Blades of Blood

Meanwhile, Genocide was lurking through the dense forest that was just located below the range of cliffs. His eyes were scouting through the dark forest in silence. Siddenly, his eyes glimmered, as he was a tiger on a prowl,

"Heh. So Raze was right all along."

While he was hiding behind the bush, he saw a band of full-plated armored men of matching uniforms in red and blue taking a break at a nearby river. There after, he grit his teeth with a grin of a menace,

"Those Revelas savages."

Soon enough, he overheard their drunk conversation, while they were indulging themselves with hard drinks,

"Geheheheh! So we're going to raid those poor harpies again."

"Well they have no other choice. Since, they're begging to be protected!"

"And they honestly believe that farce!"

"What would ya expect, they're birdbrains!"

All of them laughed their hardest afterwards. A while later, one of the armored men took a sip of his drink and grinned,

"By the way, there's some rumors I heard about."

"And what's that?"

"The FORMER harpy queen herself just arrived!"

The band of strange warriors whistled and looked inerested,

"Damn bro! Why didn't you tell me that! I've been dying to have a SWEET TIME with that beauty!"

"Don't ya worry! Since we know that they don't have much resources to give. I'm sure they'll give us to her as SWEET COMPENSATION!"

"Oi! Share her with me too would you!"

"Not to worries. We'll all share her and DO her at the same time!"

"After all, we're brothers-in-arms! Even if we're from each different races!"

"And the captain will join us!"

Afterwards, the men graoned and laughed as they were burly maniacs in a chaotic tavern. Then, they continued to wallow in drunken bliss,

"Yeah! Sharing is caring!"

As for the spying Genocide, he bared his fangs filled with wrath, as he utterly despise and disgust their putrid conversation about Sylvia.

"By the way, what's ze...her name?"

"It's Sylvia,"

one of the men heard Genocide's chilling voice behind. The man witnessed that his companions were trembling. When he turned around, he saw the terrifying Genocide. The next moment, the warrior shouted desperately,


Genocide grabbed the man's head and flung him away with his own infernal hand.

The band of warriors unsheathed their weapons in response. Although, their hands were shaking, as Genocide's aura was a devil on the scourge. Suddenly, Genocide vanished into the abyss and they were all flabbergasted.

Not much soon, Genocide was already destroying all of his enemies with his destructive punches and kicks of furies.

Since he was too fast for them, the only thing the warriors could do was to tremble in fear, while they were being decimated by Genocide.

"What's going on there,"

the captain went out of the nearby camp as he heard the commotion going on. The other band of warriors went out as well. There, they saw that the demonic Genocide from a few meters a way.

Genocide took notice and approached them with his wraith-like movements. His hand brought out his flamebreaker of searing doom.

The men on the other hand brought out their sharp weapons.

The captain took the rear.

Soon enough, they charged at him, yet they were all destroyed in mere seconds by the powerful Genocide.

The captain grew frustrated and grabbed his bleeding ally,

"It's just one Vampian! Why couldn't you take him down!"

The Revelas armored man just trembled,

"He-he's no normal Vampian sir! He's—"

There, the captain took witness that his own footmen were destroyed. Their stomachs were penetrated severely, showing their innards.

The captain was left speechless in his look,

"One of the lords of carnage."

Only the captain was left and everything around his area was slathered in the blood of his comrades. The only thing the captain could do was to gulp. Then, he pointed his golden sword at Genocide and took his battle stance.

Genocide just crossed his arms. He gave the captain a stare of the chilling void,

"So you're the ringleader of these fools."

Then, Genocide took a step forward,

"Tell your king that the Harpiel highlands doesn't belong to him. Nor do they owe their lives to him."

The flames of battle were about to get more intense, as two opposing fighters in high-positions were about to break it out.

Suddenly, the revelas captain turned tails,


When Genocide saw how the captain fled pathetically, Genocide just sighed, Soon, his scary look of a demon lord had ceased. There after, he scratched the back of his own head,

"Tracking that guy would be very annoying."

As he looked around, he observed the fresh corpses of the dead revelas footmen around his wake,

"I hope Destruct wouldn't see of what I've done. Since, his place is just near here."

He had stopped wielding his enchanted weapon. Then, he wore it around his neck as he magically turned it back into a necklace. Later, he tipped his hat. Then, he sprint through the place,

"Now to meet up with the girls."

He traversed the crimson gel cliffs once again. Thankfully, his path wasn't blcoked anymore and he was able to move along smoothly. Thereon, Genocide was engrossed in his thoughts about the slime before,

"Guess it's tired now."

Sooner or later, he reached the peak of Harpiel highlands. As he glanced around, he saw the stationed full-plated warriors having the colors of gold and black. More so, he saw the mysterious woman in a golden visage once again.

Thereupon, he was convinced,

"It seems my brother couldn't really hold himself."

The woman cloaked in a golden hood shifted her look at him and giggled. Genocide felt that his core skipped a beat. He even felt that his body heated up as well when he took notice of her.

Soon enough, he had stopped being entranced by the woman and entered the harpy queen's hut. As he entered the place, he greeted them with a smile,

"I'm ba!—"

Suddenly, Syvil hugged him with her tight hands, while her tears were pouring,

"You idiot! You fool! I thought you weren't coming back!"

All of the girls were surprised.

Although, Thelamia who was back to her original non-revealing outfit had an irritated look of a teenage girl somehow.

While for Genocide, he was just dumbstruck and stoked by Syvil's action.

"Errr, what's wrong harpy queen?"

Sylvia fanned herself,

"My little sister was very worried, since I just told her that you went alone against those Revelas troops."

Genocide just had a non-chalant grin,

"Well it's a small force, so I didn't want to bother some people from the kingdom. It's such a hassle to command them to begin with.—"


Syvil slapped Genocide's right cheek.

Genocide just made a smile,

"Well atleast I came back in one piece."

Thelamia was becoming more and more annoyed of how Syvil acted like a lovey-dovey immature little sister in distress.

While for Spheera, it just sighed as its master was acting like a jealous schoolgirl again.

There after, Destruct entered,

"So sorry to break the atmosphere but...Harpy queen Syvil, it's time for you to choose."

Syvil, pushed away Genocide and she wiped her tears away,

"Yes I understand."

Later on, Thelamia witnessed that a meeting was in order. There, she saw that the serious Syvil was sitting on the chieftain's seat made from a plumage of an eagle. While for Genocide and Destruct they were standing next to Syvil's desk.

Thelamia gulped as the air was filled with nerve-racking vibes. Beside her were, Sylvia, Marla, and Spheera who were eager of what was about to happen at the meeting.

Not much soon, Destruct opened the floor,

"First, I'm sure you're quite aware of your domain's position."

Syvil just composed herslef and held her own hands on top of the desk,

"Yes, we are in dire constraints from the Revelas's demands."

Destruct nodded,

"So in that case, why don't you break your pact or bond with Revelas at first?"

Syvil's interest was peeked,

"That sounds intriguing."

Then, Destruct put his hand on top of his forehead as he looked stressed,

"Although, thanks to what my RECKLESS brother had done. You've just made your entire domain in an enemy of Revelas already."

Genocide was surprised, especially inside his mind,

"Dang! My brother's been watching me?"

Syvil just nodded,

"I'm aware of the consequences."

Destruct held her hand,

"So I'm here to ask you, will you sign the agreement that my brother offered to you and your people?"

Syvil just sighed and brought her hands down,

"Well we have no other choice. But this is better than being slave-workers for those new fiends called Revelas."

After that, Thelamia took notice that Syvil signed the agreement with a white feather pen seeped in black ink. When she looked around, she saw that Marla, Sylvia, and Genocide were delighted.

Destruct nodded and bowed to Syvil,

"With that said, one of the QUEEN'S special units will safeguard this place. Not to worry, they are all women. Very strong TRUE BLOOD Vampian women."

He scoffed at Genocide,

"Remember what happened to you dear little brother?"

Genocide just made a silly grin and scratched the back of his head,

"Yeah! They've beaten me to a pulp! But they're quite caring too."

Syvil was absorbed in her thoughts, as she heard the lords of carnage's sudden conversation,

"So it's the QUEEN herself who thought of this and not the king."

Syvil made a relieved smile afterwards,

"I see, that puts us to ease."

Then, Destruct told more,

"Rest assured, the kingdom of Vampia shall abide by the agreement and won't abuse it."

The next moment, Thelamia witnessed a wisp of bright swirling flames near beside Syvil. After that, a beautiful snow white haired woman appeared from the scattered flames. The woman was wearing a short gown fit for combat and red stockings.

Destruct made a grin and tried to introduce her,

"And this is.—"

Suddenly, he was interrupted by the newly appeared woman, while her eyes were directed at Syvil,

"I am one of the queen's special units assigned here. The others will come shortly as well."

Then, she gave her hand to Syvil,

"I hope we'll be in good terms with each other, harpy queen Syvil."

Syvil shook the silver haired woman's hand.

The two girls were done with the short introductions. Then, the elegant white-haired woman shifted her glance at Sylvia,

"It seems you got back safe and sound Sylvia."

Sylvia just laughed sinisterly,

"Ufufufufu! Well it was a long trip, RIDING my dear master."

The strong woman just facepalmed,

"You're truly a pervert Sylvia."

Marla just made a vixen's grin.

Syvil was absobed inside her mind once again,

"So my sister knows her as well."

While for Thelamia, she was wishful in her thoughts,

"Wow! Who knew Julie has her own special units as well! She really planned this through! I want my cool-looking special unit too!"

Marla spoke her thoughts soon,

"Hmmmm you got one too huh. Don't worry harpy queen, they're a nice bunch. They even help us in various ways too. They even smack abusive men, whether they are Vampian or Revelan."

After that, the queen's special unit nodded and flapped her mouth,

"With the agreement done, there's no more need for these LORDS OF CARNAGE to be here."

Everybody was speechless by the direct and strong statements of the queen's special unit,


Destruct made a forced smile,


He was interrupted by the terrifying, but smiling woman in front of his face once again,

"If you dare to call my name. I wouldn't hold back even if you are a high-ranking official."

Afterwards, Marla, Destruct, Genocide, and Thelamia holding the tired Spheera said their goodbyes to the harpy queen and Sylvia.

Destruct and his forces departed fast.

While for Genocide, Marla, and Thelamia, they took a slow stroll down the cliffs.

More so, Genocide was lifting Thelamia's fridge with his strong shoulders.

Marla told Thelamia that everyone from the Harpiel highlands will worship her again.

Thelamia was delighted, yet she had dubious thoughts in her head.

Then, the fairy queen fluttered away with her magical wings.

Thelamia and Genocide were still travelling down the cliffs. Though, she was pouting and looking away from him, while her arms were crossed,


Genocide was clueless,

"Thamy? What's wrong?"

Thelamia raised her chin, while she was still looking away,

"Nothing, it's just that you're so touchy with the harpy queen! And you didn't even bother talking to me back there! I was worried too you know! Hmph!"

Genocide just scratched the back of his head,


He patted and rubbed Thelamia's adorable head afterwards, as she was a small puppy,

"Thanks for worrying about me Thamy!"

Though, the Goddess just continued to play hard to get,


As they were about to enter the forest, Thelamia's eyes were caught over something. To her left, she saw a cabin at the nearby side,

"I haven't seen this small cabin before."

Genocide tipped his captain's hat,

"Thamy, that's one of the special units lodgings. Besides, they need a place to sleep too."

Thelamia was confused and touched her pink puffy lips,

"But why out here? And why not at Harpiel highlands?"

Genocide crossed his arms,

"I think they don't want to bother the residents at Harpiel highlands, especially since they don't want the people to feel they are being observed every second."

Suddenly, Thelamia went close to the cabin's wall and eavesdropped. Thereupon, she heard the usual conversation of teenage highschool girls,

"Kyaaaaahh! Lord Destruct's mansion is just near here?!"

"Really?! I wanna see him! I wanna see him!"

"No way? Both of you have a crush on him? Burn is much better to be really really honest!"

Thelamia was disturbed in her thoughts,

"Th-they're a lively bunch."

Genocide just scratched the back of his own head once again, as Thelamia is doing something silly again,


Soon, Thelamia returned to his side. She felt that Spheera was vibrating like a phone. She was convinced that her little ball assistant is about to wake up soon.

Suddenly, the queen's special unit from the Harpiel highlands appeared before them once more.

Thelamia perceived that the woman was trying to give Genocide a letter with a crimson seal.

Then, the graceful, but firm woman spoke,

"Lord PERVERT Genocide and lady Thelamia. The queen wants to see you immediately."