his hold on her after a while.

Thelamia took a bite of the energy bar, while she was looking at Genocide's striking eyes. When she was done swallowing the first chunk, she took another bite and did the same thing again.

Strange thing was, she wasn't hating him.

Rather, she was truly a pet slave in her soul, who followed her master's orders savoring the food offered to her.

While Spheera was finished chomping down the last bit of the energy bar, it turned around.

There, it saw Thelamia was eating the energy bar in a very strange and perverted way,


Though, Spheera witnessed that it didn't look-like Thelamia was forced.

Genocide was just laughing such as he was a kind master filled with pure happiness. He was a person without any kind of malice, while he was caressing Thelamia's head, as she was an adorable kitten.

Fleeting cherry blossom petals were coursing around Genocide and Thelamia. Neither of them were filled with hate. Seeped in honey gales wreathed the two.

As for Thelamia herself, she was entranced and soothed by Genocide's headpats in her thoughts,

"I never knew his hand would be this warm."

More so, Spheera noticed that Thelamia was very much delighted that turned it to be in its own set of cybernetic thoughts,

"Taking a closer's not that lewd at all. But still, kinda lewd..."

The only thing Spheera could do was to sigh in disappointment for its master.

Afterwards, Spheera blurted at Thelamia,


Thelamia was immensely started and she stood upright immediately,


She just looked away, as she was an embarassed timid maiden. More than that, she removed the cute cat ears headband and hid it behind her back.

While for Genocide, he just took a deep breath and looked down, while he had a sarcastic grin,

"Guess fun time's over."

Soon, all of them continued on their way. Genocide suggested something,

"By the way, I know a shortcut."

Spheera and Thelamia agreed with his suggestion. They took a detour to the left.

Sooner or later, Thelamia shrugged and felt a cold wind behind her shoudlder, as she witnessed that the forest had a sudden transition from before.

"What is this place?"

Around her, she observed that the forest was barren.

The trees' leaves were withered or there were none at all. Even their roots were decayed and rotten. There were crystals protruding from their branches and trunks but, they were dyed in the abyss of bad omen.

In turn, Thelamia was more and more crept out, while they pass through,

"It feels so dead here."

Genocide looked above and witnessed that there was no sunlight passing through, as it was covered by a thick shroud of gray clouds. Later, Genocide had stopped looking up high and he replied to her,

"This area is dead here, as it is no longer cultivated or taken care of by the crystal fairies. Since, this place was pretty much ravaged of its resources."

Thelamia looked sad when she heard Genocide's statement,

"Is that so."

Even Spheera was lonely for its master.

As Genocide noticed that she wasn't happy, he tipped his captain's hat and tried to make her smile, while he ws holding her lower chin.

"Don't worry, this place will be restored not much soon thanks to the return of the fairy queen."

Thelamia made a lady's smile when she heard Genocide's honest words trying to cheer her up,

"I see."

That sudden moment, the place glistened and a strong breeze wooshed through the air.

Thelamia was made to close her eyes for a second due to the strong gale. Although, when she opened her eyes, she was filled with great surprise,

"This is?!"

Genocide just crossed his arms and made a convinced smile,

"Just in time huh."

Thelamia's eyes witnessed that the place didn't have the air of death anymore.

The trees were filled with life again, as they had their sapphire and pink topaz leaves along their branches.

The roots, branches, and trunks of the trees were rich in green energy. Crystals protruding from the trees were shimmering in assorted colors. Some blue leaves were falling turning the place to be even more majestic to look at.

All in all, everything around her was brimming with overflowing nature and dazzling magic,

"Yay! This part of the crystal forest is back!"

Thelamia twisted as she was a grateful maiden to the heavenly stars above.

Genocide was feeling a hint of happiness and calming warmth when he witnessed that Thelamia was back to her joyful self,

"I'm glad that you're happy Thamy."

Even Spheera was glad for its master.

After a while, they continued on their pace.

For some strange reason, felt that her lips were dry, so Thelamia touched her soft lips,

"I-is it just me...or am I thirsty all of a sudden?"

Spheera agreed as well,

"Me too master..."

Genocide scratched his chin,

Yeah, same here. Must be because of that energy bar."

Then, he scratched the back of his head,

"And I forgot to bring water."

Spheera and Thelamia just made a long winding sigh,


Though, Genocide still tried to boost their hopes up and held his own hips,

"Luckily, we'll reach at a nearby convenience store soon. To buy water."

Funny thing was, Thelamia's interest was peeked and her pointy elven ears twitched.

Then, she approached near in front of Genocide's face,

"D-did you say convenience store?!"

Genocide looked dubious,


He was witnessing Thelamia's eager smile and sparkling eyes. Even her elven ears were twitching non-stop, while her hands were clasped such as she was a wishful princess.

The only thing he could do was to look away,

"Riiiight, okay."

Strangely enough, when Thelamia saw the kingdom's walls, she sprinted as she was an overly excited little girl.

Genocide and Spheera followed her quick, as both of them were worried of what the naive Goddess was about to do,

"Thamy! Wait up!"

Not much soon, they arrived at the eastern entrance of the kingdom. More so, they percieved that there was a guard wearing a black army uniform there.

Genocide was able to enter the kingdom's barriers no problem.

Although for Thelamia and Spheera, their path was blocked by the guard's sharp spear that had glowing streaks of gold.


the guard said to them.

In turn, Thelamia and Spheera were terrified and worried. When they were in a pinch, Genocide patted the guard's shoulder and convinced him,

"Chill, they're with me."

The guard turned around in a jiffy and stopped blocking Thelamia and Spheera.

Not only that, the guard saluted Genocide, while the guard's salute only two fingers and the other two were bent,

"We apologize for the intrusion ambassador Genocide Revenant."

Genocide just patted the guy's shoulder again,

"Good, keep up the good work."

The guard responded high and proud,

"Yes milord!"

There after, they resumed on their journey and entered the fascinating kingdom's walls once again. There, they saw so many places made from crystals. Instead of going straight, they took a left turn, as said by Genocide.

Although, Thelamia was engrossed in her thoughts, while they were moving along,

"Huh? He's an ambassador here?"

Sooner or later, they entered at an airconditioned convenience store that had glass doors in which you'd see in a modern present world.

Strange thing was, Thelamia's shining smile of excitement turned into a frown of disappointment,

"Is this it?"

Her own eyes observed that the store was too gray and dull.

There were no vibrant colors, just tiles of white and cemented walls. The metal shelves had a stock full of items yet, they didn't have colorful or vibrant brands placed on them.

Only the plain and muted tin foiled packages were seen through her eyes,

"It's so boring in here and where are all those eye popping brands and designs?"

Genocide went beside her and he scratched the back of his head,

"Yeah, sorry to burst your bubble that you weren't happy with this. Also, I don't even know what are these brands or designs you're talking about."

Thereupon, Thelamia clenched her fist and she had frustrations inside her mind,

"This is the total opposite of Celestia Heavenly mall's various convenience stores. Where all the eye-catching stuffs could be seen."

Yeah, and that's how you go broke you naive Goddess.

Spheera just made a long sigh at her demanding master. A few minutes passed, Genocide was able to purchase the three water bottles made from crystalline glass.

The three of them got out and Genocide gave each of his companion one water bottle.

Thelamia was even more disturbed in her thoughts when she was out,

"Even the people there looked lifeless, except for us three. Gyah! What was that place?! That is NO CONVENIENT STORE!"

Put a sock in it you childish Goddess.

Then, the three of them drank their own water bottle. Thelamia was wholly refreshed, as she was just finished doing a work out,

"Puhah! That hits the spot! Atleast it's delicious spring water!"

A while later, they were finished with their refreshing drink. Genocide threw his bottle at the nearby trash bin. While for the silly Goddess, she gave hers to Spheera.

The next moment, Spheera chomped it down with its sharp metal fangs.

Thelamia was pleased and patted the little ball kitten's head,

"Really Spheera! Having you around makes everything convenient!"

Spheera was touched,

"Awwwww, thank you master."

Later, they arrived at the front of the castle gates. Genocide grit his teeth as he took notice of the number of guards. Inside his thoughts, he was frustrated somehow,

"Tch! I thought they would be on a lunch break!"

The air around Genocide became chilly, as Genocide took a deep breath and looked down,

"By the way, sorry Thamy but...I must do this."

Thelamia tilted her head sidewards as she was dumbstruck,


In a split of a second, Genocide rushed in front of her and jabbed to her stomach straight. In turn Thelamia felt the grievious pain,


Even Spheera was shocked,


After that, Thelamia was losing balance and consciousness. Then, she flopped to the ground and looked at Genocide one last time,


Genocide bent his knees and went near her face, while he had a comforting smile on his face,

Sleep tight, my sweet Goddess pet."

Then, he went close to her left ear,

"And I'm sorry."

Afterwards, Thelamia closed her eyes and the only thing she could see was the pitch-black darkness. Although, for some strange reason, she left out a heartbroken crystal fragment from her left eye as well,

"Why, Geno?"