Why am I in a bikini?

Not much soon, Thelamia asked Marla's sudden visit,

"What brings you here Marla?"

Marla just put her delicate hands on top of her promising breasts,

"I'm just here to have a talk with my close friend. If you don't mind, our true Goddess of creation."

Although, Syvil was alarmed when she heard those words from Marla's mouth,

"T-true Goddess?"

She looked down into the dark, clenched her fists and grit her teeth filled with rage,


Sylvia and Marla had stopped talking to each other, as Sylvia was worried for her little sister,


The next moment, Syvil grabbed Thelamia's sleeves. Then, the young harpy girl unleashed her wrath at the Goddess straight,


The air was frozen and still when Syvil asked a deep question.

Everyone was silent too.

Thelamia just shifted her look down into the abyss of sorrow and guilt.

Both Sylvia and Marla just looked away and didn't bother to enter the sensitive conversation. While for Genocide, he went outside for the time being, since he doesn't want to get involved too,

"I-I'll wait outside, if any of you need me."

Spheera also accompanied him.

After a while, Syvil expressed more tears,


Suddenly, Thelamia embraced Syvil tight, making Thelamia's hair to flow as pink diamond threads along the breeze. After that, Thelamia closed her eyes.

Both Sylvia and Marla were astunned by the angelic action of the Goddess.

Then, Thelamia made a calming smile that would make anyone feel at ease, aided by her soothing words of a divine woman's tone,

"All I could say is, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I failed to be a good Goddess."

Then, she flapped her mouth more. Though she had two voices in synchronization and the second voice was matured and lower,

"Although, we shall do what we can, to make things right. Even if we're not truly perfect Goddess like everyone expect us to be."

Syvil was speechless after that.

Even her elder sister and the fairy queen were moved by the unusual statements of the Goddess too.

Soon, Syvil's hatred for the Goddess wore off.

Thelamia opened her eyes and made an optimistic smile of the sun at Syvil.

Syvil just looked away, but she had a determined smile in response,

"I see. To think our Goddess would apologize to us in a personal manner. Rather than do pointless preaching."

Afterwards, Thelamia and Syvil had stopped hugging each other and everything settled down.

Genocide and Spheera entered again unnoticeably.

Suddenly, Thelamia took witness that Syvil pointed her finger at her.

Then, Syvil made a fiery smile of warrior,

"Though, you'll have to prove it to us! Goddess!"

Thelamia clenched her fists as she was ready on the game,

"Then, I shall prove it to you, Syvy!"

Genocide just crossed his arms and made a grin,

"And Thamy made another cute nickname."

Spheera just sighed.

Thelamia was surprised at Genocide,

"Geeh! How long have you and Spheera been standing there?"

Genocide just scratched the back of his head,

"We just entered back recently and we saw you and Syvil doing funny things. Though, we also heard BOTH of your AMAZING Goddess speeches."

Thelamia just made an embarassed smile,

"Eheheheh! I see."

That moment, Thelamia was startled in her thoughts,


Genocide held Thelamia's hands and he had a smile of an eager kid,

"Other than that, I really want it to show it to you!"

There after, he grabbed Thelamia's hand and dragged her away.

"Alright Geno! Alright,"

Thelamia expressed, as she was somehow annoyed of the excited kid-acting Genocide. While she was being pulled away by him, she turned to look at Sylvia and the others,

"Err, I'll be just with Geno for the meantime okay! And don't get funny ideas!"

Syvil just nodded.

While for Sylvia and Marla, they just looked at each other while they were wearing smiles of horny succubi.

Spheera was about to follow its master and Genocide, although Syvil asked it if it could stay for the time being and do a favor. Spheera had second thoughts, but it just agreed and stayed with the others,


As soon as Thelamia and Genocide got out, they went west and down the slippery slope. They arrived at an entrance of a mine.

Thelamia was given a silver present by an eagleblade, a male harpy with sharp wings,

"Here's your uniform young lady."

Thelamia was pleased,

"Oh thank you!"

Then, she accepted present.

After that, the guard directed her that the changing room is just inside the mines near the entrance. Thelamia expressed a sassy girl's smile,

"Kay thanks!"

Afterwards, the naive Goddess went inside the mines. She entered the dressing room that had a curtain glazed in mocha. Then, she did her business with the present she got.

Back at the entrance, the smiling Genocide patted the winged sentry's shoulder,

"I'm glad you accepted this proposal."

The eagleblade guard just made a savage grin,

"Well, your idea will motivate the miners more."

Genocide crossed his own arms,

"Who knew that the EAGLEBLADES were into those stuff."

The sentry just patted Genocide's shoulder and went near his left ear,

"Not as much as you though, PERVERTED CIVIL VAMPIRES."

Genocide didn't reply back. He just went away and followed Thelamia through the mines. He stood in front of the curtain where Thelamia was dressing behind. Then, he crossed his arms, while he had a trickster's look with his eyes closed,

"And 3, 2, 1."

The next moment, Thelamia swung the curtain and released her burning fury at him,


Genocide opened his eyes. In front of him, he saw the furious, yet embarrassed looking pink haired Goddess. His eyes scanned her body starting from the top.

To him, Thelamia was such a sight to behold.

She was even more daring to look at. Her bust was wreathed in a two piece bikini dyed in holistic and royal color. Though, her melons were about to pop out and blind the eyes of the many, as her bikini was too tight.

More of her flesh was shown too. Her glorious torso of heavenly perfection would make anyone's sight to follow her. Truly, she was a young model in a tropical photoshoot.

Genocide looked down. His eyes witnessed her hidden sanctuary was even more intriguing, as it was shrouded by her panties perfect for a beach pageant.

All in all, the Goddess would make any perverted man drool just from first glance.

Even though she wasn't a flirty woman in any way, anyone could get seduced from her appearance. Even a holy man would be aroused by just staring at the divine form of the pink haired Goddess.

Afterwards, Genocide took snappy pictures of her from different angles using his own smartphone,

"Beautiful! Just beautiful!"

Though, the flustered Thelamia wasn't pleased of his compliments. She clenched her fists and unleashed more fires from hell,


Genocide just scratched his own lower chin,

"To be really honest Thamy, it really suits you."

Thelamia was delighted,

"Awww thanks."

Suddenly, she remebered that she should be angry, so she stomped her foot,

"Geh! That's not what I wanted to hear!"

She pointed at him straight. Though, Genocide wasn't fazed, he just crossed his arms and responded with a sarcastic grin,

"Honestly, I think you should thank me instead. Since the harpy and eagleblade miners have a long standing tradition in these mines."

He held his own lower chin once again,

"Their traditions say..."

He spread his arms in full glory,


Then he patted the Goddess's head,

"With that said, do you want to go in topless instead?"

Although, Thelamia just fumed more,


Genocide liked her look,

"Awwww, when you're so angry, you're still too cute!"

Thelamia just turned her irritated face away,


Then, Genocide patted her shoulders as he was her escort,

"Now let us be off my dear Goddess."

Thelamia had second thoughts, although she accepted his proposal soon enough.

They traversed deeper into the mines. Though, Thelamia was sensing that the mining men's eyes were oggling upon her amazing form.

They even stopped of what they were doing and focused all of their stares at Thelamia.

Their drooling eyes were telling that they had seen an exhibitionist along the streets. Not only that, she was with her partner who is into strange fetishes.

Not much soon, the miners were brewing rumors amongst themselves,

"Hey isn't that."

"Yeah, to think the Goddess herlsef would have nerves of steel even."

"She truly lives by the code of her own laws."

"Now that's a Goddess I truly want to worship! Someone who doesn't just implement divine rules, but also follows it!"

"And looking at her closely, she does look pretty but too young for my tastes."

While Thelamia was parading on her eye-catchy outfit, her escort Genocide went near her right ear,

"And just that, you got more worshippers Thamy."

Thelamia made a forced grin,


Later, the two of them reached at a dead end. Genocide held his own hips and looked straight through the dead end,

"So Thamy, what do you think?"

Somehow, Thelamia was filled with immense surprise when she saw something at the dead end,


she pointed straight.

Genocide laughed and slapped his own laps as it was too hilarious,

"Gahahahahah! I knew you'd say that!"

There, Thelamia perceived that her light pink metal fridge was stuck to a huge peridot meteorite boulder. She also noticed that there was a hole at the ceiling that was caused by the crash of the meteorite.

Genocide crossed his arms and made a grimace,

"One of your things from your GODDESS SANCTUARY right?"

Thelamia nodded looking unsettled,


Genocide grabbed the two pickaxes nearby. Then, he gave one to Thelamia,

"Since it's your own stuff, you should help out too."

Thelamia accepted the pickaxe.

Sooner or later, the two of them were hitting the green meteorite with all their capabilities. They started to strike their sharp pickaxes at the huge meteorite, boring some cracks here and there.

Thelamia was mystified when the chunks were breaking easily with each strike even if the boulder looked sturdy.

Even though Genocide was hitting the meteorite, his sneaky eyes were glancing at Thelamia. He was observing that her marshmallow boobs were bouncing while she was excavating the meteorite near his side,

"Such an eyecandy for me."

The Goddess didn't reply. She just looked pissed, while flames were swirling inside her thoughts,

"Before, I already knew you're a pervert Geno. But now, YOU'RE EVEN WORSE THAN A PERVERT!"

Soon, Genocide opened up a conversation, while they were busy with their work,

"By the way Thamy, have you ENTERTAINED any guy before?"

Thelamia stopped on her action,

"No I haven't."

Genocide just laughed and laughed,

"Gahahahaha! Well you've entertained some guys now!"

Thelamia was even more enraged and she hit the boulder harder,

"I truly hate you Geno! Soon, judgement shall befall on you."

Genocide just grinned as he wasn't worried.

Soon, both of them were almost done breaking at the base part.

Thelamia jumped and stood on top of the boulder,

"Now to work on this part too."

She brushed away her sweat and continued to excavate her fridge from the boulder. Her arms swung back and forth, crushing the small chunks, as she was a hardworker.

While for Genocide, he scratched the back of his head,


Thelamia didn't want to be disturbed,

"Not now Geno."

There after, she continued to smack the meteorite diligently,

Genocide held his own lower chin with a tricky grin on his face,

"It's not much of a problem but..."

He spread his arms wide, as he was evangelized over his sight,


To his eyes, he witnessed the smooth and plumpy tight ass of the Goddess covered by her shiny purple bikini. Her bottom was comparable to the size of the thickest two hills.

The next moment, Thelamia's face went red and slapped Genocide's face in a snap,


Genocide felt the sting of the Goddess's slap, but he just continued to mask a sarcastic grin.

Whistles and woos were heard from the miners nearby, as she was a piece of attraction in a bar,

While for Thelamia, she wanted to crawl back to her own shell,

"Uwaaahh! This is so humulliating."

Sooner or later, Thelamia and Genocide were able to dig up the huge pink fridge unscathed.

She tried to push it, yet it won't even budge.

Genocide patted Thelamia's shoulder,

"Let me handle that, my dear Goddess."

He brushed up his sleeves and prepared his muscles. Not much soon, he lifted the huge fridge on top of his strong shoulders.

Thelamia was amazed,

"Wow! So you're strong as Zero too huh."

Genocide nodded,

"By the way, let's meet the girls first before we depart, with this thing."

Thelamia agreed and they left the mines. Later, they reached the surface of the Harpiel highlands.

Thelamia noticed that the sky was red as sunset.

Genocide put the fridge down on the ground near the harpy queen's den.

Afterwards, they re-entered the harpy queen's hut. Genocide greeted the girls with a smile,

"We're back! So how did it go?"

Though, Marla and Sylvia were struck with shock when they saw the nearly exposed Thelamia,

"Oh my!"

"Our Goddess is one of those exhibitionists I see. Ufufufu!"

Thelamia was just dumbstruck and looked down,

"What do you..."

Suddenly, she closed herslef immedetiely and she was flustered once more,


Apparently, this Goddess had forgotten to change back to her real outfit.

As for Syvil, she couldn't believe her eyes when she saw Thelamia,


That moment, they were hearing the cute cry of an android girl getting louder from outside,


Then, Spheera smashed through the right window and rolled near Genocide's left shoe.

Genocide grabbed the silly-looking Spheera,

"Been a while ball kitten. Where've you been?"

Spheera regained its consciousness in a snap and fumed its rage,

"Those li'l harpies been kicking me in the air that's what!"

Spheera took notice of its embarassed master,

"And what's with the lewd getup Thamy?!"

Suddenly, someone knocked at the doorstep. Syvil just hollered at someone who was outside,

"Yeah yeah, come on in."

When the door opened, the beautiful man called Destruct emerged.

In a snap, Genocide glared at his elder brother,


Destruct just returned the favor with a fiery grin,

"Hello, my little brother."

While for Sylvia, her cheeks went red when she saw her crush.

Then, Destruct entered their space. He took notice of Thelamia who was wearing a revealing bikini.

The only thing Destruct could do was to facepalm in disappointment and pity,

"And I could see that you're mistreating this fair princess Thelamia, sadly."

Although, Genocide just grabbed Destruct's collar and gave his brother a spear-like stare,

"Tell me brother, why did you come here?!