Gift for the Goddess

Meanwhile, Destruct was at the outskirts at the edge of the forest, while he was looking upon the setting down sky. Though, Destruct appeared to be tense while he was tapping his foot upon the soil,

"Milady Fae, we are running out of time."

He heard a rustle behind the bushes and trees. He turned around. There, he saw the fair golden maiden Fae had emerged from the bushy trees. Fae wore a radiant masquerade mask this time around,

"I sincerely apologize for making you wait master."

He just sighed. Then, his impatient mask turned into a smile of fleeting demise and passion afterwards. There after, he offered his hand as he was a noble prince,

"Now, shall we go now milady?"

Fae accepted his hand and nodded.

Soon enough, They were now riding on a pegasus-like motorcycle that was leaving out streaks of golden light along their path. Destruct was driving the motorbike. As for Fae, she was sitting behind such as she was his beloved.

Fae looked above the sunset winged atmosphere,

"Thank you for your faithful services, queen of Revelas."

Desteuct was just mystified. Suddenly, he felt that Fae had wrapped around him such as she was a womaly serpent. Thereon, he smiled with concern,

"What is is it my dear Fae?

Fae just looked away with a faded smile,

"It's nothing master. I just want to thank you for agreeng to my demands recently."

Destruct was touched,

"Yes well, I also want to satisfy my perfect slave as always."

Though, he had grueling doubts afterwards, while his chest was pounding in endless limbo,

"Is it just me or Fae is getting quite clingy as times go by? Also, what is this strange feeling?"

Sooner or later, they arrived at the outskirts of Vampia. Though, when they had entered the walls of the city, both of them were filled with awe.

Destruct's eyes wandered around, while he was maneuvering the motorbike,

"This is odd? What are all these banners for?"

He observed that there were decorative ornaments showered around the plaza such as a huge event was about to be held soon. More so, he even witnessed a crowd hailing from different places. There were the winged people from Harpiel highlands, little fairies, upright reptilians and griffins, and the pale Vampian citizens as well. Not only that, they were working together in preparation for the big event, as they were a lively crowd.

Destruct parked at the nearby watchtower. Thereon, he and his golden maiden set foot and toured around the place with their skeptic eyes.

He stopped a vampian citizen on his tracks and gave the citizen an intimidating stare,

"Excuse me vampian citizen, what are all these celebratory ornaments for?"

The vampian citizen felt tense and bowed obediently,

"Lord Destruct, the king and queen asked the whole people of vampia and its allies to do this voluntary work. In exchange, they said we will be handsomely rewarded for our efforts as well."

Destruct brushed his hair, as intrigue struck his thoughts,

"Voluntary work? Rewarded handsomely? That's not what I'd usually hear from the supreme Generia's mouth."

The next moment, an eagleblade and a rowdy villager patted the decent vampian citizen's back,

"Aye! Didn't the queen and king told ya not to be uptight even to a high ranking official?"

"Yep, I agree. I haven't seen someone being thrown into the isolation rooms this time around."

The vampian citizen just stuttered,

"A-ah yes."

There after, the citizen conversed back at Destruct,

"Lord Destruct, we shall be going now."

Then, they they left Destruct and Fae to continue their work, while they had lively smiles of hardworking people.

Fae's eyebrows crossed as she was confused,

"Vampian citizens and the other races working together?"

Destruct just sighed and brushed his hair upwards.

Later on, they continued to observe the whole plaza teeming with colorful vibes and vibrant starlight. They overheard men playing catch at the nearby alley,

"You know, after doing some voluntary work, this game we are playing kind of...what kind of feeling is it?"

"Fun? Geez! What kind of life were y'all vampians from the capital doing with your lives?!"

"I don't really know."

"Oh yes, when this grand event we're preparing is finished, we're gonna have a blast!"

"How so?"

"You'll see what I mean!"

Destruct noticed that Fae just looked down into the abyss. There after, she sprinted away without warning. Destruct tried to catch up with her,


Though, Fae just ignored his sudden plea and continued to tread in brisk, heading north. Not much soon, they arrived at the entrance of the crystal castle. Destruct noticed that the skies weren't dull and the whole ambiance was brighter than ever. Also, there was less security than ever before in which it was even open to the public.

"Even the gates are open."

Destruct was infuriated of the idling nearby guard, so he approached him and chinned up,

"Could you explain to me, why are those commoners at the castle garden of the supreme Generia?"

The armed guard just saluted, but he smiled afterwards,

"Ah lord Destruct, well, they are voluntary workers for the said event. Also the king and queen asked us to open the gates."

Destruct was even more surprised, especially inside his mind,

"The supreme Generia is now called the king?! This is getting even more suspicious."

The two continued on their pace and made a roundabout at the city walls. Fae's eyes were witnessing the joyful and blessed faces of mothers and children at the edge of the streets. In a glimpse, her face was filled with grudge,

"I don't like this."

Destruct asked her,

"What is that you dislike my dear Fae?"

Fae didn't respond and just walked away fast.

Destruct chased her once more, while he was filled with suspicions. He grabbed her flawless left arm and gave her a look of concern,

Fae just started pour out fragments of sorrow and tilted her head sidewards,

"You wouldn't understand!"

There after, Fae struggled from his hold and got free. While she was rushing away, she tripped on a sudden rock, making her to fall. Destruct's eyes widened in a second. He moved as a spectre and caught her, breaking her fall. He looked at her straight in the eye and brushed away her tears gently,

"Tell me my dear Fae, what is it that I don't understand?"

She just continued to mourn as a failed prisestess,

"If this continues on, this world of mine will be destroyed!"

Destruct had a hard time understanding her words, bit he just gave her a look of trust and encouragement of a true chivalrous knight,

"Oh I see. Then, as your master, I shall do everything to save your said world."

Fae had stopped pouring out tears as she was touched by his words. She made a smile in return

"I'm heartfelt by your words master. Though, tell me master...why were you so kind to me lately?"

Destruct gave her the devil's heir grin,

"Let us just say, I've grown fond of you. Before, I just wanted to crush wretched non-blood related brother's heart by using you as I see fit."

There after he sighed,

"But when I fulfilled that, I lost my ultimate purpose."

Fae steered away from eye contact,

"Yes, I remember you went mad when we stayed at an inn before."

Destruct caressed her face with his gentle touch of a prince,

"But now, I found another purpose. To satisfy your desires."

Fae had an angelic smile when she heard those brazen words,

"Is that so master, that truly pleases my heart. Theb, I shall fulfill yours as well. As your perfect slave of your deep desires."

Not much soon, both of them felt each others lips such as they were lovebirds along the rivers created by Cupid. Even if their bodies weren't swirling inside each other they were feeling the heating sensations of bonding. The people just cheered them on and gave them round of applause such as they had just saw a real life scene of cassanova and romantic feathers.

In another instance Genocide was driving on his two-wheeled vehicle, while Thelamia and Spheera were cozy on the sidecar. This time around, he was trailing behind Zero on his motorbike crafted out of clustered black sapphires and golden streaks of light.

Thelamia touched her lips and guessed above the horizon meeting the night,

"I wonder why Julie visited us?"

Genocide just tipped his hat,

"Who knows, mom and dad won't talk about it."

Julieth who was on the backside of Zero turned her head to the side,

"My son, when we get near Vampia's'll take the lead now."

Genocide nodded.

"Uuuuh, sure mom."

After a few hours through the barren land, Thelamia's eyes saw the sun had settled down. The lunar night began to illuminate the dark skies. Zero slowed down and Genocide took the lead as he was told to. Thelamia saw that they were getting near the floating Vampian walls.

As soon as they arrived through the walls of the kingdom, bursts of confetti were the first thing they've witnessed, followed by a laud flair of trumpets. There after, cheerful citizens were waving their hands at them such as a grand parade was held for them.

Thelamia was more and more filled with surprise, as they keep going further through the plaza. Not much soon, all of them greeted her with all their hearts, as she was the star of attraction,

"Happy birthday our Goddess of creation!"

"Welcome back and happy birthday!"

She felt even more and more embarassed and blished as she was a totally surprised birthday girl,


Genocide just grinned. Everyone rejoiced. A huge celebration was held. Dancing along the starry night was witnessed and experienced by everybody. Food was served such as it was a grand feast at the main center of the kingdom. The main star herself truly liked the celebration, since everybody were entertained. It wasn't a party reserved for the riches but a celebration for all castes. The cold air around the kingdom was no more and instead the warmth of sudden happiness caressed the whole kingdom.

As soon as things started to calm down little by little, Thelamia asked Julieth and Zero who were on the same table,

"Julie? Zero? You thought of this all yourselves?!"

Julieth took a sip of her drink and patted her friend's shoulder,

"Not just us Thamy. The whole kingdom helped us on this grand celebration. But it was our son Genocide's idea."

Zero nodded.

Thelamia shifted to her right. There, she saw Spheera and Genocide were competing on a spaghettin eating contest.

Not much soon, a ring was heard as the match was over. Then, the referee raised Spheera's bionic arm,

"And the winner is Spheera! The strange floating ball!"

Spheera pounced and gave Genocide a smug,

"Yay! Beat that pervert!"

Genocide just sighed with subtle disappointment,

"To think I'd be beaten by a small ball kitten."

Then, the referee shouted,

"Now, the prize the winner would get will be...more spaghetti!"

Spheera jumped with glee,


Then, the crowd went wild.

Genocide noticed that Thelamia was watching them with a smile. Thereupon, he stood up from his seat and approached her as he was a bold gentleman,

"What is it Thamy?"

Thelamia suddenly broke eye-contact and just let out a weak blush of a timid maiden,

"G-Geno? W-would you like to accompany me? I-I found a nice relaxing spot!"

Genocide tipped his hat and gave an eager nod,

"Sure my dear Goddess."

There after, they left their other companions.

While they were treading along the luminous streets filled with a few talking people, the breeze of the silent night wooshed through their paths.

"The wind feels so cozy today."

Thelamia felt the weak winds caressing her skin.

Genocide gave a thumbs up,

"Yeah! I agree! I'm sure these winds would strip you off in no time!"

Thelamia just sighed and facepalmed,

"You're truly a pervert Geno through and through."

Genocide nodded with a grin,

"Thanks for the compliment as always my dear Goddess."

The next moment, both of them laughed and mindless questions swirled around the two,

"Why are we laughing Geno! Ahahaha!"

"Hey you tell me! Gahahahah..."

Soon, Thelamia pointed at the arching bridge that binds the two places across the serene stream leading to the port of the skies.

There after, Genocide lifted her up and put her on top of the bridge made out of old but sturdy bricks,

"There we go! I hope this demanding li'l girl is happy now."

Thelamia just pouted,

"I'm not a demanding little girl okay!"

Genocide just grinned and sat beside her. While they were looking through the horizon filled with glistening crystals below their feet and above the skies, he looked at her,

"So, did you like our birthday present for you Thamy?"

Thelamia stretched her arms with glee such as she was an entertained child,

"Yup! I truly liked it Geno."

Suddenly, she remembered something,


Then, she waggled her finger in front of his face and interrogated him,

"You didn't force all these poor people to act as slaves. And you gave proper rations right?"

Genocide heard her grumble with skepticism. Thereon, he looked at her straight in the eye and gave her a nice smile,

"We just asked them to volunteer. And yes they were treated and fed properly during the preparation."

Thelamia nodded and nodded,

"I see, but how'd this spread so quickly?"

Genocide crossed his arms,

"That's confidential matters, my dear Goddess pet."

Then, he flicked his forehead.


she expressed as she was a little girl. Though, the Goddess sensed that he was telling the truth, so she had stopped doubting him and just looked throgh the horizon with him,


Genocide looked at her once more,


Thelamia combed her hair down while her dazzling smile of pink roses and glistening citrine eyes were focused upon the horizon,

"Thanks for everything. Not just for this whole party, but for well...For everything you've done for me."

Genocide was quite moved by her words of gratitude,


She touched her chest,

"There's one favor I'd like you to do for me."

Genocide looked interested,

"What's that my dear Goddess?"

She turned to look at him and gave his manly shoulders the featherly touch of an angel. Then, she gave him the smile of a benevolent divine Goddess that any hero would yearn for,

"Close your eyes."

Genocide didn't question her and just did as he was told.

Thelamia was sure upon her decision and decided to get closer and closer to his face slowly. When her lovely lips was only a few centimeters away from his, she shut her eyes.

Suddenly, she heard a fair maiden's voice from a few meters behind,

"Ohhhhhh! Birthday girl! We have something for you!"

Suddenly, Thelamia's moment was interrupted. She looked behind. There, she saw the charming Destruct and his masquerade golden lady from behind waving at her.

She went to them and left Genocide frozen still,

"Thamy? Are you still there?"

Thelamia was just dumbstruck by their sudden appearance,

"L-lord Destruct? Why are you here?"

He kissed her left hand,

"We're just here to greet you on your birthday, princess Thelamia."

Thelamia turned her face at the masked woman who was smiling,

"Ummmm...and you are...who are you again?"

The mysterious Fae just made a courtesy,

"The name's Fae, self proclaimed Goddess."

Fae remembered something,

"Oh and here's our little present for you! Though, I think it got rough along the way."

She presented Thelamia a small gift that fits on the palm of her sacred hands.

Thelamia just accepted it with a radiant smile of the sun,


Then, Fae and Destruct departed,

"May we cross our paths again, princess Thelamia and please don't forget to bring Genocide with you."

Thelamia remembered something important,

"Oh I forgot! Geno!"

Yeah, she forgot to unseal Genocide from her lovely unmagical spell.

In a jiffy, she went back to Genocide. Her eager hands unwrapped her gift. As she opened the box, her eyes shimmered, but she had a frown soon enough. She sighed with sorrow in her eyes,

"Uummm Geno? You can open your eyes now."

Genocide did as he was told,

"What is it Thamy?"

There, his eyes saw that Thelamia was filled with sadness upon looking down at her giftbox. Inside it he saw a broken piece of a miniature crystal Goddess statue of an elegant and photogenic Thelamia,

"Oh your present's broken huh."

He scratched the back of his head,

"I'm guessing Destruct gave ya this. Geez, he truly doesn't know how to handle fragile things."

Thelamia pouted, as she was disappointed pup-girl,

"I guess so. Ad yea, Destruct and Fae gave this to me."

Genocide tipped his hat eagerly,

"Don't ya worry, just let me use my magic."

His hands grabbed the sharp crystal fragments with intense care. Then, he casted his magic of restoration. The crystal fragments floated above his hand, while it was binding together as well.

As Thelamia saw that the crystal statue was becoming whole again, her eyes sparkled as the blue burst stars,


When the idol was about to return to its perfect form, it exploded into millions of stardust. Suddenly, Genocide felt the thorns had ran through his veins,


Thelamia was surprised by his sudden reaction and she tend to his care,

"Geno?! Are you alright?!"

His pain subsided after a few moments,

"Yeah...I'm okay now. But I'm very sorry for breaking your recent gift Thamy. I don't know what just happened back 'ere."

She embraced him tight,

It's alright. As long as you're okay now."

Though, when she opened her eyes, she saw strange floating messages made out of stardusts written in a language she could only understand,

"Time of Reckoning draws near?! Return of True Goddess...NEARIS?!"