Not this place again!

"Huwwwwaahhh! This is no ruins! This is a junkyard,"

Thelamia's screeching tantrum was heard throughout the walls of the ruins that looked similar to a dumpsite.

Her face had the look of disgust, while she was scavenging through the mountain of scraps. Then, she blurted out more and stomped her foot, while she was glaring at Genocide,


Genocide just grinned at the Goddess who was wearing a tempting bunny girl costume. He could clearly see that her outfit fits her like a glove.

Her amazing elestic melons and firm ass were amplified, as her clothes wrapped her up quite nicely. Thelamia's thighs were even more delectable as she was wearing black stockings. On top of that, her bunny ears added cuteness and charm that could swoon any predator in sight. Truly, this Goddess's body is the epitome of debauchery that would make any man sin in a blink of an eye.

Soon, Genocide continued to search through the scraps and told his regards to the Goddess's tantrums,

"Well, this is what the map told us."

Thelamia was just furious at the oggling Genocide as he didn't answer her serioisly and pointed at him straight,

"That map of yours mist be a hoax or it's a map for an easily lost person who works in a dumpster!"

Spheera agreed with its master's words, although it still continued to search through the scraps beside Genocide.

Genocide didn't get angry, in fact he was even entertained by the Goddess reprimanding him. He just resumed his scavenger hunt afterwards,

"For me, this is a treasure trove, since lots of pieces here are useful to make another contraption."

He shifted to his right,

"How's it going over there Spheera?"

Spheera made a frown,

"Still nothing..."

Genocide just sighed and stopped on his search,

"Guess this map is truly a hoax."

He closed his eyes and engrossed himself in his thoughts,

"Also, we shouldn't stay here for long, as this place is jear Revelas territory."

This place must be their dumpsite.

Sooner or later, Thelamia had stopped acting like a spoied girl. Then, the three of them just continued to scavenge through the mountain of scraps.

As she removed the next pile, a secret door was unveiled for her eyes to see. Thereupon, she hollered to her companions,

"Geno! Spheera! I think I found it!"

Spheera and Genocide went to her as fast as they could. As soon as they saw the skeptic small door below the floor, Genocide tipped his hat,

"Riiight...this door must be the X mark that the map mentioned."

Suddenly, they heard footsteps behind. Then, they heard the voice of the lethal Raze,

"Been a while dear cousin."

Genocide stood up and turned around. He saw the scary, but beautiful Raze in his whole form,

"Raze? Why are ya here? This is near Revelas territory."

Raze patted his cousin's shoulder,

"That's what I wanna ask asnwell. What are you three doing here?"

Thelamia was just stoked and touched her lips while she had the look of uncertainty,

"Uuuuhh ummm, searching through scraps?"

When Raze saw Thelamia in an attention seeking get-up, he just pinched his forehead and sighed with disappointment.

Soon, he tossed something to Thelamia,

"Also, lady"

As Thelamia laid her eyes upon of what she had caught, she was very much surprised. On top of her bare hands, she saw an emerald shard that was similar to the ones she had obtained before.

Thelamia wanted to tell something to Raze, but Raze just took the initiative,

"I heard you three are after these things. Not that I'd benefit from that bizarre thing anyway."

Thelamia was just dumbfounded and tilted her head sideways,


Later on, Raze took notice of the small door. Though, he just turned around and walked away, getting back to the entrance,

"Also cousin? This place had already been swept by Destruct's unit. So there isn't much to see here, like he said."

Though, Genocide was a man of sketpicism and he just crossed his arms and looked down,

"Not much to see here, huh."

Later, they can no longer feel Raze's dangerous presence.

Genocide opened the small door and the three of them entered the secret passage that had descending stairs.

Thelamia's eyes observed that the whole place was too dark, so she asked a favor to her ball assistant,

"It's too dark in here. Spheera could you?"

Spheera nodded attentively,

"Aye aye! Master!"

The little ball kitten let loose a beam of from its screen, illuminating their path.

Both Thelamia and Genocide were now seeing the lustrous pink sapphires that sprouted from the ground,

"Pink crystals."

While they were traversing the passage, Thelamia's face was filled with awe, since the place was a secret tunnel of jewelries.

Though, Thelamia was also entranced when she saw those clusters of magnificent crystals,

"I don't know why, but this place feels familiar."

As they continued on their journey, they arrived at an empty, but vast room, filled with nothing, but sand walls.

Genocide's eyes were caught over the engraved inscriptions running along the walls. He just held his hips and sighed,

"More words that I can't decipher."

Thelamia went beside him and tried to read the text in a superficial way,

"Do water...light...bun...dragon? Miracle elf? Burger? Chocolate milk?!"

Genocide just scratched the back of his head,

"Sheesh, I don't know if you're just hungry or just saying gibberrish words."

Thelamia felt insulted and stomped her foot,

"Hey! I'm trying my best okay!"

Yep, she's doing her best alright.

Spheera just sighed.

Sooner or later, they continued on their search along the spacious room filled with nothing but dust and sand. They reached at a dead end soon enough.

Genocide just crossed his arms,

"A dead end huh."

Thelamia shut her eyes and leaned on the wall as she was already exhausted,

"All those burying my delicate hands through scraps just for nothing."

When she opened here eyes, she was utterly flabbergasted, as Genocode was right in front of her face,

"G-Geno? Wha-what's up!?"

Genocide didn't respond as he looked truly serious. The next moment, he slammed his hand into the wall and stared at her as she was his prey. The walls leaked oit sand, as Genocide's slam was strong.

Spheera was surprised as well.

Thelamia cowered in fear. She felt the sudden tensions when Genocide looked terrifying in front of her eyes,

"G-Geno..y-you're scaring me."

Her heart was beating fast and her elven ears were twitching from the cold-stare of her daredevil companion.

She didn't fight back, instead she just let herself try to submit to his demonic demise.

Suddenly, Thelamia witnessed a beam of prismatic light.

Genocide moved away and crossed his arms, while he was looking at the ascending beam of radiance,

"Guess that funny button did the trick."

The tensions went down the drain. Thelamia and Spheera were able to breathe afterwards.

Though, the silly Goddess looked disappointed and annoyed somehow.

Genocide approached the ascending light of the heavens. Then, he gave his hand to Thelamia, as he was a prince of escort,

"Shall we? My dear Goddess?"

Thelamia snapped out from her sudden imagination. She nodded with a determined look at Genocide.

That sudden moment, the ceiling fell and a burst of dust cloud had blurred their visions. Not only that, all of them were coughing, since they inhaled some of the dust as well.

As soon as the cloud of dust had cleared, Thelamia opened her eyes. As she saw the towering shadow of a menace, she was just seeped in fear, but she was also annoyed,


Genocide just tipped his hat and made a long winding sigh.

Everything was seeped in mute.

Suddenly, the menance's growl of doom echoed along the walls,


Thelamia was just frozen in fear in fear, as she saw the diabolic monster right in front of her. She could clearly perceive that the menace was a creature of nightmares.

Though, its body was was made out of junk and scraps glued altogether with a slimy black substance.

Genocide hollered over to Thelamia who was at the other side of the towering junk slime monster.

"Don't ya worry Thamy! I'll save ya!"

Genocide shut his eyes for a second and composed himself. Then, he unveiled his marauding and blazing blade of discord,


He stanced as he was an abled warrior ready to save his princess. When he opened his eyes, he saw something quite unusual. There, his eyes witnessed that Spheera and Thelamia were already floating inside the monster's gelatinous body,


Thankfully, Thelamia and Spheera were still alive,

Somehow, in the midst of a crisis, Genocide was laughing his pants off,

"Gahahahaha! You look even funnier there Thamy!"

There, he witnessed that Thelamia's cheeks were like the cheeks of a pufferfish, while her body was afloat by the liquid body of the menace.

Thelamia just crossed her eyebrows, as Genocide was laughing at her, while she was inside the monster's body.

Soon enough, Genocide had stopped laughing and kept his cool with burning determination in his eyes. He crackled his fists.

The monster shifted it's focus at Genocide.

Both Genocide and the monster were locking their stares, as they were anticipating each others first move. The atmosphere was swirling with tensions as their match was about to begin at any moment.

Suddenly, the monster slammed its gelatinous hammer arm at Genocide. Though Genocide dodged it in the nick of time, as he was a suave flamingo dancer.

Then, he spun his majestic flamethrower gunblade and pulled the trigger while it was aimed at the monster,

"Say hello to hell."

As the flames of burning chaos wreathed around the monster, the monster rampaged as it was being roasted alive.

Somehow, Thelamia and Spheera weren't being cooked inside.

After a few seconds, the flames had stopped spewing oit from his weapon's nozzle. Genocide noticed something disturbing, since he was still pulling the trigger,

"Oh great, I forgot to change its fire batterries."

It runs on batteries?

The menace got its own act together again and Genocide is in deep trouble alright. The only thing Genocide could do was to sigh and scratch the back of his head,

"Guess I'm in trouble now huh."

The monster grinned as its prey couldn't fight back anymore."

Suddenly, Genocide grinned,

"Time to go full monkey."

In a split second he drew a crimson revolver and shot out five shells at the monster's lower body. Unfortunately, those bullets didn't exactly hit the monster. Rather the bullets just penetrated the ground beneath the monster.

The monster retailiated back with a fast swing of its gel arm. Genocide just dodged it fast with his agile feet and heightened reflexes of a vampire,

"Phew, that was a close call."

As he landed on another step, he reloaded his weapon's bullets and shot out more rapid shells around the monster's anchored body.

Thelamia was just dumbfounded in her thoughts, since Genocide wasn't really damaging the monster,

"What is that joker even doing?!"

She felt that relying on Genocide's funny antics was a waste of time. Thereupon, she took the initiative and tried to cast magic while she was trapped inside.

Sadly, she can't even form a ball of light, even though she got some of her powers back. Thereon, she was convinced inside her mind,

"Awww, I guess this monster's body nullifies magic..."

This dumb Goddess is getting smarter? That can't be good.

Genocide's unusual antics took long, turning Thelamia to be very annoyed inside her thoughts,

"This is taking long Geno...too long."

Even Spheera was just letting itself drift along the body of water.

Thereupon, Thelamia just closed her eyes and let her lie down in slumber.

Genocide saw that the bullets he had burst out were already scattered along every inch of the floor. He nodded with eagerness in his look afterwards,

"Now let the fun start."

He snapped his fingers into the silent gales.

Suddenly, the whole floor went ablaze and Genocide flapped his wings, letting himself to float in mid-air.

As for the monster, it was being tortured by the neverending flames of hell. Genocide just looked at his smartphone's screen and started counting down,


When the countdown was finished, he put away his smartphone. In front of him, the monster melted like it was an oozing candle.

As Thelamia opened her eyes, she was caught with surprise,

"What just happened?"

Thelamia witnessed that the monster encasing her and her assistant had melted as it was a piece of popsicle.

Spheera cheered with glee, while its cat ears were twitching,

"Geno did it master! Geno did it!"

Thelamia couldn't believe it, but she sensed that monster's presence was already gone.

Soon enough, Genocide went to the sitting Thelamia and gave his hand for her,

"Are you alright now, my dear Goddess?""

Thelamia was hit by a cupid's arrow when she saw Genocide acting like the daring prince she very much adored. Though, she kept her poise and accepted his greeting as she was a lady who kept her calm,

"Y-yes, I'm alright now Geno eheheheh."

Though, she remembered something disturbing,


She pointed at him as she was an annoyed friend,

"Why did it take you so long to save me and Spheera huh?!"

Genocide just laughed loudly,

"Well, heroes take time, my dear Goddess."

Thelamia was just infuriated by his response. Though, behind his back she was also touched when she heard those chivalrous words from her companion,

"Thank you Geno."

Spheera was filled with skepticism once again, when it saw its master's latter reaction,


Later, the three of them continued their exporation and they entered the curtain of blinding light.

The next moment, they vanished without a trace and the trail of light ceased its radiant glow.