Goddess Descent

Meanhwhile, Thelamia was pouring out endless fragments of sorrow, while she was watching through sphere,

"Julie...I never thought that you've been treated like this. Why Zero, why did you become like this?"

She touched the sphere and continued to look at through the sphere's lenses even if her core was about to break.

There, she saw Zero at the royal balcony once more.

Though, the atmosphere was filled with raging winds that was about to cause a burning storm. The people weren't filled with joy, instead they were looking furious and desperate such as they were an angry mob,

"Where's this promise of eternal prosperity! We're all starving here!"

"You're a hoax!"

"Yeah that's right! Even that Goddess must be fake!"

"Everyone'd dying because of you!"

"You're no king of salvation!"

Zero may looked composed but he was grinding his teeth as he was being stabbed with lots of insults. Though, soon enough, he straightened himself and raised his hand,

"Everyone! I know all of you are suffering, yet. FRET NOT! As the long awaited Goddess herself shall descend upon us now!"

He looked at the darkened skies, while he was posing with all of his glory to the heavens above,


Bursts of grandiose trumpets echoed throughout the the whole kingdom. Thunderstorms had spawned throughout the skies. All of them witnessed that a cyclone of onyx stardust had descended upon the epocenter of the crowd.

Everybody was in awe. Their eyes were looking wishful as their sought out promise was about to come true.

The gales of cosmic stardust dispersed. There, they perceived the majestic black winged Julieth had emerged in a glorious manner. After that, she swoopedinto the air and brought out her hands such as she was the messiah,

"Mortals! I am your Goddess in the flesh."

Her face looked down,

"The Goddess of...destruction."

When they heard those unnerving words from the netherworld, their hopes and dreams went down the drain. They were terrified instead,

"Go-Goddess of Destruction?! We-we thoight that..."

"NOOOO! We've been tricked all along!"

"He didn't have the Goddess of creation by his side, but it was the Goddess of Destruction all along!"

"He lied to us!"

"What have we done! What's going to Athlu—."

The man suddenly stopped panicking as he felt that his chest was just stabbed by a sharp and long pillar. As he looked straight, he saw the sorrowful Julieth.

There after, Julieth spoke softly filled with guilt,

"I'm sorry."

The next moment, the man burst out crimson blood from his mouth, painting the floor red.

Silenced seeped throought at the area, as the people witnessed the death of an innoccent man right in front of their eyes.

Not much soon, Julieth saw that the horrified people ran away with cowardice. Screams and cries wooshed throughout the whole kingdom. All of the citizens begged for their lives. Julieth didn't move an inch. Rather, she witnessed that the royal knights just ended their plight by smiting them down one by one.

Somehow, Zero just crossed his arms and grinned as he was a vile demon,

"Now why are all of you running away? I thought all of you wanted to see your Goddess desperately."

Zero just sighed in the midst of chaos,

"By the way, I shall no longer be the kind bloodless king. But the king of desecration and decimation."

Julieth took a deep breath and raised her magical hand. Though, she left out a tear afterwards. In an instant, artificially-made crystal automatons slashed down lots of innocent people, leaving not one soul alive. Whle Julieth was seeing that her commanded automatons were ruthlessly killing people left and right she was leaking out crimson tears of sorrow,

"I'm sorry...everyone.."

Sooner or later, the grinning Zero was at his throne room. Everything was seeped in gold and ominous aura of a black raven.

Suddenly, he saw the huge runic doors slammed open in front of his eyes. He witnessed that the approaching Julieth had the face of wrath directed upon him.

The raging Goddess pointed at him,

"I've done what you've asked me Zero. Now remove this divine collar from me! Where are you even getting these stuff exclusive from Celestia Heavens even?!"

Zero just made a sarcastic smile, while he stared at the golden collar of his said Goddess pet,

"You think I'm an idiot my dear Goddess? I'm sure if I reoved that meister collar, you'll obliterate me.nBut witg that thing, I'm sure you can't kill me."

He stood up gallantly and crossed his arms,

"Also, if you didn't know. I get these divine artifacts from a certain Goddess."

When Julieth heard those alarming statements from him, her ears and eyebrows twitched,

"Hah! I thought I was the only Goddess in your eyes! You unloyal prick!"

Zero just sighed and emerged in front of her, whipe he hand the cloak of darkness. Then, he walked left and right,

"It's true that you're the only Goddess in my eyes, but she's willing to help me in my cause."

He smiled and held her chin,

"Though, I only have my eyes set upon you. You the only Goddess pet I truly desire."

There after he crept upon her as he was a stalker of obsession,

"Your scent, your body, looks, voice, your crimson blood, your ideals, and even your heavenly moans arouse me very much Julie."

Although, Julieth had just goosebumps when she heard those over the top praises,

"Thanks for the compliment you pervrted vampire!"

Not much soon, the black knights came in and bowed to the king, telling him the message.

Julieth was just looking skeptic as she was seeing the sudden conversation.

After a while, the knights left as their king nodded to their message.

Zero just facepalmed as he was an insane ruler,

"So the other kingdoms already took word of what happened here huh. Nevertheless, we shall just quell them with our might."

Julieth was enraged once again and argued about his visions,

"Is this what you truly want Zero? To desteoy what we have all created?!"

Zero held her chin upright and gave her a convincing smile,

"Don't worry my dear Julie, I won't destroy most of the people you hold dear. Only those that herald the FORSAKEN GODDESS."

There after, he walked left and right while he was looking up to the heavens in glory,

"Meaning the princesses, queens, lady chieftains! As they're also the ones supporting the ressistance! Yhis'll be known as the great Crysalis war!"

He shifted at her,

"And you'll be the star of the show! As the Gpddess of destruction, my dear Julie. Since we'll be using the crysalis canons you've invented."

Julieth just despised him,


Zero grinned ad held her chin,

"But first, let's indulge ourselves in passion."


Julieth was widely surprised.

Zero lifted her up like a princess in his arms. Then, they vanished into the ashen darkness. In an instant, they arrived at the king's chamber that had the ambiance of black dread and crimson corruption.

He tossed her to the bed of passion.

Though, Julieth tried to refuse and reasoned out with him instead,

"Zero calm down first! There's something I need to tell you!"

Zero just ignored her pleas. He just crept upon her as he was a predator who was about to indulge upon his prey,

"What is it my dear Goddess pet? You don't like bonding with me? DO YOU WANT ME TO CHAIN YOU AGAIN?! LIKE BEFORE?!"

Julieth just gulped and just accepted her fate, as she was a submissive slave.

When he was already near her, his hand felt that he had touched a solid glass rod,


He picked it up and he was fulled with curiousity,

"Is this the crysalis pregnancy meter you've invented?"

She sighed,

"Yes and Zero..."

The Goddess right before him held her chest and looked at him with utmost sincerity,

"I'm pregnant."