It is quite nice to meet you princess

A few hours passed, the lively Thelamia slowly opened her eyes as she almost regained consciousness,


She witnessed that she was in a different place this time. Though, it wasn't the previous dungeon-like storage room in an attic. Rather, she was in a vibrant place fit for royalty,

"What is this nice-looking place?"

As she continued to glance around, she saw the prestigious furnishings.

Everything was high class in their appearance, the sturdy granite walls, the redwood cabinets, and the windows even.

Thelamia just assumed with a big smile on her face,

"Mhmmm, I guess this must be Genocide's room!"

Due to her curiousity, she turned behind. There, she saw the golden white bedrest was vintage but, well maintained perfect for a noble of high status in a fantasy world.

"Even the bedrest."

She dragged her hand slowly, caressing the queen-sized bed and felt its fluffy clouds,

"Nice bed he has. Though, I wonder where are Spheera and Geno."

Thelamia witnessed that the bedroom looked even more vast and comparable to a suite, as a a velvet red carpet was laid on the floor. There were even etched markings of gold that screamed of luxury along the carpet's edges.

Thereon, she was convinced and made an impacting thumbs-up gesture,

"Yup! This is a royal bedroom alright! Just like the ones I see in the video games of my past world and in the hypervideo games of Celestia Heavens.

Then, she remembered more,

I forgot! I need to find my PLAYANGEL VINA X!"

Apparently, this Goddess plays a lot of silly games even.

Suddenly, someone opened the black door at the farthest side. Then, an elegant-looking male came in.

Without wasting any minute, he bowed near in front of Thelamia, as he was a true noble. After that, he spoke with a moderate-pitched voice of a real prince,

"I sincerely apologize for intruding your sleep, my dear princess. But I just wanted to introduce myself."

The man paused for a few seconds and continued afterwards,

"I am Destruct Revenant. Supreme Lord Zero Revenant's eldest son."

When he raised his body upright, Thelamia witnessed his whole look and she was stunned in awe.

Her eyes saw that Destruct has a glistening pale-white skin same as Genocide.

As Destruct brushed his sophisticated brushed-up hair dyed in rose gold, Thelamia gulped as he was even more magnificent to look at.

Destruct's radiant and heroic-looking eyes of lightning blue sapphire was filled with concern when he saw that Thelamia acted strange. Thereon, he went near her face,

"Is there something the matter? Princess?"

In turn, Thelamia saw Destruct's full profile. His nose was narrow, but proportionate to his set of eyes and lips that would make any lady would faint from passion.

All in all, Thelamia perceived that Destruct was an ideal prince in his peak 24s.

Thankfully, Thelamia replied back but, she was stuttering,

"N-no, nothing's wrong!"

Destruct made a relieved smile and went to the right side to drink water on top of the white table.

Though, Thelamia's eyes were still glued on him and saw his V-shaped body carved and perfected by the Gods.

Destruct loosened the button of his flawless white pilot's outfit without a cap. Strange thing is, his clothes were decorated by luxurious accesories and a cape of a brilliant noble in medieval ages as well.

In turn, Thelamia conceived his outfit to be unique. When Thelamia's eyes looked down, she observed that Destruct's long legs were wearing white long pants made of a queen spider's silk.

Before she was done examining him, her eyes' attention were caught when his feet were wrapped by golden greaves of a knight, complementing his golden metal gloves.

In total, the towering 6' 0" Destruct was a dreamboat prince that would make any princess swoon in pleasure just from seeing him at first glance.

Thelamia almost had a nosebleed, as he was a beautiful male.

Suddenly, Thelamia remembered something and asked him,

"Are y-you Geno's brother?"

Destruct turned to look at her but, he was just dumbfounded,


Though, Destruct just touched his forehead and assumed with a handsome smile,

"Oh you mean Genocide Revenant. Yes, he is my younger brother."

Then, Destruct sighed,

"Sadly he is kinda violent. As he smacked an adorable princess like you for whatever reason."

He made another gentle bow with his right hand behind afterwards,

"Though, you won't have to worry. Since, I was the one who brought you here, princess. In order to let you recover."

Although, Thelamia was filled with strange doubts, so she touched her lips and guessed above the clouds inside her thoughts,

"Wait...why did Geno smack me anyway? And why does this handsome guy keep calling me princess?"

Destruct held Thelamia's hand and stared at her, as he was a perfect gentleman to a lady,

"Also, why don't I tour you around, my dear princess?"

Thelamia was flustered, turning her to look as a strawberry ready to be plucked. Though, she decided in her thoughts first,

"Welp, I got nothing to do, why not?"

Thelamia nodded with a radiant smile.

As expected from this silly Goddess, she just took his offer without even thinking straight.

Sooner or later, they were now waltzing through the luxurious hallways that screamed of royalty.

Thelamia witnessed that the marble floor was wrapped by a carpet of crimson. Not only that, she was amazed by the cluster of crystal lights illuminating their bright yellow lights hanging above the marble walls and ceiling,


That sudden moment, Destruct felt that his left arm was in constricting pain making him to lean on his left sholder at the wall beside him,

"Ggghhhh! Damn those ruins."

Thelamia felt worried for Destruct,

"What's wrong?!"

Destruct just looked away, while he was still feeling the burning thorns from his arm,

"No, it's noth...gghh!"

Thelamia sighed and tried to touch him,

"Just let me take a look."

Destruct squeezed her hand and stopped her,


Thelamia looked down and composed her nerves, as Destruct doesn't want her concern. Although, when she looked up, she just gave off a relieving smile,

"It won't get any better if you act like this. Just let me take a look, okay?"

Destruct just nodded.

Thelamia may look-like she was calm but in her mind, her ears were clapping with excitement such as she she had a tiny version of her dancing around in joy,

"WOOOHOOO! Now I just acted like a real Goddess again! 25 Goddess points for me!"

After that, Destruct suggested,

"Let's get back to my room."

Thelamia agreed.

They returned to Destruct's noble bedroom. There, the in pain Destruct was laid to his bed. Thelamia approached him but, she had doubts in her thoughts,

"Wait...can I use my other powers now? Mhmmmm! Guess it's time for me to find out!"

She continued on her actions and undressed his top such as she was acting as a real nurse on the bed. As she saw his manly chest and six-pack buns of steel hidden under his cloak, Thelamia had a sudden nosebleed.

Thankfully, it stopped and she wiped it off.

Not much soon, Destruct felt the stinging pain once again,


While she was examining his body, her attention was caught when she took notice that there was golden glowing tatoo from his left shoulder. More than that, the mysterious tatoo was reaching up to his left arm.

Thelamia made a serious nod, as she was convinced,

"I guess that must be it huh."

A while later, Thelamia made a love tap at his left chest with the tatoo. As she expected, Destruct felt the thorns wreathing around his left arm and shoulder.

Thelamia's eyes closed and focused on her chant,

"Tiere tiere avis verlu ri kami auvre il navis quas amien."

The next moment, the bright tatoo was fading away through the air slowly.

Soon, Thelamia observed that his body didn't have the tatoo anymore. More so, Destruct didn't feel the lingering pain as well, turning him to feel relieved,

"The pain's gone?"

She dressed him back in his clean white pilot's outfit afterwards. There after, she stood up on the floor covered by the crimson carpet.

Destruct sat on his bed and looked down, while his hands were joined together,

"To think just someone I met could cure my strange illness."

He sighed,

"Even the best magical herbalists and crystal doctors couldn't cure it."

His glance shifted at Thelamia,

"But you, you just cured it in a snap, my dear princess."

Thelamia was touched by his words. Though, she just fiddled with her hair of cherry blossoms, while she was a blushing maiden.

Destruct nodded. Then, he abruptly held Thelamia's flawless hands in which Thelamia felt the breeze of passionate petals. After that, he looked at her straight in the eye,

"Tell me princess, would you care for a reward?"

Thelamia was just shocked, but she still tried to control herself,

"Uhhh ummm...Yes?"

Destruct gave her a grateful smile of a dazzling prince,

"Then, would you desire to be my woman?"

When she heard those words seeped in honey, Thelamia was panicking inside her thoughts,

"WAIT WAIT WAIT THIS IS JUST TOO FAST! I mean...I like that a handsome guy is proposing to me but...I BARELY EVEN KNOW HIM YET!"

Destruct was noticing that the sweating Thelamia couldn't answer back,

"Uuhhh ummm uuuh..ummm..."

Suddenly, a banging slam from the door was heard.

The two of them were startled and looked through the door. There, both of them saw the raven-haired gangster-looking Genocide was very exhausted at the door. More so, his sweat was dripping from his face.

Thelamia tilted her head sidewards and looked at him,


Genocide replied immediately, while he was panting hard,

"Tha-Thamy...I-I-I'm sorry for hi-hiting you okay. Gods, how many rooms this place has."

Destruct just suggested in a complacent manner to him,

"Dear brother, there's water right beside you."

The air of romance was put on hold.

Genocide looked to his left and saw a glass and a crystal pitcher,


Thereupon, he took a drink, but he drank straight through the pitcher's mouth.

The only thing Destruct could do was to sigh in disappointment.

As Genocide was done gulping the whole pitcher, he remembered something,

"Oh right..."

Thereon, he explained to Thelamia with expressive gestures, as he was almost pleading for her apology,

"Look Thamy, I'm sorry for hitting you okay. So, could you return to me now?"

Suddenly, Destruct interrupted,

"I must break it to you dear brother, but princess Thelamia here should be the one to choose. As she's our honored guest."

Genocide was a little suprised,


Destruct shifted to look at Thelamia immediately,

"So, princess Thelamia...would you care to be my woman forever or live being treated as a PET by my UNCARING BROTHER?"

The atmosphere started to swirl in intense gales.

Genocide cracked his fists, crossed his arms and gave Destruct a fiery stare,

"You're one to talk."

Destruct countered back with a sarcastic smile of a gambler,

"Hoh? Did I just put some flames into the DRAGONBOY who can't breathe out fire?"

While for Thelamia herself, she was nervous. Her senses were tingling when the two guys with pleasing looks were about to beat each other into a pulp.

Although, her mind was floating somewhere else,

"Is this real? Two guys are fighting over me?"

Maybe or maybe not.

Genocide cracked his own neck and readied himself.

As for Destruct, he removed his hold on Thelamia gently. Then, he brushed up his sleeves covering his arms.

The lights were flickering, as the two males raging auras were reverberating through the place. Thelamia was filled with worry, especially in her thoughts,

"Huwah! They're about to break each others limbs! And I don't know what to do!"

Although, she had thought of a ridiculous idea, while she was touching her lips,

"Mmmmmmhhhmmmm! By the way, where's Spheera?"

Genocide's burning rage ceased. He scratched the back of his head, as he heard Thelamia's question,

"Oh about that. The royal guards placed her on a cage. And brought her to my storage room...yeah..."

There after, he held his own hips high and proud,

"With that, I hold your ball kitten's life! HAHAH!"

Thelamia just made a disappointed facepalm, as Genocide was desperate.

Her mind imagined that Spheera was acting like a wild animal trying to get away from the cage. Afterwards, she approached Destruct, turning Destruct to douse his own flames and ask her instead,

"What is it my dear princess?"

She held Destruct's hands and acted like a charming princess,

"I'm grateful for your offer prince Destruct but, I must decline for now. Since, I need to save my assistant's precious life from your evil brother first."

As Destruct heard those amazing words from Thelamia, he was heartfelt and be dazzled by her sheer courage,

"Not only a gifted lady but also, a caring one comparable to the real Goddess herself.

Genocide just scratched the back of his head. Then, he was in his deep thoughts,

"So I'm the evil one in her eyes huh."

Apparently yes, you're the evil one to her eyes.

More than that, Genocide was getting irritated of Thelamia and Destruct acting like lovers,

"And when is this princess drama going to end?"

The fleeting winds of blossoming roses started to bloom, as Destruct let Thelamia feel his soothing caress on her left cheek,

"I shall await for your response when the perfect time comes again, my dear Goddess princess."

He touched her hears gently and pushed his lips against hers.

The next moment, Thelamia's elven ears twitched in excitement, as she felt the licorice scented petals along the breeze. Their melting tongues from passion made them feel to be in a trance full of bliss.

Although, Genocide just broke their trance,

"Okay! Okay! That's enough brother."

Destruct cut off his trance with Thelamia and moved away,

"We shall meet again, my dear princess."

Although, Thelamia doesn't want him to depart yet,

"Noooo! Don't go my prince! Save me from your evil brother! I'm useless without you!"

Sadly, Destruct just exited his own room, as he had other matters to attend to and left the obnoxious Thelamia acting as a princess in distress.

Thereon, the gales of passion were no longer felt around the room.

As for Genocide he just took a deep breath,

"Sheesh, glad that was over."

Genocide went near the lonely Thelamia and brought out his hand for her,

"So, ready to go now, my Goddess pet?"

Although, Thelamia wasn't pleased and she just looked away as she was just irritated,

"Hmph! I'm only doing this for Spheera!"

Later, Genocide and Thelamia went outside the hallways and reached at the backdoor castle garden that had a tower.

She gulped, as she took a closer look of the tower reaching above the clouds,

"W-we're going to climb, tha-that?"

Genocide grinned,

"Not necessarily."

Thelamia was skeptic,

"What do you.—"

Genocide revealed his molten dragon wings with the crevices of the searing hellstorm. In turn, Thelamia was filled with relief,


Suddenly, Genocide vanished into thin air, turning Thelamia to be dumbstruck,


The next moment, Thelamia felt that she was being lifted for some reason. When she looked up, she witnessed that the debonaire Genocide was carrying her like a princess in his arms.

Genocide looked at her with a determined smile,

"Ready to RIDE ME through the skies? My dear Goddess?"

Although, Thelamia didn't quite understood what he said,

"What do you mean?"

Without any warning, Genocide burst up ascending through the skies, penetrating through the cloud caps.

The flabbergasted Thelamia felt that she was riding on a super fast jetplane, while Genocide was lifting her. As soon as they reached the top with an open window, Genocide entered the place and let Thelamia stand on her two legs.

There, she observed that it was the same ol' dusty storage room from before,

"Still the same place."

As she glanced at her left, the ball-like Spheera was trapped inside the birdcage.

Spheera took notice of her as well,


Thelamia opened the hinge lock of the birdcage, freeing Spheera out.

Then, the two of them hugged each other again.

Genocide hid his wings, as he will no longer use it.

After a while, Thelamia was holding her hips, while staring at Genocide,

"So, now could you tell me why you just punched me without warning?! Hm Geno?!"

Genocide scratched the back of his head with a grin on his face,

"Well, the royal guards would be shocked when they see you waltzing along the plaza, while you should be imprisoned here.

He paused and then continued afterwards,

"And my brother took advantage of the situation when he saw you".

There after, he brought out his crystal smartphone from his pocket. He swiped through its screen, while he was grimacing,

"Oh yeah and while I'm here keeping you company, I'll just watch your nice dancing of yours that I recorded before."

Thelamia was alarmed when he told a sensitive thing.

That moment, she tried to desperately grab Genocide's phone, as she was a pleading little girl,

"Oh c'mon gimme that! Delete that cursed video Geno!"

Although, Genocide resisted and raised his smartphone away from Thelamia's reach,

"No way! It's one of my prized research materials! A hidden gem!"

Then, the two of them fell on the floor. Although, their issue didn't stop yet.

For Spheera's eyes, they looked-like young children down on the floor quarreling over the phone,


The metal door opened slowly and the hooded woman came. She saw that Thelamia and Genocide were acting like kids. The hooded woman just crossed her arms looking quite disappointed,

"I knew this would happen...between you and my son."

The two of them paused on their childish quarrel, as they took witness of the hooded lady in front of the door.

When their attention was caught, the hooded woman greeted Thelamia a warm welcome,

"And how's it going Thamy?"

The mysterious woman pulled her hood down and let Thelamia see her whole look.

For some strange reason, Thelamia's face was a mix of happiness, shock, and excitement, when she saw the lady's face,