Lives Before

Genocide sat on the sofa, while he was looking at the dynamic storyteller Thelamia who was standing proudly in front of him,

"Before we became Goddesses, we lived in an awesome world called Neotiera."

After that, Thelamia explained her life in vivid detail that'd let Genocide make realistic visions out of it.

Through his imaginative vision, Thelamia was in a mediocre two-storey apartment in a modern world. Everything around had the the things and appliances of a normal human world.

Her body was lying down on a soft bed while she was wearing a high school girl's sailor uniform. In front of her, she was watching a cute magical girl animation from the land of the rising sun,

"Yay! Cardcapu Terradimension Impact X is on air now!"

Her face shifted to the right. There, she saw lots of cute girly figurines in magical dresses fit for a cosplay,

"And I got the whole collection too! Thanks to my sideline."

Not only that, those figurines were the spitting image of the magical girls on screen. For a while, she was watching the show. Soon, she saw the news flash commercial going on. The newcaster was the prim and proper Julieth. More so, she was wearing a formal blazer.

Not much soon, she flapped her mouth,

"We're just in, that the nation of Haleon—."

Suddenly, she heard a knock from the front door. Thelamia made a smile,

"And that must be sis!"

She pounced from her flawless bed and rushed outside, going to the living room. As she opened the door leading outside, she warmly welcomed Julieth who was carrying groceries.

"Welcome back sis!"

The boodshot-eyed Julieth made a smile,

"Hey there Thamy. And could you stop calling me sis? We're not even blood related you know."

Though, Thelamia just didn't mind the latter, instead she complimented her tired friend,

"Nice going like always!"

Julieth just went the flow,

"So you saw the news."

Though, Thelamia noticed that Julieth had a faded smile and Julieth just didn't look at her straight in the eye.

Suddenly, Thelamia's smartphone screeched an annoying ringtone of an idol singing with a synthethic voice.

She brought out her phone and looked at its screen.

Julieth witnessed that Thelamia was both irritated and disturbed,

"What is it Thamy?"

Thelamia fumed,

"Nnnghhhh! It's my client! He said he wanted more revisions!"

Then, she shout at the heavens above,


Julieth had just a look of worry after that,

"I-I think we should get inside first, to not cause a scene."

Thelamia and Julieth went inside their apartment soon.

Julieth was eating her take-out salsbury steak oozing with delicious gravy running along the thick burger patty. As for Thelamia, she was working on her laptop.

Julieth observed that her close friend was getting stressed, so she told her own opinions,

"Really Thamy, if I were you, I'd just drop that current client of yours. He clearly doesn't like your cool designs. Since, he prefer more freakish designs for his WEIRD PRODUCTS from what I've researched on."

Thelamia pouted,

"Heeeh? Then, I can't buy the next Tales of Cuties CV game card."

Julieth patted her friend's head and gave her a comforting smile.

"Why don't I buy that game card you wanted?"

Thelamia's frown turned upside down as she heard those words of hope,

"Really sis?! You're the best!"

Then, she pounced on her best friend and hugged her tight.

Julieth was happy for her as well. Then, Julieth gave her concerns,

"Take a breather now. Don't stress yourself that much on your sideline. One or two revisions is enough. Beyond that, that's just inhumane."

Then, she clenched her fist while her eyes were filled with seething rage,

"I won't tolerate them slave driving my dear friend who's like an adorable little sister to me."

Later, the two girls had tons of laugh, sharing their experiences during their everyday lives. Not much soon, both of them were now sitting on the long sofa. They were watching a different animation show that had 3D characters fighting a giant robot monster.

The night was cozy and everything was peaceful.

Julieth took a glance at the calendar to her right. She saw the date, Fernizion 42 2077.

Apparently, they had a different calendar than modern day humans.

Julieth made a long winding sigh,

"It's been 5 years since my parents and your parents died."

Thelamia just made a weak smile and tears started to pour out from her eyes,

"Yea and we only heard it from the news that they died from a double car crash."

She brushed away her tears and gabe Julieth a radiant smile,

"But you're still with me sis! So I'm still thankful!"

Suddenly, she embraced and snuggled to Julieth, as Thelamia was a kitten,

"Please don't leave me sis."

Julieth was touched. She made a smile afterwards,

"I won't. I'll be there for you, always."

The next morning, Thelamia was idling at the living room im her causual sweater. She stretched her arms out wide,

"It's weekend and not much animation shows I like are up this day."

That moment, she heard her own tummy's growl. Thereupon, Thelamia felt embarassed,

"I nees food."

As she stood up, the door banged open and Julieth hurried inside, hugging Thelamia fast,


Afterwards, Julieth cried out fragments of hopelessness.

Thelamia was just dumbstruck,

"Hm? What is it sis?"

Soon, Thelamia saw a bright flash of light descending from the sky,

"Oooh! Pretty light!"

As the projectile hit the ground, everything was scorched and decimated into nothingness, but blinding light.

Nothing survived after the call of apocalypse.

Both Thelamia and Julieth were caught inside the nuclear blast of doom as well. They felt that their own bodies were burned, but it was only for a split second.

Sooner or later, Thelamia opened her eyes.

Thelamia was just stunned of what happened,

"What just happened sis?"

Julieth was just confused as well,

"I wanna know as well."

While Julieth was still latching unto her friend, Julieth looked around. She noticed that they were now at a monochromatic floor with pillars from the heavens around the neverending room.

A radiant ball of light burst in front of them. As the burst of light ceased, they clearly saw a princely male.

They perceived that the charming male had 9 arching wings and he was clothed in a white tunic.

The divine guy was filled with intrigue when he saw the embracing Julieth and Thelamia,

"This is a rare sight, seeing two individuals in one room. I guess the bond of your souls are strong."

Julieth stopped hugging Thelamia and she foucused her stare at the mysterious angelic guy,

"Who are you? Where are we? And what just happened?"

The angel just sat on the throne that suddenly appeared behind him

"I'll just tell this to both of you straight."

His hand pointed at them,

"Your lives at the world of Neotierra had ended already."

Thelamia's eyes widened,

"Meaning we're DEAD?!"

The seraphim nodded,

"To answer that question of yours, yes."

He noticed that both of the girls were about to cry when they heard the truth. He tried to raise their hopes up

"Not to worry, since we've observed that both of you lived a life full of goodness in your hearts. So the gates of eternal paradise are for you."

Thelamia was filled with glee,

"Cool! Will sis be there?"

The angel just looked down,

"Sadly not. When you enter the walls of eternal of paradise called TRUE HEAVENS, you shall forget all your memories in your previous lives."

He caught his breath and and continued afterwards,

"Instead, you two will have an everlasting life of true happiness beyond humane necessities."

Even if they heard those niceties, they still had a frown,


Julieth expressed with gestures,

"Is there any alternative way for us to retain our memories? Because, our memories being together is very important to us."

Then, she embraced her dear friend tight while, she was glaring at the angelic person.

Thelamia was heartfelt when she heard those determined words from her friend,


The angel didn't respond. Instead, he closed his one eye and stared at the two, as if he was scanning them.

Through his eyes, he was clearly seeing the two girls auras.

He could envision their auras were bound together tose were bursting with prismatic and golden starlight fragments.

The angel made a grin, when he saw their vibrant and strong auras. Soon enough, he stood up and nodded. There after, he walked around back and forth,

"We could see you're not satisfied with that kind of reward. So we're going to give you two another choice. Since, both of you want to keep those memories and humane bond of yours."

Thelamia was peeked with interest,

"Second choice?"

The male nodded once again and stopped on his tracks,

"Yes, a second choice. But it won't be that much promising I tell you."

Julieth took a stand and expressed her bravery and determination,

"If we can keep our memories, then so be it."

She shifted her look at Thelamia,

"Right Thamy?"

Thelamia clenched her fists with eagerness in her eyes,

"Yea! I'm all for it!"

The male bowed at them as he was a prince of elegance,

"Then, would you two want to be GODDESSES in a different world?"

Julieth and Thelamia looked at each other. Though, soon enough, they came to a decision and they responded straight to the angel,


The angel wasn't angry nor sad. Instead, he just flew away and echoed his last words,

"Then, both of you shall be redirected to Celestia Heavens. The IMPERFECT realm of promising desires."

Soon, Thelamia was done explaining her life story with Julieth,

"And that's how me and Julie had our previous loves and how we became Goddesses as well."

Thereupon, Genocide had stopped imagining the scenario in vivid detail, bringing his mind back to the present. He turned to his left and Spheera was snoozing once again.

His only response to her story was to make a grin and scratch his lower chin,


Although, inside his thoughts, he was filled with curiousity,

"So there are different heavenly realms as well."

Thelamia ate her chocolate bar,

"But before we became REGISTERED Goddesses in Celestia Heavens and kinda managed this world. We had to enter Goddess Academia first."

Julieth spoke as she was already by the door,

"And that's another story."

She sat on the sofa beside her son,

"All we could say is, it's an unusual school to teach us on how to become abled deities who manages worlds."

Thelamia wiggled her finger,

"Y-yea! Also, about the Celestia Heavens itself and knowhows!"

Julieth just crossed her arms and rolled her eyes,

"Yes, I remember you tried to cut classes and tried to deposit golden acorns in your Goddess bank account."

Thelamia just bonked her head,


Now that's one silly Goddess alright and it's a miracle she even became a full-fledged Goddess.


Genocide crossed his arms,

"By the way, is it alright for Goddesses to spill the beans about their Heavenly realms to us mortals?"

Thelamia just hummed and looked above the clouds,

"It's alright. Besides, Celestia Heavens is quite lenient to these things. Also, you're the current hero in our world so, heroes should know about this as well. Oh yea, Zero knew about this before."

Genocide just scratched the back of his head,


Though, he was seeped with intrigue inside his thoughts,

"So dad's been hiding this from me. I wonder why."

He shifted his look at his queenly mother,

"Yes and welcome back mom! Didn't notice you were there."

Julieth just ignored her son's warm welcome. Instead, she looked at Thelamia and pressed into more important matters,


Thelamia just tilted her head sideways,


Julieth held her friends hands and gave her a smile,

"Your design was approved by a humble chocolate manufacturer. He even said that he's selling lots now thanks to your design."

Thelamia was pleased,


That sudden moment, her phone vibrayed. She grabbed her phone and looked ait its bright screen.

Genocide witnessed that Thelamia's eyes grew wide, as if she won the jackpot prize,


Thelamia looked at her friend.

Julieth just nodded with good intent,

"Yes, and that's your reward for selling your design to him."

Thelamia looked wishful with her starry-sparkling eyes,

"I could buy lots of luxuries with this! THANKS SO MICH SIS!"

Then, she pounced unto Julie as she was a rabbit trying to give a smooch to her friend,

"C'mon let me kiss you!"

Julieth was alarmed and tried to push Thelamia's lips away,

"Geez Thamy, and how much times do I have to tell you, we're not blood related."

Genocide laighed his hardest when Thelamia and Julieth were acting silly, despite being highly Goddesses.

Later, he asked his mother regarding another topic,

"By the way mom, how much total Goddess points you got mom?"

Julieth crossed her arms in an effeminate manner and looked up with poise,

"I think, 34 000 000 Goddess points?"

Thelamia was shocked,

"Huwah?! How'd you get that much?"

Julieth guessed,

"I think when Thamy was away for 20 years, I think most people praised me for inventing these magical crysalis. Even if they don't worship me as a Goddess that much."

Genocide just nodded. Julieth crossed her legs and locked her stare upon her son, as she remembered something,

"By the way my dear son. When will you take on the request? Will it take ages?!"

Genocide was just frozen in fear. He went near Thelamia and his right hand brought out the worn out scroll,

"T-Thamy? Would you like to go and explore some new place with me?"

Thelamia nodded with glee without having second thoughts,

"Yea sure! I'm already bored of playing with my games in this laptop anyway.

Later, Spheera regained consciousness,

"Is Thamy's lullaby story over?"

Thelamia grabbed her dozy metal ball assitant and looked at it straight in the eye with a smile,

"Spheera, we're going on another adventure."

Spheera just sighed,

"Uh huh."