In another instance, Thelamia, Genocide, and Spheera were traversing the broad cliffs. Although, Spheera noticed that the ground was too shiny, as it was slathered by a thick crimson gel,


Trailing behind them was the woman hidden under a white hood.

Somehow, Thelamia looked bothered, She recalled all of her doubts for her companions to hear,

"Wait, let me get this straight, we'll just have to bring her to a foreign land? That's it?"

Genocide just nodded with a complacent grin,


Thelamia just assumed,

"Huh, seems easy like the first."

Suddenly, she remembered something and she was startled,

"Geh! But why can't we use your cool motorcycle?!"

Genocide tipped his hat and patted the hooded woman's shoulder,

"Cuz, this woman right here gets motion sickness."

Thelamia shifted her look at the woman behind.

The mysterious female just nodded with a nice intriguing smile of a serpent,

"Yes, I do get motion sickness. When master let me RIDE ON TOP OF HIM. Ufufufu!"

Thelamia just made an unnoticeable eyeroll,

"Great, another perverted woman."

Then, she continued to be clouded in her irritated thoughts,

"And Geno knows about her condition too. GEEZ! How much does he know about these...THESE LEWD GIRLS?!"

Instead of being stressed in her own thoughts, the young-looking Goddess just took a long sigh. She made an optimistic smile afterwards and tread along without any care in the world,

"Welp, there's not much going on here, so this'll be a cakewalk."

The next moment, Spheera fumed,


Thelamia was a tad bit surprised. She looked at her floating sphere assistant beside her,

"What do you.—"

Suddenly, Genocide took witness that a crimson spike was about to hit Thelamia through her slim feet.


Genocide grabbed the Goddess's arm and pulled her away immediately.

Due to Genocide's strong grip, Thelamia fell down on her butt. As she looked in front of her, she perceived a sharp crimson spike towered over the steep path. Thereupon, the Goddess felt shivers down up to her spine, as Genocide saved her skin just in the nick of time,

"Tha-thanks Geno."

Even her sphere assistant was startled.

While for the woman under the hood, she giggled,

"I've almost forgotten to tell you."

She went in front of the crowd and spread her flawless white arms out wide,

"This place is known as the, CRIMZONE DEN!"

Then, she pointed out with her finger,

"The nest that is ALIVE! Ufufufu!"

When Goddess Thelamia heard those bizarre statements, she sweated lots and shivered,


Then, she was absorbed in her divine thoughts,

"Ju-Julie, did you create this place? Cuz, I-I don't remember making a strange place like this."

Who knew deities can make places.

Behind them, lots of gel spikes protruded from the ground. As Thelamia looked behind, those sharp pillars were the same height of skyscrapers and thickness of obelisks.

Then, the sinister woman tried to cheer them up,

"The good news is, they're random. Ufufufu!"

Sadly, Thelamia wasn't happy, especially in her pitiful thoughts,

"Uwwwuuh, that's not a good thing."

Genocide took witness that a crimson spike was barring their path. He turned to look behind. There were skyscraper crimson spikes blocking their retreat as well.

His hand scratched his lower chin,


Then, he closed his eyes and he was engrossed in his inclusive thoughts,

"I could fly them above, but where's the excitement in that?"

He opened his daredevil eyes. Then, he looked at his companions and he held his trong hips, while he had a trickster's smille on his face,

"Right, I guess we should.—"

That sudden moment, everyone's attention was caught from the crumbling earthen walls of the cliff. There, their eyes observed that a hidden passage was unearthed by a mystical force unbeknownst to man.

In a split of a second, Genocide made a trickster's sinister grin,

"Or better yet, we could go to this hidden passage that just revealed iself."

Thelamia looked skeptic and went up close to Genocide's grinning face,

"Your face tells me that you're SCHEMING something here Geno."

Genocide just agreed,

"What? My face is always like this."

The woman under the visage sensed that Genocide was plotting something behind his mind. Then, she sinisterly laughed with poise and touched her lower lips,


Spheera just sighed,

"But since there's no other way around, we'll go with your suggestion."

Thelamia just sighed as well.

Sooner or later, they took the detour that Genocide suggested to them. They passed through the secret passage that invited them to the unknown.

As they were inside the place, their eyes were in awe.

Even the Goddess herself was appaled,

"Wow! This place is amazing!"

Everywhere they look, the huge cavern was carved with crimson pillars from all over the place. Those pillars were beautiful pieces of stalacites and stalagmites. Through the long distance, there was a throne made out of rubies and blood garnets.

After that, they continued to delve deeper.

Suddenly, Genocide's attention was caught and stopped on his way. His eyes were locked on a statue beside him that was in front of the wall.

There, he took notice that there was a life-size statue of a divine woman clad in gold, but her form was quite unfamiliar to him.

Nonetheless, he was still mesmerized by the golden statue's appearance, as she had an interesting feature. He perceived that she had golden majestic wings spanning wide reaching up to the edge of the wall.

Though, he also noticed that the statue's face was badly damged, due to its cracks on its face.

He looked around the whole place once more and he took witness of the other statues that was similar to the statue beside him. Though, some of those statues were made from silver instead. Thereon, he was intrigued in his thoughts,

"Riiight...this whole place must be some castle that was destroyed by the Crysalis war."

He looked at the golden statue's face,

"But she fells familiar somehow."

Then, he proceeded to caress the golden statue's face.

Suddenly, his ears heard Thelamia's shout o'er the distance,

"GENO! What are you standing there for! C'mon! You'll be left behind!"

Genocide snapped out from his focus at the statue. Then, he immediately went to his companions who were already near the throne. He scratched the back of his head and looked at his companions with a grin on his face,

"Sorry 'bout that!"

Afterwards, the woman touched her own set of luscious lips and laughed with poise,

"I'm guessing master fell in love with that golden statue hm? Ufufufufu!"

As for Thelamia, she held her own hips as she was annoyed,

"Geez Geno! Even a statue?! Anything pleases you as long as she looks-like a woman huh?"

Spheera nodded to Thelamia's words.

While for Genocide, he just made a tricky grin and scratched his own lower chin,


Thelamia just pouted and looked away,


Soon, they reached the edge of the throne room. Though, they saw that there was an unlocked runic door that was similar to a vault.

As soon, as Genocide opened the vault and let everyone enter through, they were all filled with jawdropping surprise once more. There, they all saw that the whole area was a treasure trove flooding with gold coins and strange artifacts.

As for the energetic Goddess, her eyes glstened and she burst with excitement,


The next moment, she dove into the pool of shimmering coins. Then, her head popped out from the overflowing gold coins. Her hand let the gold coins fall from her grasp as those falling coins were a fountain.

When Genocide took notice of the overexcited Thelamia, he just crossed arms and made a sigh,

"And this is how you catch a booby, a literal booby."

The next moment, everbody felt that the floor was trembling, as a strong earthquake was occuring.

Genocide just sighed,

"As expected."

Thelamia was just dumbfounded,

"Huh? Wha?"

Then, Spheera and the hooded woman just sighed as well.

In a snap, the whole floor collapsed and everyone fell into the abyss of nothingness. More so, Thelamia's panicking scream echoed through the bottomless pit.