Reservoir of scraps

"Are we there yet,"

as the whimsical Thelamia pouted like an annoyed little girl, while she was riding on a fast-moving motorcycle at the back.

Genocide who was the one driving the vehicle just made a grimace,

"Patience my dear impatient Goddess."

Since the pissed Goddess got nothing to do but to wait, she glanced around the area. She perceived the dull barren golden desert devoid of any living creature. Thereon, she was even more pissed by the bland scenery,

"Uhhhh...This place is so boring."

Soon, Thelamia hollered to Spheera,

"How are you feeling Spheera?"

Spheera was coughing relentlessly,

"Geez! All this dusty sand sand slapping on my face!"

Spheera, the metal ball assistant was attached to the obsidian and crimson plated motorcycle front lights.

Genocide just sighed,

"Well you're the one who wanted to feel the winds. I even warned ya, you wouldn't like it."

Then, Spheera coughed more and more as it was nearly suffocating, poor little ball kitten.

As they were moving very fast along the desert, Thelamia was noticing the visage

of a desert town becoming clearer and clearer. Her hand pointed at the visage, as she was an eager highschool girl,

"Hey! Is that the place?"

Genocide just nodded,


Though, he had a cold shoulder in his thoughts,

"I hope we aren't late."

There after, he accelerated his crimson motorcycle.

Not much soon, they entered the territory of a town suited in a barren wasteland.

While they were still riding on the motorcycle, they were witnessing the stone slab houses. Although, those weren't made of limestone, rather those were made of garnet gemstones clustered together.

Thelamia's interest was peeked,

"Oooooh! Unique place."

When the pink haired Goddess turned to look at her right, she noticed that most of the rugged-clothed people had both lizard-like tails and wings of a hawk.

Thereupon, she was filled with more wondrous intrigue,

"So many hybrids here."

Genocide just made a grin,

"Yeah well this is one of the most lenient towns for refugee hybrids."

A while later, they arrived at a town hall that had the aesthetics from greek architecture

. Thelamia also noticed that the pillars around the place were made of polished rubies.

As for Genocide his look turned dark as the abyss when he saw a similar motorcycle to his. Though, his dead set eyes observed that the motorcycle parked near was plated in gold and red,

"Tsk! Guess RAZE beaten me to it."

Thelamia was just dumbfounded,


Still, Genocide just parked his motorcycle beside the one that was parked before.

Then, the three of them continued their journey on foot.

They were already near the entrance of the of the town hall. Suddenly, two crossed pink blades were ready to guillotine Genocide's neck in a snap.

In turn, Thelamia and Spheera were unimagineably shocked.

Though, Genocide didn't react whatsoever. Instead, he galnced to his left and right.

There, he saw two fierce, but beautiful tall women wearing a flashy blue swiss army uniform.

The grinning Genocide just looked down. When he saw that they were clothed in tight miniskirts of bold darkness, the two almost identical ladies with eye-patches threatened him even more,

"And where do you think you're looking at?"

Genocide just took a long winding sigh,

"I guess Raze is already inside huh."

The twin with a dark pink eye uttered her cold words of a strict female officer,

"Yes, lord Raze is already inside, so your presence is no longer necessary."

Genocide just scratched his own lower chin and made a grin of a trickster,

"Well if that's the case, I'm just going to congratulate him. And I wanted to ask him about something."

Thelamia felt that the air was chilly when she witnessed the crucial situation Genocide was in.

There was silence around the atmosphere as well, since things were getting never better.

The next moment, the two feisty women stopped pointing their weapon at Genocide's flesh. Then they sheathe their weapons and let him pass through,

"Very well, just don't drag lord Raze for too long."

After that, Genocide continued on his way.

Thelamia and Spheera just followed him. Though, Thelamia went to his backside and whispered in a jiffy,

"Who were those scary girls?"

"They're Raze's PRIVATE AND PERSONAL bodyguards you see."

"Uh huh,"

she said.

Genocide opened the doors with his two hands and proved his grand entry. The male guards were startled by him. Though, Genocide just resumed his way along the aisle covered by a red carpet.

While for Thelamia and her little assistant, they just followed Genocide's lead, as they were acting as Genocide's protege.

Genocide didn't bat an eye around the prestigious-looking place, since his eyes were dead set on the redwood door leading to another destination.

Soon, the redwood door opened and a long blonde-haired guy holding a sharp metal cane emerged.

Genocide bared his fangs,


As for Thelamia, she was stoked when she saw him.

In front of her, she saw that the approaching Raze's long blonde hair was as refine as golden silk threads. Raze's sharp eyes wearing glasses were as crimson as blood.

His whole look would appear to be a handsome angel, but had the vibes of a cunning demon.

Genocide took notice of Raze's polished bloody red navy uniform made from the finest wool. Though, his outfit wasn't near the color of maroon, rather it was closer to the dye of abyss.

Thelamia was frozen in fear when she saw him up close. To her eyes, he was even more terrifying to look at.

Though, she had to tilt her head above a little as Raze was 6' 1", a tad bit higher than Genocide.

Also, Thelamia witnessed that Raze had chains as well, but his were clung to his combat boots. Lastly, she observed that Raze's left arm was clad in golden armor gloves.

The smiling Raze patted Genocide's shoulder. Then, Raze spoke with a moderate voice of a proffesional and friendly bartender,

"If it isn't Genocide."

Genocide just made a grin and scratched the back of his own head,

"Yeah, you beat me to it Raze."

Raze just looked away with a stressed smile,

"Not really."

Genocide was a little surprised,

"How so?"

Raze patted Genocide's shoulder again,

"Tell you what, why don't you speak with that STUBBORN mayor of this town. To see what I mean."

From his pocket, he brought out a scroll inked in dark abyss that was clearly similar from the one that Genocide had. Then, Raze gave it to Genocide,

"Though, he's still not as stubborn as us."

Afterwards, the two scary-looking, but appealing guys laughed as they were friends who were drunk.

While for Spheera, it just made an eyeroll, as it could feel the weirdo vibes coming from the two males.

Yeah, these two assholes are weird.

Thelamia felt her chest. She was relieved, since Raze wasn't that much of a threat after all.

Afterwards, Raze went away and waved a cool gesture,

"See ya and I'm very sorry for not introducing myself to your two friends back there, but I really must hurry."

When Genocide, Thelamia, and Spheera were about to enter the redwood door, Genocide remembered something,

"Crap, I forgot to ask him...Frey, please be safe."

Suddenly, Thelamia was disturbed in her thoughts,

"Frey? Who's that?"

Though, she didn't mind it that much.

Not much soon, Genocide opened the huge door and entered. There, they saw a grumpy old pudgy pissed off mayor on his fat seat office.

As the mayor saw Genocide holding the black scroll, the mayor smacked the table furiously. Then, he shouted at them with an ear-raping voice of a pig,

"How much do I have to tell you VAMPIAN DOGS! I WON'T SIGN THAT! IT'S RIDICULOUS!"

Genocide had a grimace afterwards,

"Hmmmm, may I ask why mayor?"

The mayor took a gulp of his hot juice,

"That Raze guy asked me if the imperial kingdom can transfer those fishes here. And use our lake as another generator of CRYSALIS PURIFICATION."

Then, he catched his breath and continued,

"Since, they said that the kingdom's main reservoir and Crysalis purifier is already cooped up."

Thelamia just tilted her head, as she was dumbstruck,

"Crysalis purifier and purification?"

Genocide analyzed the situation. After that, he tried to grasp the mayor's trust through sweet words, while his arms were crossed,

"But isn't that a good thing mister mayor? As your town will get blah blah share as well?"

The mayor wasn't happy and he smacked the table once more,

"No it's not! As our waters here are weirdly contaminated now! Thanks to that meteorite thingy recently!"

Thelamia gulped when she heard those tingling words.

Then, the mayor stressed out more while he was clinging to his last strands of hair,

"And if those fishes die and those crystals break from that odd contamination here. WE'RE THE ONES WHO SHALL PAY THE CUTS!"

Suddenly, he pointed at Genocide and his companions,


Spheera and Thelamia weren't startled, since both of them were now eating cookies given by the secretary who just entered recently unnoticeably.

Genocide scratched his own lower chin,

"So if we were to get rid of the contamiation, that'd mean you'll agree to this offer am I correct?"

The mayor's tone lowered down,

"Well yes, if our lake is clean. The offer itself is great, but the circumstances right now, aren't."

Not much soon, Genocide thought of something and made a sinister grin,

"Well lady luck is on your side mayor."

Then, he presented Thelamia who was sitting on the red sofa at the side,

As my PERSONAL ASSISTANT here can do that for you."

There after, his gaze was focused on Thelamia,

"Isn't that right, THAMY?"

The eating Goddess was just dumbfounded,


Though, she oberved that Genocide was winking at her again. Thereon, she just made a silly smile and bonked her head,

"Uh yea! I can do that! Eheheheheh!"

Spheera was just annoyed inside its thoughts,

"And here we go again."

The mayor's ear clapped when he heard those miraculous statements from Genocide.

In a jiffy, Thelamia, Genocide, and Spheera were redirected by the sexy secretary wearing a revealing french maid uniform. They were properly sent at the edge of the reservoir that was just at the back of the mayor's den.

Thelamia witnessed that the vast body of water had a funny murky color,

"Is this really a reservoir?"

It was similar to mud or a polluted stream from a modern sewer.

Genocide turned to look at her,

"What do you think Thamy?"

"Thelamia touched her soft pink lips,

"Yea it's too dark. This is either soy sauce or some sorcerer poisoned it."

Genocide knelt down near the stagnant muddy reservoir,

"Poison huh."

Without any warning, he took a small drink of the contaminated water with his hand.

Thereupon, Thelamia and Spheera were widely shocked,


Genocide ignored their worries, instead he expressed with deligh of what he had tasted,

"It tastes kinda sweet. It has a familiar pinch to newly invented drink called..."

Thelamia assumed,


Genocide agreed,

"Yeah soda."

Thelamia just made a facepalm as she was disturbed in her thoughts,

"Darn, so my unfinished soda in a can did this?"

Most likely, you wasteful Goddess.

Genocide stood up and held his own hips,

"So do you think you can purify it? O' Goddess of creation?"

Thelamia just had an unsure look,

"Eh? I'll try."

While for Spheera, it just sighed.

Thelamia stood on her hands and legs as she was a four legged-animal once again. Though, her hands were submerged into the soda reservoir.

As for Genocide, he whistled with an engaged smile, since he had a nice view in front of him.

He could clearly see Goddess Thelamia's plumpy and juicy ass wearing a bikini all for his perverted eyes to gaze upon,

"Demmm thicc."

Thelamia just forced herself to focus on the crucial matter at hand. Although, she looked-like she wanted to smack Genocide already.

Soon, she chanted out a long spell and her hands were glowing as pieces of rainbow crystals. The next moment, the body of water returned to its crystal clear color.

Thelamia was delighted,

"Cool! It's been purified!"

Sadly, the water reverted back to its murky color after a few seconds.


Thelamia was utterly surprised.

As for Spheera, it had a frown on its screen.

When she looked at Genocide, she noticed that Genocide's eyes were intrigued and locked unto the center of the reservoir.

Soon, Genocide suggested to his companions,

"Girls, time for us to grab some scraps."

Thelamia was just dumbfounded,

"Uhh err where?"

Genocide just grinned.

After a while, they entered at a small dumpsite with mountains and hills of useless scraps around their wake. It was a place of doom and descration for the Goddess's eyes and nose.

The next moment, Thelamia released her childish rage at Genocide,


The smiling Genocide just kept his cool,

"We're just here to get some metals. No need to go through all these trash."

Since they have no other plans, they had to do what Genocide suggested. Thereupon, the three of them searched through the heap of junk and rotten leftovers.

Thelamia was digging her delicate hands through the dump at the right-side corner. More so, she was crying like a little child miserably,

"Huwahhhhh, this is not good for a Goddess like me."

Spheera felt pity for its master,

"Poor Thamy."

A while later, Genocide was already lifting lots of metal scraps, while the bloodshot eyed Thelamia got none.

Spheera raised Genocide's hand,

"And the winner is Geno!"

Then, it played a fanfare sound effect from a certain game.

Though Thelamia wasn't happy,

"Shaddup Spheera. I did my best okay! Ughhhh, I need to take a shower after this."

They returned back to the reservoir that was just three blocks away.

Thelamia turned to glance at Genocide carrying the scraps of metal,

"Whatcha up to Geno?"

Suddenly, Genocide tossed all of the scraps into the contaminated reservoir.

Thelamia was shocked and reprimanded him,


Although, Genocide just kept his cool once more,

"Wait for it."

The next moment, a powerful gush of water spurted out from the dead center of the reservoir. It was comparable as if a titanic creature emerged from the surface.

Shock and surprise were the only things Thelamia could tell,