Tension and deafening silence was around the atmosphere. Destruct's grin reached its peak when he saw Genocide burried in flooding sorrow.


Genocide could see the miserable form of Fae.

Her eyes were soulless even if those were shining like amethysts. Her long golden hair was messy such as she was just recently ravaged by a sadistic lover. When he looked down, he witnessed her frail body was covered by a golden yellow hood. All in all, her appearance was a beautiful and pale angel that had fallen into torture and misery. Not even a hint of light had shone upon her, as she was abandoned of all hope.

The other lords were enjoying the look of sadness of Genocide. Raze just looked away with his look of burden.

Though, soon enough, Genocide swapped his mask of misery with the look of the seething flares of hell. Then, redirected his raging eyes at the charming but devious Destruct.

Destruct just held his hands together as he was a persuasive dealer,

"So what do you say Genocide? You can have YOUR DEARLY BELOVED PRINCESS FAE back. If you trade me your THELAMIA."

He raised his hands praising the full divine glory,


Genocide was just at a loss for words and shut his eyes. There after, he was swirling in his own mind filled with hatred for himself,

"Why...why must Fae get captured! Me and Raze tried our best so that she won't get captured! Damn it!"

Afterwards, Genocide smacked the table with force, making a strong smack that echoed around the walls.

Raze just squinched his eyes, as he had a felt a heavy burden on his chest as well.

Destruct ust brushed his crowning hair upwards,

"I could see that you're frustrated. Though, don't worry. I'll let you have a SWEET TALK with MY FAE first."

Then, he shifted at Fae and made a courteous gesture,

"My dear gorgeous Fae, if you would?"

Fae just bowed as she was an obedient maid to a demonic slavemaster,

"Certainly, my lord."

Genocide grit his fangs and stood up, escorting Fae to the nearby balcony at the eastside. As they were outside the balcony, Genocide closed the glass door in order to have some privacy with Fae. There after, he hammered down his fst unto the golden armrest.

Fae was just standing there looking at the frustrated Genocide, in the middle of the cold lunar sky.

Soon, Genocide opened his mouth while he wasn't having contact with her,

"Fae...I'm sorry."

Fae went close to him and let him feel the last soft touch of a forsaken maiden,

"You don't have to worry Genocide, as I am already content being master's pleasure slave."

Though, Genocide didn't feel any relief from those words she spouted. Instead, he looked into her emotionless eyes. Sadly he was even more aggraveted inside his core,

"Her eyes are dead...what did Destruct do to her!"

He smacked the handle once more. Then, he continued to delve in his thoughts,

"But maybe I can...relieve her dead eyes again. Yet, I'll have to give up Thamy!"

As he was burdened with critical decisions that'll bring both desirable and undesirable outcomes, he smashed his fist into the handles. Then, his wrath exploded,


Fae didn't react one bit. Though, soon enough, she made her own decision and stood straight like a determined lady,

"Genocide, you are better off with lady Thelamia."

When he heard those grimm statements, his heart was crushed into millions of fragments. He quickly turned around and grabbed both of her weak shoulders,

"Fae c'mon, don't say that."

He continued to persuade while his tears were running,

"I'll save you again! I promise!"

Fae just turned her face away and just masked a faded smile fleeting along the quiet winds,

"Sadly Genocide, you cannot save me anymore. As my whole purpose is just to become a pleasure slave now."

"Please Fae! Don't do this,"

he kept on shrugging her shoulders and sanity, trying to change her decision, while his fragments of sadness were leaking.

Unfortunately, Fae was solid in her decision and just carressed his right cheek while her pitful amethyst eyes were staring at him,

"Please find your true happiness, Genocide."

Genocide just looked away,

"Okay, if that's what you want."

There after, Genocide embraced Fae with his tight grip, while he was feeling the thorns of failure in his core. Fleeting black butterflies and obsidian petals were glistening as Genocide lost the battle for Fae's heart.

Down below the first floor outside, Thelamia took witness that Genocide was hugging a certain woman,

"Huh? I-is that?!"

Spheera came after and observed the same scene as Thelamia. Spheera was enraged and assumed everything,

"I knew it! This pervert has laid arms another woman! Thamy, he can't be trusted."

Though, Thelamia was dubious, when she saw that Genocide wasn't filled with happiness and passion. Rather, she noticed that he was crying his heart out, as he was having his last embrace with a forsaken maiden,

"Yea I know Geno's a pervert...but he's crying and he doesn't look happy to me."

Spheera wasn't fazed and just assumed once more,

"Hmph! I'm sure he's crying tears of joy of seeing another woman he apparently likes."

Later, Genocide had stopped hugging Fae.

There after, Fae made a weak smile,

"Regarding your decision, I'll be waiting here for you or for my master."

Genocide nodded with determination.

Fae turned to look at the clear night sky that was flooded with the sea of stars,

"Goodbye forever, my savior Genocide."

As soon Thelamia saw the two undestined lovers part their ways, Thelamia felt a crack in her heart. She asked herself inside,

"What the? Why does it hurt? What's going on?"

Genocide opened the glass doors with his two hands by force. The other lords felt that Genocide was firm and prepared for his decision.

When he returned to his seat, Destruct was drinking his seventh glass of blood wine. As Destruct was done drinking, he gave a mafia lord's stare at Genocide,

"So what do you sa—."

Genocide smacked the table once more,

"I shall keep Thelamia!"

Then he swayed his hand, denying with all of his willpower,

"And she is not for sale whatsoever!"

Whistles and woos were made by the other lords when they heard those strong words from Genocide,

"Now that's a knight in a shining armor!"

"More like a simp to the self proclaimed Goddess."

Raze didn't express himself, but he just nodded as he agreed with the words of his cousin.

Destruct grinned and felt his forehead as it was not a big deal for him,

"Oh I see, well here's just a small compensation prize."

Destruct brought out a black disc encased in a crimson glass case with a golden ribbon wrapped as a present. After that, he tried to give it to Genocide,

"I'm sure you'll be very much intereested in this. As this is just ME and FAE being PERFECTLY intimate with each other."

In an instant, Genocide just shoved it away with his flaming hand. Thereupon, the disc had shashed into the wall, breaking it into lots of jagged shards.

The others were still grinning but rumors were sprieading fast amongst them.

Destruct was puzzled, but he kept his composure and just made a sarcastic smile of a persuasive prince,

"I could see that you're not please with this GOLDEN PORN MATERIAL."

Destruct held his forehead and conrinued afterwards,

"This is the first time I've seen you act like this, Genocide. Especially to a BLOOD SLAVE."

Genocide didn't respond, but his look of raging determination speaks it all.

There after, Destruct walked away and went to the balcony in order to bond with his Fae.

The other lords left one by one and their partners left with them as well. As for Genocide, he took his time to blow off steam. He just drank his wine until it was empty,

"Sigh...I guess I'll just take some fresh air."

He stood up from his seat and exited the hallways. The other lords with their girls took notice of him. Thereupon, the girls expressed themselves when they saw him,

"Is that the Generia's son? The breathless dragon?"

"Yes yes my dear, that guy's the accursed son of the Goddess of Destruction and our supreme leader."

Although he just didn't mind their shady glances and continued on his way. As he arrived at a small outdoor garden that had white columns and archs supporting the place. When he turned to look at the pond to his right, he saw the smiling Thelamia leaning against the pillar, while she was texting with her smartphone.

To his eyes, she was even more beautful than ever.

Must be because he's alcoholocially induced, to see the young Goddess like that.

Genocide's heavy burden was gone when he saw her smile. He was now filled with sudden relief in his chest. Thereon, he said ro himself as he was brimming with optimism,

"This time, I won't fail on you Thamy. I will protect you and your smile."

Yep, he's drunk alright.

He took a step and waved his hand at her,


Thelamia took notice and responded back with a cheerful smile.

He approached her afterwards. Then, he bugged her while she was fiddling with her phone,

"What ya up to?"

Thelamia replied unsurely,

"Ummmm, buying stuff?"

Genocide's interest switch was flipped on,

"Dang! You can also buy stuff from online? How neat is that!"

Thelamia was intrigued,

"Wai-wait you don't have online shopping in our world?"

Genocide scratched the back of his head,

"Not yet...Yep, I tried to ask mom upon implementing that secretly, but she said no with a straight face."

Thelamia giggled with poise of a young lady,

"Y-yea, Julie hates buying stuff online. Must be because she bought a damaged stuffed toy before. Well I told her that online shop looked shady."

Genocide laughed his ass off, while slapping his laps,

"Gahahahaha! Mom likes stuffed toys? I never knew that! Oh wait...I think I saw mom having a cute unicorn stuffed toy in her room before."

Not much soon, Thelamia diverted the conversation to another subject, although she looked hesitant,

"I-I don't mean to pry but...What's up with you and that frail-looking woman? Were you crying because you finally found your ideal woman?"

Though, she changed her mind abruptly, turning her to sway her hands back and forth,

"I-I'ts alright if you don't want to talk about it."

Genocide facepalmed and made a long winding sigh looking above,

"So you saw that huh."

Genocide took a deep breath.

He grabbed her hands and held those firmly. Then, he looked straight into her eyes,

"I guess I should tell you."