One winged harpy

Later, Sylvia expressed her past memories in explicit detail aided with sublime gestures.

Thelamia was made to illustrate the whole scenario inside her mind, as she was just watching from a television's screen.

Inside her television mind, she was seeing that the anxious Sylvia was in a carriage.

Sylvia was dressed in a flawless white flowing gown perfect for a grand ball. Somehow, both of her wings were made of feathers and neither of them were mechanical.

Her outfit shone, as it was made from the finest silk. It was also accessorized by fragments of shining emerald.

She looked in front of her.

There, she saw a strange man in a tuxedo with a golden cape. Though, his whole visage wasn't exposed, as his face was hidden under a golden mask.

More so, she noticed that he has a crown embedded with obsidian gemstones fit for a tyrant king.

The iron-willed king took a glance at her.

Sylvia gulped.

Then, the supreme ruler hit the ground mildly with his chrome black cane,

"Soon, you shall partake in our celebration as our special guest."

Although, Sylvia wasn't pleased when she heard those sweet words. Instead, her mind swirled with raging flames,

"What celebration?! Your people ravaged our lands and massacred our brethren."

Sylvia just looked away, as she despised the king,

"I, the harpy queen just accepted your proposal, so that you'll stop destroying what we hold dear."

The cold king didn't mutter any other word.

It was a bumpy ride for the two of them inside the luxurious carriage. The atmosphere around the two was colder than the freezing abyss, since no one opened their mouths after that.

Soon, Sylvia felt that the carriage stopped.

The mysterious king went out first. He went to the other side and opened the other carriage's door. Then, he brought out his hand coated in black gloves for her.

Though, Sylvia just ignored his gentleman's gesture. She just went out on her own. As she got out of the carriage, she witnessed the gargantuan, but beautiful castle in front of her.

It was carved from clustered diamonds and prismatic opals. The whole place even glistened as the sky was basked in stellar midnight.

Sylvia was very much astunned, even in her thoughts,

"I didn't expect that the castle of Vampia would be a bright castle like this."

The tyrant king tried to catch the attention of Sylvia by tapping the ground once again,

"Harpy queen Sylvia Azerah."

Sylvia was made to focus her glance on him.

There after, the king bowed elegantly,

"It is time for you to enter the banquet."

The nex moment, the mysterious king vanished into the abyss. In front of Sylvia, the huge castle doors opened for her.

She entered afterwards.

As she was inside, there was already a prestigious ball being held. Her eyes filled with surprise witnessed that everyone was dancing gracefully.

All of them looked beautiful and handsome, even though they were wearing masquerade masks. Though, most of the males had pointed ears and their skin were white as paper.

The melody was entrancing and perfect for waltz as well. Everywhere Sylvia looked, everything was grandiose in its appearance, as the place isn't made fot a demon lord. It was an environment perfect for a king of class and elegance instead.

The lights from the vibrant chandeliers gave her a feeling of relief. The vast ballroom area made her skin to breathe.

Sooner or later, white swirling gales appeared in front of her.

Suddenly, Raze emerged from the gales.

Thereon, Sylvia saw the Raze with class wearing a white tuxedo.

Raze made an elegant bow and gave out his hand,

"Would you care to have this dance milady."

Sylvia accepted her offer, even though she was stuttering,

"Ermm...uuuh sure."

Not much soon, Raze and Sylvia went to the dance floor. Then, they joined the others. The two of them proved their starlit movements of grace afterwards.

While, Sylvia was having a nice dance with Raze, she was awestruck even inside her mind,

"Is this some kind of illusion?! I thought I'd be sold as a slave! But instead, I'm having a dance with a hot-looking guy."

Raze was noticing Sylvia's uneasiness, while they were at the dance floor. Thereupon, he tried to ease her nervous winds by giving off a cool smile,

"May I ask your name milady?"

Sylvia just nodded and continued to synchonize her movements with him,

"It's Sylvia."

Raze assumed,

"Sylvia the harpy queen of Harpiel highlands?"

Sylvia just agreed to his statements,


The smiling Raze continued the flow of conversation while they were moving gracefully along the place,

"To think I'm having a dance with an important person. Oh and I go by the name Raze. Just a small lord of the humble Raquiel village."

Although, Sylvia had her eyes wide opened when she heard those words from Raze. She felt jitters inside her thoughts,

"Raze the entitled, SILENT FLARE? One of the strongest and formidabble lords of carnage?!"

Soon, Raze twisted her and followed the rythm. Then, he flung her gracefully to another guy nearby, like the others did.

Sylvia's slim hands were caught by another good-looking person and it was the charming Destruct who had a unique hairdo. Destruct gave her a smile that'd swoon any kind of lady.

Though, Sylvia was just immensely flustered. She looked-like she was a teenage schoolgirl who had seen her crush up close,

"Lord Destruct?!"

She covered her mouth with poise, as she was embarassed from her recent excitement.

Destruct wasn't bothered by her overflow of emotion, instead he continued to dance with her,

"It seems you already know who I am, my dear princess. Also, may I ask your name too?"

Sylvia tried to compose herself,

"I go by the name Sylvia and I am no longer a princess as I've already succeeded my mother."

Destruct just assumed,

"That would clearly mean, you are the queen of the Harpiel highlands now. Am I correct?"

Sylvia nodded,


Her cheeks went rosy red, although she just looked away, since she doesn't want her partner to notice how overexcited she was. Later, her mind was filled with crazed bliss as she was being held by Destruct's hands along the starlight floor,

"I can't believe I'm having a dance with the one I admire now! Even though he is one of the the lords of carnage that everyone fears. Compared to the others, he is very much admired for his respect to his enemies even."

Her heart was pounding, while she was having a dazzling moment with Destruct along the ballroom floor. Even her mind was filled with wonders as well. She even had forgotten the tense vibes from before,

"This is such a dream come true!"

Destruct's eyes perceived that Sylvia was having the ball of her life, especially in her smile,

"Enjoying the ball, my dear princess?"

Sylvia made a beautiful smile,


Destruct snapped his own fingers up high that echoed around the place.

Suddenly, a waiter of high stature wearing a black masquerade mask appeared beside them. He also had two glasses filled with champagne on his silver tray.

Destruct grabbed the two glasses and gave the other to Sylvia. The harpy queen was pleased and accepted his offer. She made her drink to simmer first. Then Destruct raised his own glass,

"A toast for your promising future, my dear princess."

Sylvia accepted his gesture.

Then, they made both of their glasses to make a soft high-pitched tinging sound.

Though, Sylvia had a sinister smile on her face. Her mind was already clouded with fast-paced imagination of Destruct as her husband,

"Promising future with my loving Destruct ufufufu!"

There after, Sylvia drank her champagne.

Not much soon, she felt that her head was spinning. She looked around and her vision was getting hazy and distorted. She even sensed that she was losing consciousness even,

"What's going...on?"

She noticed that the other elegant male dancers made a smirk.

Raze just departed with a disappointed look.

While for her dance partner Destruct, he just left her, while he was masked with a poker face.

She tried to grab Destruct from behind, but her movements were weakening as well. Soon enough, Sylvia fell down on the ground and became unconscious. Her nice mouth even leaked out her crimson liquid as well.

As soon as she bloomed her eyes, everything was dim and there was only a spotlight shining down on her. She tried to get up from the tiled ground. Suddenly, her hands felt that she was chained down to the floor,

"What just happened?"

Her ears only heard the deafening silence. She even sensed that those who were at the event before weren't there anymore.

She tried to pull out the chains, yet those things won't budge and those were just making shlinking sounds.

Soon, she saw Destruct emerged from the shadows.

He bowed at her and sighed with disapointment,

"I'm truly sorry my dear princess, but the event is over now. Wish I could save you from the Blood Banquet, yet I have no power to do so."

Then, Destruct vanished from the fray afterwards.

Sooner or later, the huge black curtain revealed the masked tyrant king who was sitting on his throne. He raised his obsidian cane and tapped the ground with its sharp end below,

"Now let the Blood Banquet, begin!"

The lords of carnage wearing various high ranking army uniforms of abyss appeared from the darkness.

After that, they surrounded her. When she looked around fast, their faces were grinning with terror. Though, she also noticed that Raze, Destruct or Genocide weren't found amongst the crowd somehow.

Suddenly, one of the maniacal vampiric lords with a brawny body crept on her. Then, he pushed her down to the ground hard that made the ground to crack.


Sylvia felt the sharp blow had hit her spine, turning her to spurt out blood from her mouth. The next moment, he swung his sharp claw of a demon at Sylvia's outfit. Thereon, Sylvia's outfit was rip to shreds, turning Sylvia to be terrified and cover herself,


Her bountiful melons wrapped in a black-laced lingerie was revealed for them. They whistled and they licked their lips as she was a delicious meal.

She tried to get away, but the devious lord just squeezed her hand tight, restricting her escape. The only thing she could do was to leak out a fragment of sadness,

"Please, stop!"

She tried to shrug with every strength she had, but the lord's grip was tight. While she was struggling, another devious lord went near her and kissed her without warning.

Sadly, Sylvia wasn't liking his gesture, rather she was even more scared than before. She felt that the long kiss wasn't licorice, but it was a thorny poison ivy, since he was also exploring her body too.

Soon, she felt that the man behind her grabbed her right wing,

"Wha-what are you doing?! P-please! Just not my wings!"

The maniac just grinned and licked his lips.

The next moment, he pulled her right wing with force and ripped it off.


Sylvia screamed with excruciating pain as her wing was removed from her body. The males just laughed and laughed, as they were entertained of torturing Sylvia. Then, the guy who pulled her wing, pulled her near to his face,

"You have such a beautiful scream."

After that, he pushed her down to the floor and laughed with villainous intent,


Sylvia just cried for mercy, as she was about to get ravaged more by the maniacal lords of doom,

"Please no more!"

Afterwards she burst out loud,


The cold doors shut afterwards. The screams of a lady being ravaged were heard, yet it was flooded by the groaning and laughters of maniacs. Sylvia had no choice, but to accept her hard fate.

Sooner or later, the weeping Sylvia opened her eyes, she looked at her own body. Her clothes were in tatters, Her hair was a mess. She even had vampiric marks all over her body, while she was slathered in their essence.

Worst of all, her right wing was destroyed and a puddle of blood was leaking out from her ripped wing.

She looked around while she had bloodshot eyes. There, she witnessed that the lords of carnage weren't there anymore.

After a while, she heard footsteps. Then, she heard an echoing voice from the door,

"The winner of the slave bid shall come for you now."

She sat on the floor and closed her eyes of sadness once more. She knew her life filled misery will never end, when she heard those words.

Soon, the sound of the footsteps had stopped.

When she opened her eyes, Genocide was in front of her.

She was scared when she saw him. Though, Genocide just gave out his hand and he made a smile without any evil intent,

"It's alright now, lady Sylvia. Since, those guys shall never touch you again."

Sylvia was engrossed in her thoughts, when she took witness of Genocide for the first time,

"He's also like them, but I don't feel he's evil at all."

Sylvia gulped and took his offer. She gave her hand to Genocide. Then, Genocide grabbed her hand and acted as he was a true prince to her,

"Now let us be off, my one winged-lady."

The next day, Sylvia awoke from her slumber and she was now lying on a clean white bed in a small room. She looked to her left and she saw Genocide sitting next to her. Genocide made a smile of the sun,

"Good morning Sylvia!"

Sylvia was just afraid,


After that, she pulled the blanket and shunned her face away from Genocide's sight.

Genocide just sighed and crossed his arms,

"She's still afraid of me huh."

Without any warning, he hollered at the door to his left,

"Hey Raze! I did what you tell me to do! It ain't working! She's still scared!"

Raze opened the door and entered. He just touched his own forehead and sighed,

"Give her some time cousin Genocide. It was the same case for me when princesses Xiera and Xola were my slaves before."

Genocide just scratched the back of his own head,

"Riiiight, well my Frey was different. She was already happy to see me."

Raze flicked his eyeglasses,

"Lesson 101, my young cousin. Every woman is different."

Then, he bowed at Sylvia,

"And it's quite nice to meet you again, milady Sylvia.

Sylvia didn't respond. Instead, she was terrified, as she saw they were wearing army uniforms simiar to the other lords of carnage. The only thing she could do was to leak out fragments of misery,

"Please just do anything! Just don't rip my other wing!"

Genocide grabbed both of her hands and gave her a trustworthy smile,

"Don't worry, we won't do that to you. Rather, we want you to have a better life now."

Raze just made a forced grin,

"Nice acting my naive cousin, but your lines still suck."

Genocide blew his fuse and grabbed Raze's sleeve and gave him a furious stare,

"Oi! I'm doing my best okay!"

Sylvia laughed and laughed with poise as she noticed that the two were acting silly.

Raze and Genocide just laughed along as well.

Soon, Raze asked his cousin,

"By the way, don't you have a gift for her too?"

Genocide scratched the back of his head,

"Y-yeah I almost forgot! Thanks for telling."

Genocide grabbed some sort of mechanical wing from the wooden desk nearby. Then, he tried to offer it to Sylvia.

Sylvia was widely surprised when she saw the crafted wing. To her eyes, the magnificently made wings were flattened from bronze metals and accesorized with crystal fragments.

Though, Raze dissed his cousin as the wing doesn't look-like a wing to his eyes.

Suddenly, Sylvia just burst into tears of joy,

"It's beautiful! Thank you!"

After that, She embraced Genocide.

Genocide clearly saw that her left wing fluttered back and forth from excitement and happiness. While he was being wrapped around her arms, he was soothed in his thoughts,

"I really can't get enough of this warm feeling."

Raze was glad for her as well.

Raze went to the front desk. He grabbed a pitcher and poured water in it. Then, he suggested Genocide to put it on her other broken wing.

Later on, Sylvia was sitting on the bed, while Genocide was sitting behind her. He tried to bind the artficial wing to her broken wing by casting out magic,

"Neo alavae chrono maxima il rayo zeis galaric machina."

There after, both of her wings glowed in emerald green. Starlight stream coursed around her, as magical energies swirled around her wings. When the serene lights ceased, the mechanical wing was attached to her broken wing in perfect bind.

Sylvia fluttered her wings. Genocide took notice that her wings were flowing in complete harmony with each other. Thereon, Genocide was pleased,

"Cool! That's great! Now you can Hmpfff!—"

Suddenly, Sylvia turned around and pushed her lips unto his without warning.

Genocide was shocked at first, but he just shut his eyes. Then, he indulged himself into Sylvia's inner warmth.

Everything around them was filled with bliss.

As Raze finished the whole pitcher, he turned to look at his cousin. When he turned around, he was shocked. He saw the scene of falling feathers upon the kissing Genocide and Sylvia.

Raze made a relieved grin and tipped his glasses. Then he departed the place to give the two some private space.

As Sylvia took a glimpse through the opened door, she noticed Queen Julieth. She even witnessed that the queen gave off a smile of a maiden.

The queen whispered her soft words afterwards,

"Please do cherish your moments with my son."

Sooner or later, Sylvia was done explaining her long life story. Though, Syvil wasn't satisfied or even touched when she heard those words from her sister,

"I still won't believe it. But I could sense those remaining feathers of yours are telling the truth."

Sylvia just assumed,

"The harpy's secret ability I see."

While for Thelamia, she was having a hard time believing everything Sylvia spoke of. In fact, she just assumed in her thoughts that Sylvia had a broken sanity same as the fairy queen Marla,

"I think this woman is bonkers too. And I refuse that Geno is a good guy!"

Sylvia smiled at the irritated Thelamia,

"Also, thank you for assisting me to get back to my home. SELF PROCLAIMED GODDESS OF CREATION."

She flicked Thelamia's small nose.


Thelamia expressed the stinging pain and she was annoyed as well.

The next moment, Genocide came rushing in with an eager smile,

"Thamy! There something interesting we've found! Oh and...Sylvia, there's someone here to see you..."

The fairy queen Marla entered in her full form and she had the same size as them.

Thelamia was immensely surprised for the sudden entry of the fairy queen,
