Crimson stalker

Soon, the flopped to the ground Thelamia opened her eyes as she regained consciousness. Although, her hand felt that it was touching something soft and squishy,


She stood up from the floor. There, she took witness that she was standing on a jelly-like strawberry floor that wobbles,


Her eyes glanced around, yet no one was there at the secluded secret room of the ruins except her. Thereon, the Goddess herself was convinced,

"I guess we've been seperated."

When she continued to observe the whole place, there was only a one-way path of mystery at her front. Thelamia just took the one way passage of wonders with an energetic smile on her face,

"Well, I guess I'll just keep moving forward."

While she was traversing the passage, her eyes were filled with wonders. She perceived that the whole area was a glass tunnnel made out of polished bllue quartz. Suddenly, her Goddess senses noticed that something was following her tails,


She looked behind. There, she saw that there was a sharp crimson pillar that blocked her previous path. The fresh Goddess just resumed on her way afterwards.

Though, she still felt the presence that something was trailing behind her. Thereupon, she turned to look behind again. Somehow, she only saw the crimson pillar in front of her again.

She looked uncertain after that,

"I-is it just me or."

Suddenly, she sprinted away and raced through the one-way tunnel. She ran as fast as she could. Then, she turned to look behind and she was extremely shocked,

"Why in hells are those crimson pillars following me!"

Little did the Goddess knew that there were small stray spikes made out of gel-like material that mildly intruded her way as well.

Thereon, her nice outfit got cuts and tatters as she passed through the tunnel that had protruding thorns. Thankfully, most of the cuts she had incurred didn't penetrate her skin. Although, most of them exposed the skin of her melons, hips, and thighs.

The next moment, she bumpled into someone and both of them fell hard on their butts on the ground.


Thelamia expressed as the impact on her butt was strong. When she got up, she noticed the white hooded woman was sitting on the ground in front of her.

The mysterious lady brushed her cloak and she stood up,

"Great, you've found me. Ufufufu!"

Then, she gave her hand to the still sitting Thelamia,

"So shall we continue? Goddess?"

Thelamia nodded with an eager look. She tried to grab the woman's hand, although the woman just swiped away her hand, letting the Goddess to catch air. There after, the lady in the visage just laughed sneakily and continued forward,


Thelamia was just irritated by the sinister tricks of the laughing woman with poise, especially inside her divine thoughts,

"This woman, is more annoying than Marla!"

Later, they've reached at a vast dome. They noticed that the walls were made of crystralized chunks of rubies and garnet. Not only that, down below was the jelly floor from before.

As Thelamia looked over the distance, she saw a faint glimpse of the sunset sky from the other side. Thereon, the Goddess rejoiced. She looked at the hooded lady, while Thelamia was pointing at the exit,

"There's the surface! Let's go!"

Then, Thelamia grabbed the mysterious lady's hand.

The woman was shocked, but she just made a smile and followed the energetic Goddess's lead.

When they were about to reach the surface, their feet were stuck for some reason. Thelamia was alarmed,

"Huh? Why can't we move?"

When Thelamia looked down, her eyes were widely shocked. She witnessed that the slimy tentacles of gel-like substance immobilized their feet,

"D-don't tell me!?"

While for the hooded female, she just made a smile, while her cheeks were blushing pink.

Soon, the tentacles slinged them back to the center of the dome.

Thelamia and the hooded woman were smacked down to the soft ground afterwards. In a snap, the crimson shiny tentacles wrapped around their arms, wrists and legs. As expected, the Goddess panicked,

"No-no-no-no-no! This can't be happening to a Goddess like me!"

Soon enough, the two girls were lifted, while their backs were cradling on air.

Thelamia was ridden with fear, as she saw more slimy tentacles emerged from the mucous ground. Although, she perceived that the hooded woman was having a lustful gaze upon the tentacles. The mysterious female's very look was eagerly waiting for extraordinary exictement to come.

Thelamia was crept out inside her mind,

"Is this woman bonkers?! She's liking this?! The hell did you do to her Geno?!"


Thelamia felt the tentacles had just wriggled around her melons of amazing volume. After that, those long tentacles slithered around her breasts and squeezed them tight. Even her ass-cheeks were massaged as well.

Somehow, Thelamia felt an unexplainable sudden bliss in the air, but she still esisted and retained her sanity.

More tentacles appeared and wriggled around her lower torso, slathering her body in a sticky mucous-like substance.

As Thelamia was being toyed around by the strange monster's feelers, she was annoyed in her thoughts,

"This is why I hate tentacles! If only I can cast powerful magic or grab my weapon!"

The monster fondled her melons like no tomorrow. In turn, it was like some bizarre foreplay.

Thelamia kept her control, but the mucous-like substance was weakening her senses. Thereupon, her sanctuary of the divine heavens was getting aroused as well. She tried to deny herself in her own thoughts and wriggled some more,

"Noooo! Stop getting aroused me! Stop it!"

Her face turned to glance at the hooded woman. Compared to her own divine self, the mysterious female was loving the passionate touches of the tentacles wreathing around her sexy body.

Later, Thelamia's lower effeminate part was getting moist as the tentacles continued to explore her divine rack of desires. More so, her senses were getting cloudy in abnormal bliss as well. She could even hear her own passionate pants as well,

"Haaahhn aaahn haahnn. Noooo!"

Her eyes noticed that the woman's gaping mouth and lewd expression with her tongue out was desiring to take a hot rod inside of her.

The perverted lady even spread her legs willingly, to invite the monster's magnum of pleasure.

Thelamia was more and more startled in her hazy thoughts,

"Haaahhnn, don't tell me...I-I need to do that?!"

Not much soon, the monster used all of its force to open Thelamia's closed legs. She tried to resist her all, but her whole body was already weakened from unusual bliss.

The thickest tentacle among the others emerged from the gel floor. It went near her legs. It gazed upon Thelamia's shrouded chamber of promising secrets hidden behind her open legs, as it was ready to traverse it.

In front of her, she wtnessed a dark red tentacle which wants to voyage her mouth of perfect warmth and vacuum.

Thelamia squirmed as she felt goosebumps by those horny and erotic tentacles who wants to explore her divine body beyond,

"Hiiiiihh! P-please anything but that!"

Sadly the tentacles didn't feel pity for the Goddess. Instead, they were slowly getting near their destination. The only thing the Goddess could do was to cry her last crystal fragment.

As the tear dropped to the ground, she saw the raven-haired Genocide dashing through the tunnel.

Then, he appeared in front of her in a snap, while he had a cool battle stance. He turned to look at Thelamia wrapped by tentacles,

"Long time no see, my scared Goddess."

In a split second, he let out quick swifts of his raging flamebreaker blade at the tentacles wreathed around her. Thereon, the monster's slimy arms were sliced and diced into smithereens, letting go of Thelamia.

He grabbed Thelamia's hand,


Spheera popped out from Genocide's cap,


Thelamia was relieved that the two were safe.

Then, they dashed through the wretched place. While they were running to reach the exit, the tentacles tried to get hold of Thelamia again.

Genocide aimed at the tentacles. Then, he pulled out his flamebreaker's trigger. From his weapon's nozzle, it sprayed out the infernal flames of doom at the slmy tendrils. In turn, the long feelers were burned into a crisp and Thelamia's assets were saved.

As soon as they reached the surface, they were all panting for air. Genocide glanced around and they were back at the cliffs at a higher altitude.

"That was really, really scary,"

Thelamia expressed. Suddenly, she hugged Genocide nearby and she burst into tears,


Genocide was startled at first, but he just patted the Goddess's pink head with his soothing caress of a guardian knight to ease her fears,

"There there my slime-slathered Goddess. Those tentacles won't violate you anymore."

Spheera was liking of what it was seeing from Genocide and its master. It even felt there was a pastel air of comfort and faint romance from the two. Breezing petals of soothing sensations wreathed around the two as well.

Then, it patted its pitiful master's head.

Not much soon, Thelamia had stopped crying and remembered something important,

"Wait, aren't we forgetting someone?"

Genocide just made an eager grin and rubbed the Goddess's head,

"Nahhhh, she'll be alright. She likes those things to be honest."

Then, he tipped his captain's hat.

While for Thelamia, she just gulped when she heard those non-chalant words from him.

The next moment, they heard passionate moans of a lady-in-heat from the secluded cavern,

"Haaaahahhhnn hhaaannhh! Ahhhnn!"

In a snap, Thelamia crouched on the ground and her hands were covering her elven ears. Sadly, she was still hearing the faint moans and noises of a woman feeling the peak of the divine heavens.

The sounds of travelling pleasure along the cosmos took long. It's as if the woman was traversing beyond the boundaries of desire. A melody from inner paradise was being heard through the cave as the hooded woman's adventure continued.

Soon, Thelamia heard the most intense angel-like voice of a lady who just transcended beyond cosmic pleasure.

Later on, the soothing calmness of the soft gales were the only things she had heard. She removed her hold on her ears,

"I-is it over?"

Genocide doted at Thelamia and gave her a pink portable game console,

"By the way Thamy, here's your game back I found at that funny cave or ruins. And thanks it was loads of fun."

Thelamia was widely surprised, especially in her thoughts,


Honestly, who knows.

Thelamia accepted it.

Afterwards, Genocide scratched his own lower chin,

"Maybe I can suggest that thing of yours Thamy and liven up the lives of our people in the kingdom."

Later, Genocide took witness of the tired-looking hooded woman who just came out from the strange cave.

As she was about to fall from exhaustion, Genocide grabbed her shoulders in a split second.

When he took a closer look of her, he noticed that the mystery woman was totally slathered in pink mucous-like substance. Though, her face was having an expression who just experienced the highest passion of any woman.

He raised her lower chin, and he made a smirk of a demon,

"I guess you loved it huh? My tentacle loving queen?"

The woman just panted in perverted passion and nodded.

Through the distance, Thelamia was looking more or less frustrated of seeing Genocide being too attached to the mysterious pervert.

Spheera just sighed.

Genocide perceived that the two girls were still soaked and wet from the slimy substance. They looked more or less oiled models to his eyes. He just grinned afterwards,

"And you two are still slathered by the slime's mucous. Don't ya worry."

After that, he smacked the ground with his palm and cast out,


Afterwards, Thelamia and the hooded woman felt that their clothes were gradually drying up from the hot spring steam below their feet. As the white steam dispersed, they weren't feeling the slime substance stuck to their bodies.

Strange thing was, their outfits were seamed and ironed into perfection as well.

Thelamia was amazed,


Soon, they continued on their travels. Thankfully, there were no more odd crimson spikes popping out below, as the swirling path to the top was solid as a rock,

Suddenly, they stopped on their tracks as they saw a strange figure from above. It blurted at them as it was a fesity teenage girl,


Then, the furious teenager with dusty white wings swooped down and tried to strike Genocide with her long lance. Suddenly, the hooded woman blocked it with her lance made out of crystals. Due to the severe winds, her hood fell down.

Thereon, Thelamia witnessed that the woman had a long ash-blonde hair flowing into the breeze. Not only that, Thelamia noticed that the woman's back had wings, but her left wing was made out of metal and crystals.

As for the teenage girl, when she saw the face of the hooded woman, she was speechless in her look,


The woman with an odd pair of wings just laughed and greeted in a sneaky manner,

"Ufufufufu! Yes it's me, my little sister Syvil."